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Posts posted by wormsinwombs

  1. Yeah (Javier Bardem) did do a good job, in the book he is a little bit more like the boogeyman, but he did about as good I think is humanly possible without extensive special effects (which would have screwed things up i think). Was pretty impressive. (seriously)

    He was in Before Night Falls, although I didn't realize it was him. Looks a lot different. Reminds me of Daniel Day Leiws in that sort of "transformational" way. (My Left Foot (small Crippled guy), The Last of the Mohicans (buffed stud action hero), There Will Be Blood (brooding, middle aged character actor). Doesn't even seem like the same human being. (yes I watch way too many movies)

    Random aside 1.0: I've read both No Country For Old Men and The Road (both by Cormac McCarthy) both are very bleak, The Road , I've not seen, its on my list , just haven't gotten to it yet. The book, I don't think it gets much more bleak. Starts out bleak and just gets worse for 300 pages. Its good, but not a "good time" book, at all, ever. I've heard McCarthy

    Random Aside 2.0: (not so seriously) I was disapointed that the academy skipped over Summer Camp 2.

    The boobs in SC2 were very well displayed (at the boobie fest they were having in the middle of the woods for no apparent reason) do a great job in Summer Camp 2... not so many good reviews for that one... what the heck??? No oscar??

    Oh you read the book well that makes sense movies are never as good! I really would like to read no country for old men just because i loved the movie so much.

  2. This is one of the few movies I had high hopes for and couldn't wait to see. Now I did enjoy it but it is nothing compared to the other 2 movies at all and I was not even expecting it to live up to dark knight but it doesn't even compare to begins. I never really bought that anna hathaway was selina kyle, she just seemed like a skilled thief but not catwoman. I also felt they could of done so much more with banes character. I'm finding myself remembering scarecrow better from the first film then I do with bane right now (and I haven't seen batman begins since it came out). Not to mention holy shit I couldn't understand what he was saying. I thought it was just me or the theater but I see that this is a common complaint and they really should of made sure they fixed that problem before such a huge movie like this went to theaters.

    I got to see it in IMAX in a marathon with Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. Yes, on a work night. And I made it through work the next day (and on time, I might add.) I must confess, I was giggling like a schoolboy regarding how much was brought over from the comics, and how much they got right.

    Seeing all three of them together, I can say they all rocked equally. And we all cheered at the ending of The Dark Knight Rises, in all the codas they had, but especially at the last coda. That coda brought the biggest smile on my face for a job well done, and well deserved of a hero.

    I have been a collector of Batman/Detective for decades. My oldest is Batman #259. I have seen the character go through camp, pulp, moody, and now a become a family (WTH?)

    The movies in the 80's and 90's were more concerned with the criminals of the movies (Burton,) and the camp of the TV show (Schumacher.) While enjoyable, they didn't catch the true hero of Batman/Bruce Wayne.

    Nolan and Bale brought to the character what I have seen in the comics again and again: One man turing anger, loss, and fear into hope for us all. Every time the villains beat him down, Wayne rises again to the challenge, despite falling into darkness. The classic heroic cycle,, where the only helpers are a couple of close people, his fortune, and, most importantly, his wits/determination.

    Bale and Nolan nailed Bruce Wayne and Batman. Both sides have to be played right, something the older movies never quite got right for me. It is important that he is just a man. Not some alien, modified/amped-up automaton, but a single man. The villains were only the catalyst to make the man change. It is watching that man and his changes that made the comics a good read for me, and this trilogy such great thing to watch

    I'm jealous I want to see dark knight in imax again haha!

  3. I'm pretty geeked for this to come out... Monster Legos I seen some of the smaller sets for the Monster Fighter series earlier today at target.

    Beat me too it!!!!!!! I creamed my panties when I saw them in toys are us. I just bought the hearse and I'm building it right now. I am so happy for this I've been waiting for monster legos!

  4. Holy crap drinking liquid crap throughout the day and then eating real food at the end of the day doesn't even sound like it would remotely work at all. I keep hearing about myfitnesspal I need to give that a look.

  5. I love the list but I totally agree wtf is up with the ranking Gwen should be way farther down. And I'm surprised no Ruby Glooom (and agreed no sailor saturn lameee)? I love that they had Creepy on the list I felt like I was the only weirdo who even watched that show that wasn't a kid ha. Whoever created this (I am to lazy and don't care to look) needs to improve their audio quality or not have music to go with their videos.

    and you know when you watch too many cartoons when this is the only thread you care to comment on XD

  6. I just got double industrials, one in each ear.i also just got a labret(not sure if I spelled that right). The industrials hurt.i love being pierced!

    Unless you sleep on your back or stomach I don't know how you are dealing with those industrials while you sleep!

    I recently got my septum done and my 5th helix done.

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