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Everything posted by Eevee

  1. Really? I thought it meant "Quite fucking true"...bahahahah! I always make shit up for acronyms I don't know.
  2. I'm definitely going to miss it. Its been fun. I look forward to more events from you two.
  3. Moooooving on. Well, not really...but can't hurt to pretend
  4. I totally wasted my day. Damn, I need a hobby.
  5. You...looked like that? When you were younger and going to the club? I mean...you're still attractive but...HOLYSHIT.
  6. For movies...I love any Studio Ghibli film. Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Howl's Moving Castle, etc. etc. As for series...I really liked Samurai Champloo, Witch Hunter Robin, Paranoia Agent, FLCL, and Wolf's Rain. I tried naming off more mature shows.
  7. Wow...I've listened to a looooot of kpop/jpop and have never seen anything like that before. But, I'm actually not surprised...at all
  8. Well, I've finally become impatient. Is this the time?
  9. I've actually been wanting an industrial...too bad I have to wear elf ears for my Halloween costume this year. They will irritate the new piercing too much.
  10. Do any DGNers have a black hooded cape I could borrow?
  11. I have a bad hobby of wanting to watch a movie I like multiple times in a short period of time. This is especially possible with Showtime/Cinemax. I'm now on my 5th time watching Ninja Assassin in less then a week. I've watched Labyrinth three times in the last three days. Not to mention how many times I've seen Tron: Legacy lately and Inglorious Basterds...sheesh.
  12. Its been quiet. Kinda lonely. If only SOMEONE would answer my messages. -__-
  13. I want to destroy whomever it was that decided CVS should open at 7AM every day.
  14. Attempt at finding relationship...results in finding someone who gets strong feelings too quickly and now I don't really feel like myself. Probably because I have barely gotten out since I've gotten home from Ireland. I've been neglecting my friends and nightlife. I hope to change that this week. Create some sort of balance and feel like myself again. If only I didn't work at 7AM tomorrow...I could start it tonight.
  15. First I wanted to be a ninja...now I want to be a badass ISO....rofl This is what happens when I watch movies.
  16. Hey! :3 I just got the invite to your upcoming birthday. Welcome to the boards. They're not too active as they used to be, but you'll find ways of entertainment.
  17. I watched this back when Simon posted it and loved it...showed it to my friend and then didn't go back to it. Now, I'm rewatching all the episodes and I believe even I, as a straight female, have quite a crush on Hannah, haha!
  18. Hahahah! Uhh...not quite. Our other dog doesn't attack them so she'd starve Besides, its a pain to have to constantly clean up the animals. Gunner already kills enough groundhogs.
  19. My neighbors have over 50 chickens. They are annoying. They get in our yard and my brother's dog attacks them. Our neighbor refuses to build a structure to keep them in so they stay in their yard. They allow their chickens to walk all over their garden and food. Its gross and they are always in the way. The end.
  20. Welcoming my loverly friend to the site! Even if she did misspell my name on the reference portion. If you've noticed a cute, little redhead dancing and blowing bubbles on the dancefloor of City, then here she is.
  21. You totally misspelled my username but its okay, I still love you...lol

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