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Today, approximately 20 minutes ago..... my brother John left with George to go to the airport.

Within a few weeks, John will be shipped out to serve in Iraq. Specifically, Ramidan.

I swear, I want to thank Bush for making this war not only a miserable excuse to prove America's stupidity but also for brining pain and misery to all the families who have lost their loved ones to the bullet or other tortures from an enemy's hands.

Bush, if John dies, it's all your god-damned fault.

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to be perfectly blunt...

he did signed up for the forces, and if it wasnt your brotyher going its someone elses brother/father/husband/etc.

but yes the war sucks. It is shitty to see politicians send over people out there and to look at ech as a figure on a statistic. but it is his job.

heres hoping he returns from his tour fit and healthy physicaly and mentaly

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First off, your brother knew exactly what he was doing when he signed that piece of paper and swore that oath. If he didn't want to fight in a war, he should not have joined the Military.

Also, how does he already know where he is going? The military has a tendancy to not tell until right before you ship out.

And this place you mention.. Can you point it out on the map? The closest thing I can find to it is Ramadan.. and thats a Holy Month in the muslim religion. It's a holiday... not a place.

Dont get me wrong. I understand the fear you must be feeling... I'll say a prayer for your brother along with prayers for everyone else fighting in this war.

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People make a lot ov choices that put them in harm's way... the fact that it was their choice never makes it easier for their loved ones, whatever the circumstances. If we let ideology smother compassion, how are we any different from the dickheads who are sending those kids over there?

I won't go into a big anti-recruiting spiel about the pressures that lead a lot of kids to join the military (I'm sure Eternal will be glad to do so at inordinate length :devil )- but I'm very much aware of that whole issue. I certainly don't know what motivations FarrIL's brother may have had... but I know he has family who love him... so even tho I'm a firm believer in the "what if they gave a war and no one showed up" principle, I have to opt for compassion rather than judgment... for FarrIL if not for her bro.

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Today, approximately 20 minutes ago..... my brother John left with George to go to the airport.

Within a few weeks, John will be shipped out to serve in Iraq.  Specifically, Ramidan.

I swear, I want to thank Bush for making this war not only a miserable excuse to prove America's stupidity but also for brining pain and misery to all the families who have lost their loved ones to the bullet or other tortures from an enemy's hands.

Bush, if John dies, it's all your god-damned fault.


Bull fucking SHIT.

I told my family if I ever heard this kind of trash come from their mouths when I get sent to Iraq that I would disown each and every one of them for it. Your brother signed up to do a service for our country, including going to war. His decision, not yours, not ANYONE else's decision. NOBODY joins the military and doesn't expect to see war. And if they do, then they're fucking morons.

Do not disgrace your brother's honor by saying such things. I know how it feels because I told my family that if I were to die in war then they are NOT to disgrace my memory by putting the blame on someone or something else.

I'm not getting into a political argument about the war and if it is or if it isn't justified. But I will be DAMNED before I sit idle and watch this BULLSHIT be spread across my screen like a black plague. HE is doing what HE wants to do and fighting for OUR country. No matter what you think about the war, it doesn't fucking matter.

And to anyone who says I'm stupid for joining the army,

Here's a big FUCK YOU

edit - /end rant. We can go back to being friends now ;P and other than that, it's ok to be scared. Just respect him, please, in his own decision to do this. Losing someone sucks, especially a family member, I know.. But you can't trash talk what they believe in, especially if they died for it. It's not about believing in the war it's about the country itself. I guess some people don't understand it as well as others..

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I'm with Brenda on this one (and I like your stars by the way).

Farril - your love for your brother is a wonderful thing.

I wish you both the best, and peace and protection.

Perhaps in time you can love his bravery and sense of honor in the same way that he does. It is an admiriable thing that he decided to do -but yes - a very fearful thing as well. It is often difficult to release those that mean the world to us - but releasing him with honor and diginity shows your dedication to him and brings him honor as he seeks to bring honor to others.

I'm an Army Vet by the way.

I've mixed emotions about this war.

And about Mr. Bush.

But the soldiers life is a lonely and intentional day to day existence - it rarely affords one the luxery of a political stance. Your brother will have his plate full. You can be of great help in this regard from home.

Soulrey - be careful.

When your tour is over you'll carry many things with you for the rest of yoru life, good and bad, just don't forget your grace for others.

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I realize him practically signing his life off to go die in a battle was his decision but still.

I was told he was being shipped off to a place that sounded like Ramadan (( my mind asked "Isnt that a holy place or something?" ))

I dont like war, I dont like Politics. I shouldnt be paying attention, but he's my brother and very devoted to his country.

But still.... it's depressing.

He was already talking about how, if he died, Wendy and George get a big 'settlement' of some sort...... he was trying to ake light of the situation....

