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Anna Phylaxis

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Everything posted by Anna Phylaxis

  1. I guess I’m about to go run a tarp that I purchased back for return. Then I’m going to go see my chiropractor so I can listen to my bones crack really loudly without me making it happen at all. I deserve ice cream for this shit.
  2. My oldest post is from somewhere in 2004, when I joined as Brenda Starrr. I might have to dig that up lol.
  3. Presently, my most favorite pieces of clothing are extremely cropped, sweaters, and hoodies. Do you know the ones that barely cover your boobs, so you have to wear a tank top or some thing underneath? I fucking love those.
  4. Yeah, my baby boy is turning 30 in November. That’s a great big no-no lol. But he’s right, Ian is cute. ☺️
  5. OMG. I was trying to remember when I officially joined under my old screen name. So I looked myself up and almost died.
  6. It sure is wild and weird to be back here. The kids and I have lived in Michigan for 16 years, now. Sierra will be 28 in July and Ian will be 30 in November. Absolutely wild. Jeff and I are still married, and we bought his childhood home, just two years ago. We’re all working hard and trying to live our best lives. I know that some of you have had the opportunity to meet my children, but probably haven’t seen them since they were 11 and 13. So I thought that I would share. Ian works for UWM and Sierra works for TD Bank, as I do. Jeff (Damaged Goods) owns his own environmental company, now. I think he’ll be hiring soon. Not 100% sure on that. anyway, here are my gorgeous kids
  7. We have two pit mixes. Silent Bob is 11 and Bulma is about a year and a half. It doesn’t matter what I’m eating or win, but those two will sit in front of any one of us and you can just hear Sarah McLachlan‘s “Angel” in your head. They look so pathetic. But if you looked at both of these dogs, you would know that they definitely get fed.😂 both of the sphinx cats do the same thing. We had a 20 year old sphinx named Iggy, who passed away last July. Both Iggy and Boaz are rescues. The day before he died, he was still fighting us for chicken. He had no teeth and was older than dirt, but it did not stop him. I miss that fucking cat so much.
  8. Skyndi Laupurr will literally knock your food out of your hand, while looking you square in the eyes.
  9. When Boaz isn’t fighting me for my food, he is staring me down, hoping that I will put it aside and forget that it exists. Show me pictures of the animals that stare you down while you eat.
  10. It’s true. I am an OG. I couldn’t even tell you how many I have, now. At this point, I can count open spaces because the number of tattoos that I have would take me entirely too long to count😂 And that punching Satan, I swear, lol.
  11. Oh shit. I’m ”Apprentice” now. I know it sounds cocky when I say this, but I was an OG, dammit. 😂
  12. I realize that this is a somber time, but I just got notification that I have achieved rookie status. For those of you that don’t know me, I was one of the highest posters, back in the day. Phee, a guy called Paper Hearts, and I were out of control. I was also a Sr Mod. so seeing that I got the rookie badge just cracks me up. But back in the day, we were fucking legends 🖤
  13. I’m telling you, not that this is the way that I’d like to see some of the old crew, but it is refreshing to see some people that I haven’t in quite some time
  14. To say that I woke up to shocking news, yesterday, is an understatement. If it wasn’t for the creation of this board, I would never have met any of you. I would never have fallen in love with my husband, and I never would’ve moved to Detroit. It’s a lot to process. I just don’t know what to say… he literally, inadvertently, had damn near everything to do with my life being as awesome as it actually is. I have my own feelings and opinions, and I guess it’s something I sort of have to process on my own. 🤷🏼‍♀️
  15. It sure is quiet in here. I'm about to sound REAAAALLLLLL old. Back in my day, this place was bumping. I don't even know how we all held down jobs! This is the place where I didn't just make friends, but I met my husband, here. I was a Sr. Mod, for a time. But man this place was so much fun. I wonder how many of the old crew is left...
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