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Everything posted by wormsinwombs

  1. count me in on this *drool* god I want some sushi now
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=944cPciN-kw classic wtf moment? hehehe
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkCxKu3r6Ms
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvfcZzojF-A
  5. I'm thinking that I hate everyone so goddamn much and I wish I didn't live here and had the money to just fucking leave
  6. anxious confused troubled irritated stressed
  7. I'm pretty sure I'm going I've been wanting to check out plastic passion sounds like a lot of fun!
  8. those rippling biceps, super sharp teeth and thick long spikes make a gal go crazy
  9. She is awesome but it makes me want to throw up that schools are still banning books.
  10. Really digging gargoyle sox...I need to wander around these threads more
  11. lmao *faved*! that awkward moment that is my life and everything that comes out of my mouth
  12. self confidence what's that....ya I really need to work on mine. I have been a little better with my self confidence because people have been saying such nice things to me but I really need to work on it myself because that's the only real way to have it. Alcohol helps a lot with it too which again is only a temp fix.
  13. I really love lamb a lot and don't get to eat it enough! I have only had goat a few times but it was delicious and tender. Oh and I do love some good pastrami from a jewish deli.
  14. I really want to be Kakihara...I need to start working on my costume though.
  15. I enjoy cooking I just really started getting into it a few years ago and I have a lot to learn. I really want to discover more how spices interact with each other and how the individual flavors effect the dish. (also gimp this thread made me think of you)
  16. I'm thinking those ramen noodles didn't sit right with me
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