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Seriously, WTF?


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Okay, what do you do when you are known for having this ass-kicking, get it done and than some kinda work personality and reputation for years, most likely because, in my case I probably was hypo-manic at work and just could not stand being bored out of my skull, and was, at the time un-medicated, but now currently am medicated and just kinda feeling like "yeah, man, everything will work itself out, just chill"?

For years doctor's tell you, specifically when you have a mood disorder, you need meds, well, I told them years ago to fuck off, and I felt well, so well that I "lost my label" even..but due to recent events, I kinda decided to cave and started taking some meds, ended up going back to an old job that knew me when I did not do the psych med thing, and well, I go in today for a meeting due to some issues I had needed addressed at work and get basically told this at work by the Director:

"I hired you because I knew you and knew you would go in that program and kick ass, but I am dissapointed"........HOLY SHIT, I thought to myself, dude, YOUR DISAPPOINTED, well, I'm now questioning the fucking mental health field completely. I am the same people that you medicate and want to shut the fuck up, I am the people you do not want to be out there kicking ass, I am the reason pharmaceutical companies did not fall with the rest of the economy--yet you want me, the way I was when I was UNMEDICATED!!!!!!!!!!!! If you only knew, Mr. Mental Health man..

Can anyone else share there thoughts on this? Please?

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I dropped out of the nursing field because I actually felt the law enforcement field was less corrupt (and full of less women, but that's another story altogether). Yes, if a doctor thinks they can get away with it, they will prescribe you meds that you don't need. There are some very ethical doctors who won't do this, but the problem is that these doctors are blended in with the shitty ones who are just out to make money and don't give a fuck about you personally.

The key, imo, is that if you felt better before the meds, then either switch meds or get off of them. My best friend in high school was the most motivated person I know. She was upbeat, preppy, the most popular girl in school. She broke up with a boyfriend and it ruined her (hence why people shouldn't fuck or date until they're older, imo). Instead of just talking and getting normal person-to-person "it's gonna be okay, that's not all of life" they threw her on PAXIL. Recommended by her qualified therapist :rolleyes:. I then spent about 85% of the next full year of her hell on Paxil consoling her and trying to keep her from offing herself. She mutilated herself during this period so heavily (and before she had NEVER cut) that she still has huge lettering scarred in her legs saying all sorts of crazy shit. It was so draining on me and her family that eventually they said "no more" against the strict orders of her therapist. When the time came to actually ween her off of it (hence why I think this shit is so harmful) she had addictive issues with it so bad that it was like watching someone come down off of heroin.

So if YOU think you felt better and you were more productive, then fuck your doctor. Either switch or quit, they can't tell you what to take technically.

I dropped out of the nursing field because I actually felt the law enforcement field was less corrupt (and full of less women, but that's another story altogether). Yes, if a doctor thinks they can get away with it, they will prescribe you meds that you don't need. There are some very ethical doctors who won't do this, but the problem is that these doctors are blended in with the shitty ones who are just out to make money and don't give a fuck about you personally.

The key, imo, is that if you felt better before the meds, then either switch meds or get off of them. My best friend in high school was the most motivated person I know. She was upbeat, preppy, the most popular girl in school. She broke up with a boyfriend and it ruined her (hence why people shouldn't fuck or date until they're older, imo). Instead of just talking and getting normal person-to-person "it's gonna be okay, that's not all of life" they threw her on PAXIL. Recommended by her qualified therapist :rolleyes:. I then spent about 85% of the next full year of her hell on Paxil consoling her and trying to keep her from offing herself. She mutilated herself during this period so heavily (and before she had NEVER cut) that she still has huge lettering scarred in her legs saying all sorts of crazy shit. It was so draining on me and her family that eventually they said "no more" against the strict orders of her therapist. When the time came to actually ween her off of it (hence why I think this shit is so harmful) she had addictive issues with it so bad that it was like watching someone come down off of heroin.

