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We Are All Ugly

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Gawd what a horrible thread... kind of glad I missed it first time around.


I am ugly because I'm such an elitist

I am ugly because I'm lazy and unmotivated

I am ugly because I imagine, in graphic detail, doing really horrible things to people who harm children, animals, and elders

I am ugly because I'm afraid to take chances to change my life

I am ugly because I turn away from justified conflict

I am ugly because every single adult in my family makes more money and lives better than I do

I am ugly because people think I'm unfriendly but I'm really shy

I am ugly because sometimes I really feel like I was better off being a heroin addict with nothing to show for all my hard work

I am ugly because sometimes I wish someone would try to break in my house or attack me so I could be justified in going totally axe-crazy on them

I am ugly because I know my face will clear up if I just drink more water... but I still don't

I am ugly because my skin scars/hyperpigments from the slightest trauma

my goodness, it's hard to stop once you get started on this sort of thing

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ok whew here we go

I'm ugly becuase i feel i'm physically ugly

I'm ugly becuase i can not take compliments to heart ( i feel a slight paranoia with them i dont know why i feel like there all lies)

I'm ugly becuase i bitch about my shitty life but don't try to change it much

I'm ugly because i feel like its not my job to be supporting my family right now and wish to leave

I'm ugly because i wouldn't feel bad if i left my family high and dry right now to go out and live on my own

I'm ugly becuase i feel self destructive

I'm ugly because i have a illness that gives me a 25% greater chance of getting any type of cancer then a normal person and still continue to live an unhealthy life...

I'm ugly becuase i have horrible horrible thoughts all the time

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I'm ugly because I have one eye bigger then the other.

I'm ugly because I belch and have little manners.

I'm ugly because my teeth aren't perfect.

I'm ugly because I sleep with my mouth hanging open at times and am known for drooling as well.

I'm ugly because my thighs are too big.

I'm ugly because my love handles are too big.

I'm ugly because I don't want to let go.

I'm ugly because I avoid falling in love.

I'm ugly because I get into arguments over how many hours I work a week because I want the money.

I'm ugly because my jealousy happens too easily.

I'm ugly because I push onto people too much.

I'm ugly because I'm insecure.

More to come, I'm sure.

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I am ulgy... well just look at me

I am ulgy because I care to much

I am ulgy because I want something/someone I cant have

I am ulgy because I am alone and dont deal with it well

I am ulgy because I am fat

I am ulgy because im not very educated

I am ulgy because I am sad, hurt, angry, fusterated, lonley

I am ulgy cause I dont like this thread cause it made me :crybaby:

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IM UGLY because my husband left me for another woman and is divorcing me, Im ugly because IM really FAT, Im ugly because my father told me was, Im ugly because my brother called me a ugly whore, Im ugly because Im a loser stuck in algonac without a job and a car., Im ugly because i dont do drugs or smoke, Im ugly because am a pitiful waste of space that sits alone in my room at my parents while my ex goes off and screws his new girlfriend, Im ugly because i try to fit in all the time and probly look more like a poser. I am the definition of UGLY

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I'm ugly because I'm fat.

I'm ugly because I lost 150 pounds almost 2 years ago, and I've gained most of it back.

I'm ugly because I've developed bad skin over the past year because of the medications that I'm on.

I'm ugly because I have so much anger and hatred for one person.

I'm ugly because the death of my husband's ex wife would bring me immense joy.

I'm ugly because I am extremely jealous of thin, beautiful women.

I'm ugly because I let my insecurities consume me.

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Oh yeah...did you know, that one man's ugly, is another man's cute?


I'm ugly because the death of my husband's ex wife would bring me immense joy.

Ditto on my side

I'm ugly because it takes my husband to remind me that being human means holding ourselves to highers standards when all I may want to do is put the hurt on someone who deals me wrong.

I'm ugly because in a showdown, I'd pull the trigger.

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Wait! there's more!

I'm ugly because I have so little patience with perfectly attractive women saying they're ugly because of minor physical flaws

I'm ugly because I am so deeply envious of how successful my brother and cousins are

I'm ugly because Vicki is my friend... but sometimes I wish she would die so I could have another chance with Billy

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ok people dont make me break out the christina aguilera song we are beautiful. Uh oh too late you made me do it.

Dont worry I am punishing myself for this already!


