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i've gotta do it all ;) i am the only one here to do it. i mean, i have the kids help with what they can but over all the big stuff, the hard stuff, it's all me. so... sometimes it just does not get done. :p

you'd never know it sometimes looking at my house but i don't mind doing dishes or laundry. those chores are the easiest and don't bother me at all.

i hate washing floors though. kills my back/knees/body in general. and i hate cat litter.

i don't do "outside chores" they tend to be too hard on the body and i am rather broken so... i have to let my son do some of that, i do what i can, and others have done stuff too. i will shovel snow but not cut grass. not sure why. i just won't. :p

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Being it's just me, and I don't have the help of invisible fairies or Mr. Snuffaluppagus, I have to do the whole thing by myself. One of the things I am glad of of having about 500sqft less in my current living space is that there is less to clean.

I tend to flashback to military training and surgical tech school training. I dust with disinfectants/cleaners (save the oak frame bed which gets oiled/polished,) I distain the use of mops on the small kitchen and bathrooms and go straight to my hands and knees with bleach-based cleaners and towels (ala dusting and moping in boot camp.) I tend to keep the tub clean almost daily (I hate rings on the tub.)

I got into the habit of doing it on Fridays, when I would not have much to do. Still makes me resisitant to go out because that cleaning thing is firmly set in mind.

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I always do most of the housework. Its been harder to find time recently. :X

I vacuum the floor and couches (six cats, yo), clean the dishes, wipe off the counter, clean the seven cat litters (for real), and just tidy up.

And if we have friends coming over I do even more cleaning.

And my mom mops.

The easiest chore to do is the dishes. But I hate vacuuming because I use the hose.

And it hurts my back.

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I absolutely hate doing dishes.

I don't mind everything else ... but our house is just under 2000 sq. ft. - it's a lot for one person to try and keep up with. Sweeping and vacuuming here usually gets done 2 - 3 times a day, sometimes even more.

*goes back to vacuuming the area rugs and stairs*

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What do you hate?

Laundry! It's endless. First it needs to be sorted, which I don't really do like I should. Then it needs to be carried down to the basement which is rather frighting. Then it takes all day and sometimes even into the next day to get washed and dry.Then I have to loaded it all up again and carry it back up, fold it all and then put it away. Which when I do so reminds me that I have no decent place in the bedroom to put clothes! I hate laundry! It's nice to have clean clothes though. Vacuuming isn't much fun. Mostly because I have a craby vacuum cleaner that won't pick up anything so I have to keep going over everything. Then when I'm done it doesn't look like I even vacuumed.

What do you like?

I like mowing the lawn. It takes about 2hrs on the lawn tractor to do but I get to put on my music and ride around the yard. It helps me to think.

What do you not mind that much?

I don't really mind dishes so much. And the bathroom isn't so bad. Beats doing laundry. LOL :tongue:

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I like mowing the lawn. It takes about 2hrs on the lawn tractor to do but I get to put on my music and ride around the yard. It helps me to think.

Oh how I wish we had a riding lawnmower. We have a good gas push one, but it takes about three days to get the entire yard done. Sometimes that's just enough to start all over again.

... and I hear ya about the laundry. There's 6 people in this house (and the dogs have laundry in the winter). The boys broke their dresser and so did the girls. And it seems like my dresser just isn't big enough. laundry is an endless task around here too, but I don't mind it so much. Especially if I only have to take them to the main level and fold them all and the kids put their own away. :)

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"What do you hate?"

Washing dishes, for five people, and cleaning up ten year old's messes because neither ends. Push-mowing, especially steep hills.

"What do you like?"

Stacking and splitting wood, burning things, taking out trash that doesn't have maggots around it, mowing on a rider, cooking, vacuuming, general cleaning, fixing the few things I can, doing my own laundry.

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I hate any type of outdoor/yard work, which is why I'm happy I live in an apartment. I also hate cleaning the bathroom and changing the cat litter.

I used to like doing laundry until about a year and a half ago, when we had bedbugs and I had to do every piece of laundry the we owned on 5 different occasions. Four of those occasions I had to do it all myself because Charlie was at work. Talk about your back hurting, try hauling 13 bags of laundry from your 5th floor apartment to the laundromat and back. Hell, try fitting 13 bags of laundry in a Hyundai Elantra. It kind of ruined laundromats forever for me.

I like cooking/baking, if that's considered a chore, and I don't really mind doing dishes.

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I actually love cleaning, which is weird for me, but anyways, I don't think I have a least favorite chore necessarily. I will say though, I hate cleaning things that are really grody, especially if it's a really grody smelly sink full of dishes.
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Guest greyhalo

I'm a neat-freak and don't mind cleaning. However, I always put off doing laundry because it means I have to spend time in the smelly, moldy basement of my apt. complex. That basement creeps me out.

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I rather like doing housework... when you do something abstract for a living, it's nice to be able to accomplish something concrete where you can actually see the difference you've made. Plus it's a nice mindless opportunity to woolgather. The only chore I really dislike is vacuuming... both my full-size and hand-held vacuums are heavy and get really hot. Washing dishes, meh- hard to get started but once I do I really don't mind it that much.

I truly enjoy doing yardwork. It's good exercise, and being a relatively new homeowner, it still seems semi-miraculous that I actually own a yard to work in. Esp. after coming so close to losing it all last year. Only thing I don't do is mow the lawn... I've never mowed a lawn in my life, and don't plan to start at this late date. In fact I'm looking into putting in some kind of grass-alternative lawn so it's never an issue again (ideas/advice/experience would be welcome!).

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