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Is It Just Me or ...


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OK, I have to admit, there are some crazy things out there that are worthy of mention. Some stuff just defies rational thought while others are a matter of perspective.

So, if you see it out there, please feel free to share and...post it here...

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Is it just me or does it appear as though some commercials are catering to "anti-family", self-serving" children this holiday season...

I see the following commercials no less than 5 times each everyday:

Nintendo 3DS - 3DS Holiday TV Commercial


Wii U - "The Pitch" Commercial: Kids Edition


Skylanders Swap Force Christmas Presents 30 US TV Commercial

Not gonna lie, that last one concerned me a bit... :blink:

Edited by TronRP
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Is it just me or does it appear as though some commercials are catering to "anti-family", self-serving" children this holiday season...

I see the following commercials no less than 5 times each everyday:

Nintendo 3DS - 3DS Holiday TV Commercial


Wii U - "The Pitch" Commercial: Kids Edition


Skylanders Swap Force Christmas Presents 30 US TV Commercial


Not gonna lie, that last one concerned me a bit... :blink:

The sad thing is there are too many children who think this crap actually works. Parents really need to check what children shows and their channels are trying to teach their kids.

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Before I think even gameboy existed I remember seeing a news article about how kids didn't "go out and play" all that much anymore. They showed kids sitting at home, watching G.I. Joe and Barbie and such just sitting around with their toys.

I'm not sure the gaming commercials are "anti family" they are just "anti social" even though they pretend to be social. Similar to say, commercials for fried food showing people in great shape jumping around and having a good time.

Cigarette commercials are illegal for the same reason these things are bad, they encourage behavior that is bad for your health. Not that I'm one to talk, i play video games every damn day.

Fortunately or unfortunately the concept of freedom / free speech seems to apply on a sliding scale , its hard to know where to draw lines at.

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Is it just me or has anyone else noticed how all the Christmas Specials this year have nothing to do with the true meaning of Christmas... :blink:

...at least that's what's showing on all the "Toon" stations anyway...

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Is it just me or has anyone else noticed a strange counting method with the forum's keeping of the "Total Posts" count?

For the past few weeks, whenever I post, the count goes backwards...and just now, I made a post and the count held fast at 761,835 for two consecutive postings...does this mean post are falling off after a while or is this an administrative move?

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Is it just me or has anyone else noticed a strange counting method with the forum's keeping of the "Total Posts" count?

For the past few weeks, whenever I post, the count goes backwards...and just now, I made a post and the count held fast at 761,835 for two consecutive postings...does this mean post are falling off after a while or is this an administrative move?

Thats a good question. It had something to do with how low priority the "global_post_count" function is. It probably runs dead last after every thing else that the board software wants to do runs, and sometimes never runs at all. I don't know all the technical details behind it but I know some things are considered high priority due to 1. being used a ton (like things that display this text box i'm typing in) and are low priority due to how much system resources they hog up. That one might be low priority for both reasons, and give an inaccurate number in the short term for both reasons.

But... thats all BS, as even though that WAS how it worked in years past, the count has been fubared for awhile. Probably has something to do with some really long database process just not having been run at all for (maybe) months. Ill have to put in a ticket to get an answer for this one.

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK...is it just me or has anyone else noticed their photos being renamed and overwritten by other images?

Granted I know I'm a photo hog here on DGN with nearly 1000 pics in one album, but I find myself constantly having to fix images I've posted. I do have to say, thank goodness for the image moderation button or a lot of my posts would make no possible sense whatsoever :hrhr:

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  • 2 months later...

Is it just me or is Disney trying to Disneyfy their own villain "The Dark Fairy Maleficent" by making her into a likable character so you will feel sorry for her? :blink:

Disney's Maleficent - Official Trailer 3

...it would have been better to just give the movie an entirely different name and appear to have come up with a totally new concept...in my opinion...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Is it just me or is anyone else bothered by this new concept of Black Friday deal events in April...a.k.a.:

April Black Friday - Carson's

Spring Black Friday Sale - The Home Depot

Black Friday in April - Macy’s


But I guess if you can have Christmas in July, why wait...:dry:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Is it just me or does anyone else feel like slapping that arrogant little girl from the Care.com commercial?

Is it just me or did someone in Boob Tube land hear you...I woke up a few minutes ago to that commercial and it appears that someone has corrected the behavior of "that arrogant little girl"...

...makes you wonder who else is listening... :unsure:

I wish I had million dollars...just checking...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is it just me or is anyone else still in awe at the associations we have come to know as standards in this ever growing age of basic technology?

In an effort to complete the build project I am currently doing for a bedroom, I decided to research distributors of sky blue wallpaper. Upon doing a Google Search, the following image displays the results I received:

...my how times have changed...

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Is it just me or should the definition of "Staying on the Cutting Edge" read something like:


gerund Information Technology

  • To be the first to make crap available to the public...then spend the remainder of the release creating upgrade updates.
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  • 1 month later...

Is it just me or does anyone else find the new "Honey Nut Cheerios" commercial with Grumpy Cat to be a bit insulting...especially the face comment?

It think it was done in poor taste because it could have been made cool and memorable - if done with style :cool

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Is it just me or does anyone else find the new "Honey Nut Cheerios" commercial with Grumpy Cat to be a bit insulting...especially the face comment?

It think it was done in poor taste because it could have been made cool and memorable - if done with style :cool

I tend to assume most things aimed at John Q. Public or children are insulting and when they are not i see it as usual. hah

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  • 1 month later...

Is it just me or does anyone else get a bit tired of hearing how and what other people from other countries think and feel about your home country especially when it seems they have only opened the book of negative adjectives... :confused:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Is it just me or did GNC just open the door for a new request setting on the electronic treadmill?

I can just see it now, the average exerciser: "Let me just mosey on over here and loiter on the treadmill."

GNC: Beat Average™, Treadmill


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  • 5 months later...

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