So if YOU think you felt better and you were more productive, then fuck your doctor. Either switch or quit, they can't tell you what to take technically.

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The one pill is just for migranes but it is something you have to take daily..the other is just an anti-depressant.

But, what I was wondering is, why do these mental health agencies feel the need to keep people medicated? I mean, I got into the field I am in to advocate against keeping people overly medicated, and I understand, there is a need for medication, no doubt, but all I see is people wanting to keep people sedated, and frankly, I don't want to be apart of a system that has lost the ability to advocate for improvement in the functioning of a person with mental health issues. I got in the field to serve people, but now it seems like all social workers do is serve the pharmaceutical companies.

Edited by kat
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The one pill is just for migranes but it is something you have to take daily..the other is just an anti-depressant.

But, what I was wondering is, why do these mental health agencies feel the need to keep people medicated? I mean, I got into the field I am in to advocate against keeping people overly medicated, and I understand, there is a need for medication, no doubt, but all I see is people wanting to keep people sedated, and frankly, I don't want to be apart of a system that has lost the ability to advocate for improvement in the functioning of a person with mental health issues. I got in the field to serve people, but now it seems like all social workers do is serve the pharmaceutical companies.

Well social workers can't subscribe medications... Psychiatrists can. Being overly medicated is bad, but so can being undermedicated if it is needed.

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I’ve been on four anti-depressants, the first one (Paxil) helped, but for a short time, it was probably placebo effect to be honest. Celexa did the most, it gave me ten minutes of calm, and then a day of severe nausea. I’ve been through cold-turkey SSRI withdrawal twice, the most intense periods of brain shocks (not painful, just annoying) put me close to the floor. After withdrawal, when I got drunk or high socially, brain shocks would return; but the sensations left after consistently working out.

I was also on Klonopin, first 1 mg a day then still feeling anxiety, I raised it to 2 mg. In a sense I started feeling like I was a weird kind of drunk all the time, getting words mixed up, and my mind felt like a waterfall was running over it; I think the drug permanently made me more extroverted, not necessarily a good or bad thing. I tapered off of this stuff, might’ve had a first time seizure or died otherwise.

I’d rather that people weren’t taking medication unless they really need it. Then I lean towards meditative living and fitness as normal. I am happily not on medication now and I haven’t been on anything since late 2009.

Edited by Coffeenated
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Coffeinated, thanks for that and I am glad to hear things are working for you without medication. I was also on Klonopin and withdrew cold turkey...I had the same feelings that you are describing with that one..and now that you mention it, the one I take for depression is Celexa and I got really, really sick for like a week earlier in February, maybe that was why.......hmmm.

Edited by kat
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This is one reason I cringe whenever I see people engage in passive aggressive bullying by saying things like "lol dude you need meds/therapy". Those magic bullet solutions oftentimes come with other unwanted side effects (meds) or can be difficult to find (a good therapist who isn't a narcissistic dumbass).

Edited by Enishi
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You had a work ethic...that was the problem. This is where smart people know what is best for you...what you should eat and smoke and stuff so you are just going to have to deal with it. You are like those naughty little children that work on farms to help their families and develop a work ethic before they are of legal age to work! STOP...and take these...

But in all seriousness...there is probably no evil plot any medication is going to change something...with every pill there are positives and negatives and while those positives may be the right thing for others YOU need to decided what you want...it doesn't mean they are right or wrong and the same goes for you...just decide...even in the Army I don't have to listen to them when they say to take meds because of the effects they have and the part where the Army really doesn't own your body like that...unless you are in certain MOS's...

If you don't like it...flush it

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I would ask your supervisor specifically what is missing now. It may not be a meds thing. Or, you're on the wrong meds, or too much. What many people fail to think about is that different meds work for different people in different combinations and doses. Often someone will give up after one medication fails.

People are often over medicated because they don't tell their doctor that they are over medicated. The Doc isn't a mind reader and he or she isn't going to know how the medicine is affecting you unless you tell them.

