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Venereal Disease

Brenda Starrr

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I haven't gotten to that point yet with my 11-year old daughter.. I haven't even talked to her about starting her period which is going to happen soon. She has never came up to me asked me serious questions like the ones I've been reading about. She a very shy kid which is going to make it hard for when we have "the talk". And this I have to do ASAP.. I just don't know how to start it.. blah

Manic Queen, please talk to your daughter!!!!!!! I was 11 when I started my period. I was 12 when I started 'fooling around' sexually. Luckily word got around and my parents found out and took the proper action. My mom didn't like to talk about anything sexual. By the time she said anything close to the actual action I already knew what it meant to 'give head'!

Luckily I didn't become officially sexually active until I was 18 and lost my virginity when I was 19.

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be honest with her. ask her if she feels uncomfortable with it and if she says yes and you say you do too it might make you both feel better and lead you both to feeling comfortable about this and many other hard conversations you might have down the road.

but i think to "start" off just tell her it is time that you sit down and talk about somethings about the body. ask her first if she has any questions that she wants to ask. she might surprise you with what she has to say- or what she already might know or think she knows. let it be about a communication about it rather than a "talking to".

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Speaking of VD.

When I was about 12, we were at the dentist filling out a health history.

It asked about VD. I said, "whats VD?"


My mom just said "VeeeeeeDeeeee??" Like I'm supposed to know. Pft! it upsets me to think about it this day.

Also, when I was around 9-10 I bought a stack of Tiger Beat style posters at a yard sale.

There was a nice picture of an ice skater-it was a stay-free ad. My mom was trying to tell me to not put up that picture.

"But I like it! It's a pretty picture!"

Well I remember her telling me that those are used when (you're gonna love this) things start moving around in a womans body"

OMFG!!!!! I had already read Are You There God, It's Me Margret!!!! So I knew she was talking about a period.

Funny thing, I remember being angry at her for not being able to talk about it!

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OMFG!!!!!  I had already read Are You There God, It's Me Margret!!!!  So I knew she was talking about a period.


OMG - Judy Blume. If it weren't for her, I might not have had ANY appreciation for everything period/sex/etc.

It was the character's longing for her own period that had me "making deals" with God once I passed 10 years old. You know - "God, if you'll make my mom let me get my ears pierced, you don't have to give me my period until I'm 12 years old".

And the REALLY REALLY REALLY funky, weird, messed-up thing about it is, I DID make that deal with God - and right on my 12th birthday exactly, I got mine.

To this day, I can't figure out why in hell ANYONE would WISH for their period. I'm looking forward to freakin' menopause already. Go to menopause. Go directly to menopause. Do not pass go, do not collect $200 in Tampax.

While I'm confessing my entire life's personal tidbits, another weird thing about my period was that the sex ed class I had around age 9-10 said the average period comes every 28 days, and lasts about 6. Well, that's exactly how my cycle was almost from the outset until I went on Ortho Tricyclen 6 years ago. And man, does a 6-day period SUCK.

After Jon got his vasectomy and I went off the pill, my period went down to 2 days, for years. That was freaking WONDERFUL. In the past year or two, it went back to 6. I'm half considering going back on the Ortho to see if it'll take me back down to 2.

<<tries to think of plenty of other personal information nobody really gives a rats' ass about>>

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OMG - Judy Blume. If it weren't for her, I might not have had ANY appreciation for everything period/sex/etc.

It was the character's longing for her own period that had me "making deals" with God once I passed 10 years old. You know - "God, if you'll make my mom let me get my ears pierced, you don't have to give me my period until I'm 12 years old".

And the REALLY REALLY REALLY funky, weird, messed-up thing about it is, I DID make that deal with God - and right on my 12th birthday exactly, I got mine.

To this day, I can't figure out why in hell ANYONE would WISH for their period. I'm looking forward to freakin' menopause already. Go to menopause. Go directly to menopause. Do not pass go, do not collect $200 in Tampax.

While I'm confessing my entire life's personal tidbits, another weird thing about my period was that the sex ed class I had around age 9-10 said the average period comes every 28 days, and lasts about 6. Well, that's exactly how my cycle was almost from the outset until I went on Ortho Tricyclen 6 years ago. And man, does a 6-day period SUCK.

After Jon got his vasectomy and I went off the pill, my period went down to 2 days, for years. That was freaking WONDERFUL. In the past year or two, it went back to 6. I'm half considering going back on the Ortho to see if it'll take me back down to 2.

