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Everything posted by EagleRose

  1. This white and blue field is driving me crazy. It shows nothing but a list and nothing else... bummer.
  2. Believe it or not, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
  4. A cat named Wolf. No. Seriously. His name is Wolf.
  5. It is amazing what passes for a two star hotel. I will do my best to never be in anything less than a four star hotel ever! And even then, I would check it out before I settle in regardless of how tired I am.
  6. Oh my gawd! At hotel number six on Hotel Impossible is disgusting! They had dirty needles in the hotel rooms. THAT was number six! It just got worse from there!
  7. Hotel Impossible : Top Ten Most Shocking Moments
  8. Forget fascinating, people are weird.
  9. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
  10. I noticed how children's shows don't have to make sense as long as the characters remain unchanged and there is a lot of color with action. The ones ten and under still have fun watching them. Such simple, little minds.
  11. Trying to watch FaceOff but saw this. http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/6249228
  12. I just saw the stupidest Audi commercial. As if we weren't having enough trouble with kids following rules, they bring out a commercial showing a preteen deliberately breaking the rules at a local public swimming pool even after being warned and the rules posted in plain view, which he read. He gets kicked out and his mom says, "you did it again?" He smiles and nods. She pets him on the head while smiling as they get into their brand new luxury sedan and drive away. The narrator announces how rules are meant to be broken. Now if her son had injured himself jumping into that pool the way he did she would have been ready to sue. Why would they produce such an irresponsible advertisement? Are they trying to say that rules don't apply to the wealthy? It sucks.
  13. Cool tee shirt printing for fundraising http://teespring.com
  14. http://local.amazon.com/detroit-wayne-county/B00QIZC4XC Floors
  15. Secret to long life by 109 year old http://www.people.com/article/oldest-woman-scotland-never-married-video?xid=socialflow_twitter_peoplemag
  16. How stupid are you? Don't they know if it happens in the inner city schools it will eventually show up in suburban schools? That's the way it has been for decades. It hasn't changed from the time I was a teen. Why act so shocked now just because someone pointed it out?
  17. I laughed my butt off. I just saw a ghost run out of a house because the house was haunted.
  18. Not a problem. Thanks for the kudos, Trene4000.
  19. http://www.detroitgothic.net/index.php?app=gallery&image=10663 Stupid mobile app! Can't post any pics. Dang.
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