Oh and people who go to their primary care physician for psychiatric meds. They don't have nearly as much knowledge on that sort of thing, so you are likely to get prescribed the wrong medication. People need to learn to go to a psychiatrist for that kind of stuff.

Then there are the things that don't require medication. People need to learn coping skills sometimes, but it's easier to just take a pill.

There is another problem with people thinking that they don't need therapy and just want to take meds. That's taking the easy way out, imo. It's easy to pop a pill. It's fucking hard to bear every messy fucked up crevice of your inner being to someone and then work your ass off to change whatever is fucked up.

Kat, if you want to be an advocate, fucking do it. Don't let stupid shit hold you back. Fucking do it. Once I graduate and am licensed, I'll be advocating the same thing right there with you. If someone doesn't like it, to hell with them. You care about the clients, and there needs to be more people like that out there.

Edited by bean
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My suggestion is to never take any psych drugs! The emotions you feel are the emotions you feel, whether they are understandable why you feel them or not.

unless of course, those feelings make you want to kill yourself, or someone else...

suggesting nobody ever take psych drugs is irresponsible. some people are greatly helped by them. it's up to the individual to determine whether the benefits outweight the risks/side-effects, and not just trust their doctor.

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Okay, what do you do when you are known for having this ass-kicking, get it done and than some kinda work personality and reputation for years, most likely because, in my case I probably was hypo-manic at work and just could not stand being bored out of my skull, and was, at the time un-medicated, but now currently am medicated and just kinda feeling like "yeah, man, everything will work itself out, just chill"?

For years doctor's tell you, specifically when you have a mood disorder, you need meds, well, I told them years ago to fuck off, and I felt well, so well that I "lost my label" even..but due to recent events, I kinda decided to cave and started taking some meds, ended up going back to an old job that knew me when I did not do the psych med thing, and well, I go in today for a meeting due to some issues I had needed addressed at work and get basically told this at work by the Director:

"I hired you because I knew you and knew you would go in that program and kick ass, but I am dissapointed"........HOLY SHIT, I thought to myself, dude, YOUR DISAPPOINTED, well, I'm now questioning the fucking mental health field completely. I am the same people that you medicate and want to shut the fuck up, I am the people you do not want to be out there kicking ass, I am the reason pharmaceutical companies did not fall with the rest of the economy--yet you want me, the way I was when I was UNMEDICATED!!!!!!!!!!!! If you only knew, Mr. Mental Health man..

Can anyone else share there thoughts on this? Please?

You should stop eating that crap...it'll change your body chemistry, pollute your kidney & liver, & take the pep right out of your step, which leads to weight gain, like 90% of the time, which oft times leads to diabetes..(skinny lil' me, was 225).....I know this, because I went on that crap not so long ago (06 it was)...there are herbal solutions that, coupled with some yoga, & some supportive friends, will have you feeling happier than most peoples do on a regular basis...my Wife is quite the problem solver, you know...

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unless of course, those feelings make you want to kill yourself, or someone else...

suggesting nobody ever take psych drugs is irresponsible. some people are greatly helped by them. it's up to the individual to determine whether the benefits outweight the risks/side-effects, and not just trust their doctor.

...peoples should NOT be so dependent, nor quick to pop a pill...they all kill your body not so slowly...