<<tries to think of plenty of other personal information nobody really gives a rats' ass about>>


when i was on the deppo shot i never had a period it was freaking great

ahh hte good ole days :ohmy:

now i got my tubes tied and brain is nutered! i pray for a hysterectomy or menopause which ever just get rid of those parts i have no use for them any more, they should take my perfectly good working parts and give them to some deserving woman who needs them......... I wonder how much i could get for a uterus and ovaries??????? :woot:

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omg black sunday. lol. thanks for that again.

i NEVER wished for "girly" things to happen to me. i wanted to be a kid forever. i never wanted boobs or periods or to wear make up. i was very "girly" as a kid but not womanly. i liked dresses and dolls and stuff but not the grown up stuff. i dreaded shaving. 10 was heaven. the thought of anything after 10 sucked. :p

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I think we tended to look forward to it is because it's a grown up thing. Girls are asking if they've STARTED yet. It's a big deal.

FC. That is soooo funny about starting on your 12th b-day!

My daughter is about 12 1/2 and she still hasn't started. I was 11, one month away from 13. My mom says she was about 12. Just waiting on Aymee to join the Womans Club!

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i had a friend that was like that. was all about "starting". so then when we hadn't and some girls were talking about it she was trying to relate to them. and i was like what are you talking about we don't know any of that stuff. and she was like shut up don't let them know that! i thought- who cares? it was a very big deal to a lot of my friends.

that and wearing a bra. yuck. i hated the idea of wearing a bra. i went as long as possible on that one. a girl actually wrote on the back of a school pic she gave me "hope you wear one next year".

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that and wearing a bra. yuck. i hated the idea of wearing a bra. i went as long as possible on that one. a girl actually wrote on the back of a school pic she gave me "hope you wear one next year".


I had Aymee wearing sport bras as soon as she started to sprout. Mostly so that by the time she HAD to wear them it wouldn't be a big deal to her.

I remember when I was in 6th grade I wore a shear shirt (thin, white, cotton) with no bra! Because I didn't feel like wearing one!! I got in soooooo much trouble when I got home. My mom went nuts! I'm surprised my teacher didn't say anything to me! I would have if I was a teacher.

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I had Aymee wearing sport bras as soon as she started to sprout.  Mostly so that by the time she HAD to wear them it wouldn't be a big deal to her.

I remember when I was in 6th grade I wore a shear shirt (thin, white, cotton) with no bra!  Because I didn't feel like wearing one!!  I got in soooooo much trouble when I got home.  My mom went nuts!  I'm surprised my teacher didn't say anything to me!  I would have if I was a teacher.


my daughter (7 yrs old) has little buds that come n go and i find my self telling her to put on her little bra n pantie sets for school more often just so she does not get teased or anything..... It is kinda freaky

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Well I finally had the "talk" with my daughter lastnight. I was so nervous, I was all sweaty and shakey and didn't know what to say at first. I started talking about changes in the body and what happens and why it happens and so on.. Samantha just sat there and looked at the floor during the whole conversation, not saying a word. It was pretty tense in there. I asked her if she had any questions and she said nothing to me, still looking at the floor.

At one point I had a few tears run down my check for some reason *damn pregnancy hormones* and she started laughing and making fun of me which was good cuz we both needed the break and it was way too tense in there!

So after I was done talking I asked her once again if she had any questions for me and just as I suspected all I heard was silence. I was the same way when my mom talked to me when I was a kid.

She is very shy when it comes to talking about her body and I tried to explain to her that she shouldn't be and there is nothing to be embaressed about.. yeah right!

I'm so glad that its done and over with.. that part of it anyway! I think I did good aside from my emotional break down.. lol I hope to never have to do that again.


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Well I finally had the "talk" with my daughter lastnight

I had it with my daughter last night. It came up when she made an incorrect comment on how females become pregnant. It took all I had not to crack up at some of her questions, but she handled it very well. Better than I did, really. She was so cute. She asked why her brother's "ding-ding" is so small. I told her that it was because he isn't an adult yet. She asked what Wayne has, since he's an adult. I told her exactly what it's called:

A "dong-dong" :blink:

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You guys all seem like really good parents. It's strange to hear about this (parents making an effort to talk to their kids about important things), because nothing was ever explained to me as a kid. Strangely, though, I can remember knowing what was up pretty early on (not from experience at all, I was an average bloomer as far as sex goes).

It was probably a combination of having two older siblings, and... watching a lot of cable.

(edited because 'parentls' is not a word)

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Brenda you crack me up! I am actually dreading the day I have to have THE TALK with my son. My mother smoked an entire pack of cigarettes and said "fuck" about 100 times during the conversation we had she was so nervous. She would start to say something and then would exclaim, "FUCK! How do I explain this?" To me that was really funny because it's the only time in my life I think I have ever heard her use that word.

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