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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. That awkward moment when Voldemort gives you a hug... (just for you Victoria)
  2. I like the cookies that have the jelly circle in them with filling like an oreo. <3
  3. I like cooking. But only for others. I hate cooking for myself... when it comes to Thanksgiving and Christmas I lvoe making a big pot of something and bringing to family gatherings.
  4. If you just want to keep them out buy the electric sonic ones. There spectacular. Ive had them for two years now and have had no mice. It doesn't hurt them, they just don't like the noise. There also supposed to keep out roaches and certain buggies.
  5. Robots would scare me if they were the replicators from Stargate... Thems some scarey robots! Zombies would just be fun! Walk around with a silenced gun of some sort and they'd be gone soon enough.
  6. Werewolves are SO much kooler than vampires. I think youd like the books. I havn't caught up to the tv series, but the books are a lot different. Both still very good tho.
  7. I iz grood. How bout you?

  8. I was a pirate two years ago... I dunno yet what Im going to be for this year... I don't even think Ethan knows what he wants to be...
  9. My parents once had like 10 baby mice right at our back door. I wanted to keep them... instead she let the cat out...
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