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...peoples should NOT be so dependent, nor quick to pop a pill...they all kill your body not so slowly...

never meant to imply they should be a lifestyle, just that they can be used effectively in appropriate situations. personally, i think they can be a very good thing, but i also think people should couple them with some form of therapy/self-help/wha-have-you, and try to get back off of them as soon as possible.

thing about meds is this (at least with the SSRI/SSNI, i'm not sure about tricyclics & such) - it's not like they're using some pharma-chemical to change your body, they're actually using your own body chemistry. all those meds do is block/plug up the receptacles for seratonin/norepinephrine, so that those chemicals, which are already present in the body and entirely natural, don't get reabsorbed right away; they stay in your bloodstream longer, thus changing your moods. hell, check this out, quoted from wikipedia:

Cocaine benzoylmethylecgonine (INN) is a crystalline tropane alkaloid that is obtained from the leaves of the coca plant.[5] The name comes from "coca" in addition to the alkaloid suffix -ine, forming cocaine. It is a stimulant of the central nervous system, an appetite suppressant, and a topical anesthetic. Specifically, it is a serotonin–norepinephrine–dopamine reuptake inhibitor,

(just found that out... interesting!)

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The problem imo is that too many people who don't need them are on them, or taking the wrong stuff/doses. I tried to defend these drugs so many times, but when everyone you've ever known who has been on them not only had a happier more productive life before taking them, they were RUINED (like divorce, job losing, body mutilation, drug addition type ruined) when they were on them, had to go through an unnecessary heroin-like withdrawal, and then reverted back into being an awesome member of society after they were off.

If that isn't a money scam I don't know what is. They were all paying top dollar to see some of the most "qualified" professional therapists in the state. It only made the problem worse. Why?

Because they were just sad on a human level! Or maybe had some natural human being paranoia. Or something. Something so small and trivial it makes me wonder if it's worth ruining your life to try and correct it. It's like those rheumatoid arthritis commercials you see where the side effects are shit like cancer and death. Who the fuck is the genius making money off this shit? :rofl:

There's a need for psych meds, but the need is probably drastically smaller than we actually prescribe for.

The problem imo is that too many people who don't need them are on them, or taking the wrong stuff/doses. I tried to defend these drugs so many times, but when everyone you've ever known who has been on them not only had a happier more productive life before taking them, they were RUINED (like divorce, job losing, body mutilation, drug addition type ruined) when they were on them, had to go through an unnecessary heroin-like withdrawal, and then reverted back into being an awesome member of society after they were off.

If that isn't a money scam I don't know what is. They were all paying top dollar to see some of the most "qualified" professional therapists in the state. It only made the problem worse. Why?

Because they were just sad on a human level! Or maybe had some natural human being paranoia. Or something. Something so small and trivial it makes me wonder if it's worth ruining your life to try and correct it. It's like those rheumatoid arthritis commercials you see where the side effects are shit like cancer and death. Who the fuck is the genius making money off this shit? :rofl:

There's a need for psych meds, but the need is probably drastically smaller than we actually prescribe for.

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  • 1 month later...

unless of course, those feelings make you want to kill yourself, or someone else...

suggesting nobody ever take psych drugs is irresponsible. some people are greatly helped by them. it's up to the individual to determine whether the benefits outweight the risks/side-effects, and not just trust their doctor.

I agree completely, the problem is that before the age of 18, you can't make those decisions. Your parents do. I was one of many people in the early/mid 90s diagnosed with ADHD, and, considering that I still have the symptoms and that they are rather severe in my case, feel it WASN'T a misdiagnosis. However, when approached by a school therapist recommending Ritalin, they decided to forgo that option. I will thank them until the day I die for that decision.

Turns out, all I needed was a couple of years with a therapist to teach me "tricks" to force myself into focusing on something that I normally can't focus on. A mental activity vs a pill that permanently disqualifies you from military service... hmm... I'd say they chose correctly.

And that's the thing. Most parents DON'T make that choice. They say "Really? One pill and my kid will be normal?" for all sorts of issues from being unable to focus and being hyperactive to depression that EVERY HIGHSCHOOLER GOES THROUGH AND NEEDS TO LEARN HOW TO DEAL WITH TO FUNCTION NORMALLY IN THEIR ADULT LIVES.

