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Everything posted by Trene4000

  1. National Cat Day is October 29th Post pictures of your favorite kitties! Whether yours or a favorite image.
  2. I've started selling my artwork. Here is the first of many. http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?icep_ff3=2&pub=5575378759&campid=5338273189&customid=&icep_item=123948866392&ipn=psmain&icep_vectorid=229466&kwid=902099&mtid=824&kw=lg&toolid=11111
  3. Pictures prove people have zero IQ
  4. GOD is not mad at you. GOD Loves you. You are the apple of HIS Eye. All GOD wants is for you to return to HIS Love. Just confess that JESUS is Lord Believe GOD raised HIM from the dead. That only, nothing else, makes you saved. Receive the HOLY COMFORTER from GOD. You will never walk alone again.
  5. I hate "if only I had" because it changes nothing.
  6. Why live a good life or a great life when you can live a wonderful life full of peace, joy, and perfect love.
  7. People either make fun of or kill that which they don't know or understand.
  8. GOD is Sovereign but we are responsible for using the Power HE gave us when we believed.
  9. I miss the days when the peacocks would leave the Belle Isle Zoo and strut up and down Beniteau with their tail feathers spread wide.
  10. Like a potato mashed by a steam roller with a little sour cream on the side.😦
  11. Watch the rest of the hill behind the house be removed.
  12. They're looking for survivors of fatal diseases for which we have no cure. GOD heals people from the fatal diseases. The medical society goes that doesn't count. We want to do it ourselves.
  13. The bone doesn't hurt but the surgical site is an owie!
  14. Our society has really sunk low when a furniture rental company renting out furniture is considered as valiant as a young boy aiding a senior citizen and her walker up a flight of stone stairs, and a runner aiding her injured competitor across the finish line. 😑
  15. Thursday. Going under anesthesia while the doctor handles C5 - T1.
  16. Why is it when a shark accidentally grabs somebody, who willingly entered the shark's home, but it ends up with the person being injured or dead, people go out in mass and hunt down and murder all the sharks they can get hold of, but allow repeat human offenders that deliberately kill people, steal from them, which is robbing them of their livelihood, or violate people viciously to just simply go to jail, sit in a cell, then come back out into society to do it again? The shark does not have hands to touch an object in order to check out what is in front of it. It can only use it's mouth. Unfortunately, humans are very fragile.
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