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Everything posted by TheHarlequinn

  1. Nut Job? Lol don't seem surprised by it, it's no secret!

  2. Smiley Face Alert? I was inactive on here for a few months. Almost forgot until I got the email notification. might get back into it, thanks!

  3. I feel heartless for saying this, but I honestly don't care. Osama hated us because we left our weapons over there after the cold war and it killed many of our people, so naturally he was pissed, then he used intelligence and power to influence his people, as well as restoring hospitals and such. So it was our fault because we left our crap over there. people over react over a reaction. All I imagine when I see something about 9/11 is this picture of the twin towers with smoke billowing out of the holes and a picture of Obi-Wan Kenobi in front of it saying, "These blast points...Too accurate for sand people."
  4. I feel so young, I'm still a senior in high school but oh well, I am also spending half the day everyday doing internships and there is my independent study in art. And for someone who never keeps track of anything, I feel this year may in fact also kick my ass as well
  5. School started today for a lot of people who may be on here as seniors or juniors. Any eventful stories or fun tales to share? College goers too!
  6. Scottish Pirate Metal makes me want to learn how to do a jig, then add a headbang. Of course I'll look like a retarded monkey dancing like that, but it'll be fun
  7. I was pretty much born it I guess. I mean I haven't had the opportunity to dress the style too much, but the mindset and music I have enjoyed for years. I tried to deny it because it wasn't normal and yet I never fit in. I always liked the 'dark stuff' and whatnot. Now looking back its kind of obvious with my tastes and all, and then of course there is Nyxiin who has recently been my gateway to new music and styles and whatnot. So I guess I've been goth a long time, but a narrow one while others are helping me broaden my horizons.
  8. lol Morrowind, underworld, zombies and wolves, left for dead, dead rising.
  9. I am a wolf man all the way, but I do enjoy vampire myths. I, personally, don't care for zombies much, unless its left for dead in which case i can release stress by beheading everyone with a guitar.
  10. it was probably a combination of pale skin and moonlight/ blue night sky or lack of oxygen in body. it was a picture from the underworld series. I mostly think it was paleness plus blue night moonlight combo though.
  11. its fun, I used cheats to get up to level thirty, but only because I wanted to go strait to Solstheim which said recommended lv 30 on some websites
  12. good point, but eventually I do want to do a playthrough where I become a vampire and do those, and one where I do the bloodmoon and do the wolf story. but I really want to do the nord story, get the ring, then become a vampire so I can become a WerePyre when I want
  13. alright, in the bloodmoon questline, does it matter which side I pick, because there is a split in the story where I get cured and continue with the Nord quests or let the disease consume me and do the Hircine quests. I did the Nord side and saved on only one file.
  14. oh I bought Morrowind on Steam and just saw that the box says Morrowind then to the left is a bear with Bloodmoon and to the right looks like a Dino saying Tribunal. I looked at the data files and Morrowind had an activated marker on it as well as the expansions so apparently I have the expansions
  15. I WANT THAT RING I think I'll cheat to get it in an extra file. I am finally playing a serious playthrough as a female wood elf custom class to be a great Assassin and Thief
  16. Oh lovely, I just learned today how to easily doom the game. Become a vampire, talk to the guy who adds you to the blades faction and he attacks you, kill him in defense, YOUR WORLD IS DOOMED! I am finally playing a true playthrough without cheating and made a woodelf girl custom class to be thief/assassin and she will be in the thieves guild and the morag torn. Gave her the star sign of The Tower because I can detect enchant/key/animals within 200 feet for a minute at any time or auto open a lock of 50 and down on touch once a day
  17. beware falling wood elves? what about trying to sleep while a Dark Brotherhood Assassin tries to kill you every other time?? I kind of accidentally killed a woman between Seyad Neen and Balmora and they've been gunning for me ever since, but I got pretty good armor from killing one. I'm a custom class of thief/assassin/warrior that I called The Pale Horseman haha. I joined the Morag Tong and now I have to go talk to them and one woman wont give me the belt I need so I might just kill her. I don't cheat much, just on an extra save when I'm bored. I named the spell Ultima Blast Fire Damage 100-100, 50 foot radius, 100 second duration + Frost Damage 100-100, 50 foot radius, 100 second duration + Shock Damage 100-100, 50 foot radius, 100 second duration
  18. I made a special kill all spell, but I have to cheat in order to use it
  19. Just got this the other day, and have to say, its pretty good. Whether its cheating to kill everything, dooming your file by killing everything, or joining the Morag Tong to kill everybody. Anyway, just wanted to make this forum for little hints and whatnot, basically anyone who has played can give little tips and tricks and even leave cheat codes or ask for them. WARNING: THERE MAY BE SPOILERS HERE SO IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW THEN DON'T READ THIS THREAD!!!
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