Now, once you ARE an adult, yes, it's time to trust your own judgment. You get advice from professionals, but ultimately, you need to decide what's right for you.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Some people have crippling depression. Some people use them to get through a rough patch and thats ok. One issue is that benzos are highly addictive and can cause dangerous withdrawls. Family doctors give them out all the time ( physical doctors not mental health ones) My mom has been through evey drug there is for mental issues. I think they over medicated her for a long time. I grew up with her on them. I dont remember her ever being normal. There is definite weight gain. Not every one has some one to turn to or talk to. Being isolated can a drive a person crazy. Atleast on drugs you get some what of a buzz or you go to sleep to help pass the time. If you do feel you need to be on meds sometimes you have to try a few to find the right one. You have to work with your doctor.

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  • 2 months later...

there are cases where some people such as those with manic depressive problems who need the meds in order to live a semi stable life. i know a person who is on lithium, xanex, wellbutrin, and bupropion. this person needs their meds to stay emotionally stable around other people. they have a hard time dealing with stress. people should never suggest that people never take such meds or else there would be a lot more dead people.

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there are cases where some people such as those with manic depressive problems who need the meds in order to live a semi stable life. i know a person who is on lithium, xanex, wellbutrin, and bupropion. this person needs their meds to stay emotionally stable around other people. they have a hard time dealing with stress. people should never suggest that people never take such meds or else there would be a lot more dead people.

wellbutrin *is* bupropion...

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i didn't know that. i just read the bottles. seriously though i don't take meds i know people who do. i have a nephew who is on lots of pills and he's only 12. my son will probably have to take his for the rest of his life :crybaby: . i have a sister who on effexor. i understand the need for meds.

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    • ~~~~~ We received a letter about that a bit ago.  I know Corewell Health was included in the cyber attach as they were transitioning over from Beaumont Heath.
    • Excellent idea, since between your experience and Trene and Tron's ordeal they clearly aren't doing great things.   Also didn't Ascension just have a huge breach of their medical records because their cybersecurity department sucked?
    • ~~~~~ Yeah, a few years ago, Trene @Trene4000 had a seizure during an eye exam and the staff had to call an ambulance due to protocol even though she was just about to come out of it.  The ambulance crew arrived and caused her to relapse into another seizure and I ended up kicking everyone out of the room except for the one guy who seemed to have the most sense.  They stabilized her and then rushed to Ascension Macomb - Oakland Hospital, Warren Campus.   I followed shortly and no one would confirm if she was there or not.  I pointed out the ambulance she had just arrived in and they said I couldn't be in the ambulance entrance area.  So I went over to the other entrance and walked back over to the ambulance receiving area and this time they were able to speak to me because I was now on the correct side of the receptionist desk.     They told me to take a seat and they would let me in after they confirmed if an ambulance arrived with her in it.  Fortunately for me, the janitor watched everything that happened and when the lady left the desk 15 minutes later, he opened the door and let me in, told me where to go and said they always do that because they don't want to be bothered.   I did find her, already hooked up in an observation room and I stayed with her for over an hour.  Then I stated I was going to go to the cafeteria to grab some food and get her something for when they release her in 45 minutes (as we were told).  She was awake and aware and said ok.  However, by the time I got back 25 minutes later, she was zoned and moving in slow motion.  Her eyes kept rolling up into her head.   I flagged down a doctor and asked what happened to her because she was just fine.  Turns out they gave her some medication that they shouldn't have (because they didn't check her medical history) and she ended up having an allergic reaction, but whoever administered it didn't stay around long enough to "observe" her in the observation room.  I told them that she had severe reactions to certain things and they ended up giving her a counter medication and we then had to wait another 90 minutes for it to safely get out of her system.  Then she was discharged 25 minutes later.   I wanted to sue everyone who was involved in her "care".  I had told them that I was her legal guardian and that I MUST be informed of any medical treatment she received and no one spoke to me about anything, so they waited until I left the room and took matters into their own hands.  The fact that they were informed and didn't care is what still bothers me to this day so I panic whenever one of her doctors suggest an Ascension hospital for any of her procedures. 😬
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