I just didnt find it amusing and neither did Wendy or George....

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You know, there is the possibility some good could come of this...he could end up a war hero...save lives....be in the right place at the right time....help a kid in need....be there for one of his own in a time of trouble.....look out for someone hurt on the battle field.....

Warriors are to be honored and respected.

By the way.....I am a peace loving hippie and want to move to Amsterdam and would rather be homeless than join the service.

Does that make me suck? :ohmy:

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There is no draft.

Like the other have said "not anybody's fault but his own."

This is coming for a man that loves his country and hates his government.

The point is if you study American military involvement in the world you will find that there is always something going on that can take a solders life and a solder with an average IQ knows this. It does not matter who the president is.

Republicrat Demopublican it matters not, it's all just politics.

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Bull fucking SHIT.

I told my family if I ever heard this kind of trash come from their mouths when I get sent to Iraq that I would disown each and every one of them for it. Your brother signed up to do a service for our country, including going to war. His decision, not yours, not ANYONE else's decision. NOBODY joins the military and doesn't expect to see war. And if they do, then they're fucking morons.

Do not disgrace your brother's honor by saying such things. I know how it feels because I told my family that if I were to die in war then they are NOT to disgrace my memory by putting the blame on someone or something else.

I'm not getting into a political argument about the war and if it is or if it isn't justified. But I will be DAMNED before I sit idle and watch this BULLSHIT be spread across my screen like a black plague. HE is doing what HE wants to do and fighting for OUR country. No matter what you think about the war, it doesn't fucking matter.

And to anyone who says I'm stupid for joining the army,

Here's a big FUCK YOU

edit - /end rant. We can go back to being friends now ;P and other than that, it's ok to be scared. Just respect him, please, in his own decision to do this. Losing someone sucks, especially a family member, I know.. But you can't trash talk what they believe in, especially if they died for it. It's not about believing in the war it's about the country itself. I guess some people don't understand it as well as others..


If you think anyone going to war in Iraq is servicing their country, you're a moron. For one Iraq has little to do with our country. We're servicing Iraqis by giving them something they don't want. Democracy. Now we're not only paying for it with the lives of our American soldiers, but we're also facing serious economic problems because of it. It's people like you that are so easily swayed into believing everything you hear and see on TV that bring us to wars such as this. Now personally, I don't care who sits in office, whether it's a Republican or a Democrat, because my money didn't put them on Television. I'm sorry but anyone with half a brain in their head would know that big business pays for this advertising because our bi partisan system does not represent America it represents big business. So you're not only fighting for Iraqis by going to war, but you're also fighting for the agenda of corporate America. I don't see what this has to do with your average American, our rights, or our freedoms. Go take your brainwashed rant somewhere else. :tongue:

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One day people will learn to read again. On that day we'll realize that for the same reasons we've become an independent nation we now face many injustices from within. Maybe people will start voting for 3rd parties at that point. Maybe they'll demand a constitution that reflects the changing times much less our own country. Maybe they'll just suffer tyranny and the suppression of their individual rights as long as they can still keep the right to bitch about it as they do now. Who knows? We're the future of this nation as are our children and our children's children. It is our responsibility to petition our grievances before the government or shut the fuck up and suffer.

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We talk about this all the time at the greenhouse meetings...7 mileish and woodward chiropractic healing arts center.

The Ralph Nadar thing. Some think it is a guise because of old associations he has had politically....but in your own career I am sure you would run into the same people eventually.......

It is just that so many people vote for him who would otherwise vote democrat. So we want a new ballot. If your first choice doens't get through, then your second one counts. Make sense?

I mean, if the republicans did actually set up a 'ruse' so to speak, to get more democrat votes to someone they knew would never win...the BUSH wins by defualt. Allot of votes spread between all, who DON'T WANT BUSH. So he wins????

One day people will learn to read again.  On that day we'll realize that for the same reasons we've become an independent nation we now face many injustices from within.  Maybe people will start voting for 3rd parties at that point.  Maybe they'll demand a constitution that reflects the changing times much less our own country.  Maybe they'll just suffer tyranny and the suppression of their individual rights as long as they can still keep the right to bitch about it as they do now.  Who knows?  We're the future of this nation as are our children and our children's children.  It is our responsibility to petition our grievances before the government or shut the fuck up and suffer.

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CP, yeah and maybe pigs will fly and monkeys will shoot out of my asshole. We're at the stage now where we're too far into it to go back. Our rights are being stripped away more and more as time goes on. There is even talk about making the patriot act permenant. Things are slid in with other acts that have nothing to do with that act at all. Most Americans claim to be patriots but couldn't care less about digging into politics and are more interested in who wore what to what stupid awards show or what happened on that reality TV show last night or other trivial crap is going on in the world at that moment. They don't know shit aobut anything and just don't care anymore. It makes me want to become physically ill. In time people will get fed up I'm sure, but then again thats what those work camps we have are for, they're huge and out in the middle of nowhere (look it up).

