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Just a weird and random question for everyone that owns a pet;

Does your pet seem to be obsessed with one particular toy? They want to play with that toy every chance they get, and you play with them with that toy, but then get bored with it? Do they still want to play with it even after you've hid the toy?

Just wondering if my dog is the only one that has a really bad case of OCD! he LOVES his frisbee (we call it the Blue Dot because it's blue, and we can't say 'frisbee' around him). he wants to play with it ALL THE TIME! he reminds me of a 4yr. old asking questions all the time. it never stops. in fact, he's outside right now resting his little tiny head in the center of that blasted blue dot, waiting for someone to throw it. i'd throw it, but it goes over the fence a lot. i don't want to climb the fence to get his blue dot just because he's throwing a fit about it. so i'm not throwing it right now. my hand-eye cordination(sp?) is way off.

is your pet OCD? :blink

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Yes, my cat has this stuffed skunk that she plays with all the time. She will try to rip it out of your hands if you pick it up, and she even sleeps with it! (I have often woken up in the morning and found the skunk on the bed). I call it her baby, and she will carry it around the house in her mouth so that it is always close to her.

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My cat Weenie, she has a special toy that she will run across the house for, if she hears someone bothering it. It's a flexible stick, about 2.5 feet long, with shiney streamers on the end, and a bell. She flips for it. I refer to it as, the Weiner-wand.


i'm never going to touch the Weiner-wand. last thing i need is a kitty going crazy over a toy that was moved out of place jumping on me, and giving me the "why did you touch it?" look. :happy:

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My cat Weenie, she has a special toy that she will run across the house for, if she hears someone bothering it. It's a flexible stick, about 2.5 feet long, with shiney streamers on the end, and a bell. She flips for it. I refer to it as, the Weiner-wand.



Trixie loves her furry mouse and catnip candy bar. Sunny loves her wand and everyone's feet.

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I have 2 black kittens (they're twins! they came out of the same placenta-sack-thingy), about 3 monthes old, and right now, their favorite toy seems to be me. i cannot sit down on the couch without one or both of them climbing up my legs, wrapping themselves around my neck, or sitting on the books I'm trying to read. but they're so cute, i have to forgive them for it.
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My cat Kabuto loves playing with twisted cig packs. He loves them so much he tries to bury them in the covers on the bed. If someone is taking the wrapper off something and it sounds like a cig pack, he comes running. If you don't give it to him he actually yells at you.

He even yelled at me for taking a shower. He's a talker and no one can get him to shut up sometimes.

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My cat Buddy loves his round shiny crinkly toy. He loves anything that makes a crinkly noise. He will run and chase this toy and carry it around in his mouth and drop it at your feet. He loves rubbing his head on it as well.

He also has a small cardboard box that he likes to sit and lay in. He comes running over if he sees you moving his box. :grin

Here is a small pic.


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my Pooka loves the milk rings that my brothers drop, you cannot pick them up or she will fly out of who knows where, and bite and claw until you drop it. Beastie has unfortunatly lost his "Baby kat" but he would carry around this pound purry and talk to it, lick it, and sleep with it, but every so often he would get angry with it, bite it's neck and kick like crazy at its belly, then he would cry, and kiss it better. I wish that dog hadn't ripped it's head off.

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My cat Kiri loves this green, nylon string-wrapped ball. Every night she'll bat it around the living room. She also likes this stuff fish on a stick, but she seems to enjoy it more when it's left alone than if someone is actually trying to play with her with it.

Then when she's done playing, she'll pounce one last time, to "kill" it, and carry it in her mouth to me, meowing all the while, in a, "Look what I brought," tone.

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My cat Kiri loves this green, nylon string-wrapped ball.  Every night she'll bat it around the living room.

Actually dude, I hate to break it to you, but that ball is no longer wrapped by a nylon string, as of yesterday she officially got all of the string off the ball.

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ok, not only is my dog obsessed with that retched blue dot, but he's also a pervert! he insists on being in the bathroom with someone, or being in the same room with them while they're getting dressed, or just got out of the shower. the bathroom thing, i can kinda understand because he just wants to make sure that no one goes into his "bomb shelter" (my dog hates fireworks, guns, thunder, anything that goes BOOM! so the bathroom is his hide out when that happens.)

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Ichabod, my dogger, loves to play with a particular corner of the carpet. He's successfully pulled it up about three feet now, and chewed on the padding underneath. At this point, I think when we move out of this apartment, it'll be cheaper to just replace the carpet, rather than lose the thousand dollars of deposit.

Other annoying things he's obsessed with.... eating my bras and underwear. And not just the dirty ones that get left on the floor periodically, but clean ones that are in my closet. If he manages to crack the closet door while I'm out, it's over. I've had to buy six new bras since having him. Right now, I'm down to one, in black.

But there are cute things too. He likes to sit at the door to the bathroom whenever I'm in there, and next to the tub when I'm in the shower. He likes to lick my feet and legs after I get out of the shower or bath, or just after I've put lotion on. I have to cover up quick after the lotion. He's an oddball.

Right now, his favorite toy is a long rope with a hoof on one end, and a bone on the other. He's only had it about a week, but he carries it to every room with him. Prior to that, it was a spikey pink and purple ball thing, with varying rubber and plastic parts. I'm really surprised he hasn't destroyed it yet.

He just had his first birthday this monday, and we went out and spent ninety three dollars on new toys for him (spoiled brat!). He's already completely destroyed two of the toys. That boy is a chewer, no way around it.

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ok, not only is my dog obsessed with that retched blue dot, but he's also a pervert! he insists on being in the bathroom with someone, or being in the same room with them while they're getting dressed, or just got out of the shower. the bathroom thing, i can kinda understand because he just wants to make sure that no one goes into his "bomb shelter" (my dog hates fireworks, guns, thunder, anything that goes BOOM! so the bathroom is his hide out when that happens.)


My cat loves to be in the bathroom when I'm in there! It doesn't matter what I'm doing, she has to be in there when I am. When I get out of the shower, she licks the water off my legs. When people come over and use the bathroom, she gets mad because the door is shut and will lay at the door, meow nostop, and kick the door with her back legs until the person comes out. If they take a long time she will meow louder and bat at the door handle.

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i will say one good thing about my spoild little dog; aside from the running away part, and the chewing part, he's fairly well behaved. unless he has his own agenda, then it's a completely different story. but he'll stop if he is caught. just like recently, my boyfriend was having a sandwhich, and i told Uey to leave him alone. he sat by my feet, then slowly started to army crawl his way over to my boyfriend. he didn't get anything to snack on, but he wanted a drink of water, so he kept crawling, until my boyfriend told him to stop. he did, and just rolled over onto his back, in submissive form, and wanted his tummy rubbed.

hehe! he's a strange one.

he also thinks that ice/snow (when winter comes) is a huge treat to him! if you don't give him an ice cube when you're getting ice, you will get yelled at. :happy:

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