Okay, I was actually going to say something yesterday, but I didn't. So now I will.

This is an interesting thread, but when I read about people feeling ugly because of their physical appearance, it just makes me cry. NO ONE here is physically ugly, and society can eat shit for making us feel this way.

I don't want to thread jack, but is it possible to say something nice about ourselves coupled with the "I am ugly because....?"

I am ugly because sometimes I want to tell my stepson that his mother is a vile two-faced lying bitch ass whore beast.

I am beautiful because I don't tell him that, and even though it makes me want to vomit, I find nice things to say about her to him. **barf**

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I am ugly because sometimes I am afraid to meet new people because I fear rejection...

I am ugly because despite the fact that I have lost a hundred pounds and workout like crazy, I still feel fat and see myself that way.

I am ugly because I am alone.

I am ugly because I come off as being a bitch because of my shyness.

Edited by KatRN05
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Okay, I was actually going to say something yesterday, but I didn't. So now I will.

This is an interesting thread, but when I read about people feeling ugly because of their physical appearance, it just makes me cry. NO ONE here is physically ugly, and society can eat shit for making us feel this way.

Thank you, Tszura. I was thinking the same thing.

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Okay, I was actually going to say something yesterday, but I didn't. So now I will.

This is an interesting thread, but when I read about people feeling ugly because of their physical appearance, it just makes me cry. NO ONE here is physically ugly, and society can eat shit for making us feel this way.

I don't want to thread jack, but is it possible to say something nice about ourselves coupled with the "I am ugly because....?"

I am ugly because sometimes I want to tell my stepson that his mother is a vile two-faced lying bitch ass whore beast.

I am beautiful because I don't tell him that, and even though it makes me want to vomit, I find nice things to say about her to him. **barf**

You kick ass!

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    • ~~~~~ Yeah, a few years ago, Trene @Trene4000 had a seizure during an eye exam and the staff had to call an ambulance due to protocol even though she was just about to come out of it.  The ambulance crew arrived and caused her to relapse into another seizure and I ended up kicking everyone out of the room except for the one guy who seemed to have the most sense.  They stabilized her and then rushed to Ascension Macomb - Oakland Hospital, Warren Campus.   I followed shortly and no one would confirm if she was there or not.  I pointed out the ambulance she had just arrived in and they said I couldn't be in the ambulance entrance area.  So I went over to the other entrance and walked back over to the ambulance receiving area and this time they were able to speak to me because I was now on the correct side of the receptionist desk.     They told me to take a seat and they would let me in after they confirmed if an ambulance arrived with her in it.  Fortunately for me, the janitor watched everything that happened and when the lady left the desk 15 minutes later, he opened the door and let me in, told me where to go and said they always do that because they don't want to be bothered.   I did find her, already hooked up in an observation room and I stayed with her for over an hour.  Then I stated I was going to go to the cafeteria to grab some food and get her something for when they release her in 45 minutes (as we were told).  She was awake and aware and said ok.  However, by the time I got back 25 minutes later, she was zoned and moving in slow motion.  Her eyes kept rolling up into her head.   I flagged down a doctor and asked what happened to her because she was just fine.  Turns out they gave her some medication that they shouldn't have (because they didn't check her medical history) and she ended up having an allergic reaction, but whoever administered it didn't stay around long enough to "observe" her in the observation room.  I told them that she had severe reactions to certain things and they ended up giving her a counter medication and we then had to wait another 90 minutes for it to safely get out of her system.  Then she was discharged 25 minutes later.   I wanted to sue everyone who was involved in her "care".  I had told them that I was her legal guardian and that I MUST be informed of any medical treatment she received and no one spoke to me about anything, so they waited until I left the room and took matters into their own hands.  The fact that they were informed and didn't care is what still bothers me to this day so I panic whenever one of her doctors suggest an Ascension hospital for any of her procedures. 😬
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    • It was crazy, for sure. Ascension sucks, though. I had a CT scan and two echocardiogram and nobody talked to me about any of it. It’s a good thing that I have already established an appointment with a Beaumont neurologist for the 24th of this month. I want a second opinion. So I’m keeping that appointment.   I have no answers. And I wouldn’t recommend Ascension to anybody. Now I don’t feel bad for wearing my devil T-shirt. OK, I didn’t feel bad to begin with. I just feel less like I should feel bad.
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