HH I'd never make it through basic training, I'd end up punching the drill sargent IN THE FACE!!! I don't handle orders will from authority figures.

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Today, approximately 20 minutes ago..... my brother John left with George to go to the airport.

Within a few weeks, John will be shipped out to serve in Iraq.  Specifically, Ramidan.

I swear, I want to thank Bush for making this war not only a miserable excuse to prove America's stupidity but also for brining pain and misery to all the families who have lost their loved ones to the bullet or other tortures from an enemy's hands.

Bush, if John dies, it's all your god-damned fault.


just to let you know, most of the people in the military voted FOR Bush. So the actual people serving over there do not agree with your views, for the most part. I hope your brother is safe.

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I'm giving a quick non-judgemental reply because I'm at work and I really cant respond right now (see the DGN addiction thread)

I'll just say this.


My heart goes out to you. This must be an extremely difficult time for you right now.

Hold tight to all the things about him that make you smile and that will help you get through his time in Iraq. (I know that sounds cliche, but it's amazing all the cliche crap that really help in a time like this.)

Although, I will have MUCH to respond to on this thread later, relating to your original comment (You know I'm on your side 100%),

DONT think for a second about him getting hurt.

Chances are he won't be.

And as a soldier, his primary concern will be getting through the day and doing a good job, so he can get home to the people he loves as soon as possible.

If you think about the negative and worry, it will swallow you whole.

Trust me on this.

Write him often, send him the stuff he misses from here. (Don't be surprised if he actually wants Faygo or Better Made chips-even if he doesnt have them normally) And just keep your mind on the things you'll do together when he gets back.

If this is something he wants to do, always make sure you respect him and support him in his choices.

Which by the way, is NOT the same thing as supporting this war, our govt's motives, or on who to place blame if he dies in combat. But Ill leave that for another post when I have more time to respond.

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Jesus, my short posts are longer than peoples long posts. I need a counter for number of words posted as opposed to number of posts!

My icons arent working right but, could everyone regardless of views give FarrIL


It's the absolute least we can do. (I'll send some good energy you way in the mean time)

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In response to this and I know its corny...they say just getting homemade cookies makes a soldier happy.

I'm giving a quick non-judgemental reply because I'm at work and I really cant respond right now (see the  DGN addiction thread)

I'll just say this. 


My heart goes out to you.  This must be an extremely difficult time for you right now.

Hold tight to all the things about him that make you smile and that will help you get through his time in Iraq.  (I know that sounds cliche, but it's amazing all the cliche crap that really help in a time like this.)

Although, I will have MUCH to respond to on this thread later, relating to your original comment (You know I'm on your side 100%), 

DONT think for a second about him getting hurt.

Chances are he won't be.

  And as a soldier, his primary concern will be getting through the day and doing a good job, so he can get home to the people he loves as soon as possible.   

If you think about the negative and worry, it will swallow you whole.

Trust me on this.

Write him often, send him the stuff he misses from here.  (Don't be surprised if he actually wants Faygo or Better Made chips-even if he doesnt have them normally)  And just keep your mind on the things you'll do together when he gets back. 

If this is something he wants to do, always make sure you respect him and support him in his choices. 

Which by the way, is NOT  the same thing as supporting this war, our govt's motives, or on who to place blame if he dies in combat.  But Ill leave that for another post when I have more time to respond.

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We're servicing Iraqis by giving them something they don't want. Democracy. Now we're not only paying for it with the lives of our American soldiers, but we're also facing serious economic problems because of it. It's people like you that are so easily swayed into believing everything you hear and see on TV that bring us to wars such as this.

couple of points here...

1. The majority of Iraqis do want Democracy... it's a very small minority that are against it. They just happen to be the ones willing to make road side bombs and Kill thier country men to prevent it from happening.

2. We are in an economic downspin only if you ignore every economic trend that is actually happening.

3. And your last point.. The TV is the one saying that the war is going badly, not the people who are actually there. Which one of us is brainwashed?

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i agree with the dark on this.

its not like a lot of countries that havent had democracy before and are scared, iraq was a democracy before the bathist(sp?) party.

just like i allways say. the content stay quiet. but as in any system, loudest minority grabs attention.

you only have to look at footage from over there (and not just the bad they show at the news) to see there is a differance being made. dodgy politics for going into the war aside. iraq needed to be sorted out. just its a shame the country finaly got democracy through a sudden desire for oil and not before.

if your brothers got a good head on his shoulders i'm sure he'll be okay.

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