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Everything posted by Illuminatrix

  1. That was my exact face at the END of the first season.
  2. Oh dear. Never leaving the happy house again! XD

    Imagination song? :O?

  3. Who's the tease noooow? ;]? Haha.

    But I can imagine~ o3o

  4. Lolololol, the first season and the cliffhangers that await you.
  5. That sounds like such a sad, yet delicious waste of perfectly good jell-o.

    Do tell! :D

  6. If I was, would I really be here? :laugh: I can play pretend, though. IMAGINATION STATION!


    For now, the battle, and soon, the war!!!

  8. *puts on hipster glasses* B]

  9. Pictures may speak a thousand words, but I like to enjoy the silence. ;]

  10. Reminds me of third grade. I laughed when she asked who did the packet over break (literally, no one did). If I wouldn't have lost it, I probably would have. I was the crazy Kindergartener who asked if we could have more homework (I love school ._.).
  11. HAIIIII. Our bite is worse then our bark. And we only nibble a liiiiittle... *shiftyeyes*
  12. SUPERNATURAL IS AWESOME. [/le fangirl squee] In other news, methinks I need to go to bed earlier. I'm yawning up a storm.
  13. It wouldn't be the first time. :crybaby: I mark easily. Doesn't mean I can't take the pain, though. :devil:

  14. It's a "No." All of my skirts are too high. D; You know how those nuns are with their rulers...

  15. It's definitely part of the scene, but it shouldn't be an integral part of one's being, or what "defines" them as goth. That boils down to pure interests. At least, that's what I like to tell myself at night when I'm in fetal position, thinking about teh h8rz 'n poseurz. On that, my usual ostentatious amount of eyeliner and audacious lipstick does help me feel at home with myself and give me confidence. But my devil-may-care attitude says "Screw it!" when it comes to having a little fun, such as here.
  16. Owwwieeee! I'm going to get a bruuuuise! D;

  17. But of course! I was raised to be a good little catholic schoolgirl. o3o<3

  18. I'm feeling a lot better, actually. It's been nearly a week since I got sick. My mother thinks that I could have caught a mild case of west nile (with how I get bit, very possible). That, in combination with me being my typical anemic self, did not bode so well. XD I'm definitely going to keep these suggestions in mind! Thank you so much~ *hugs*
  19. Tired, but I'm feeling ridiculously accomplished. I built a solid mask from scratch using cardboard, superglue, material, and a needle and thread. I then colored it, added details, and voilá! A fox was born.
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