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Really couldn't comment on kids too much I have zero in my regular life. I baby sat for 8? 9? Years when I was a younger person, raised them kids better than the shitty parents. I wasn't particularly worked about 'outside threats'. Probably should have but in our neighborhood stealing cable was like the worst crime I could remember. Sadly that has changed in a cartoon stereotypical (but apparently true way) with the demographics of westland changing significantly.

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Whenever you look at group bias in modern times in the west it is now a very clear two way street in most cases. Two ways in that yes a level of bias exists for a given group but often it is both for and against depending on the viewer.

Also very widespread is self-separation of groups that just perpetuates the problem not make it better. 'The <random ethic club>' ok so we are declaring we are 'others' or just socially only associating with a particular group. Again creating a more distinct 'not of your group' feeling. That is generally unhealthy if you are trying to 'fit in as normal' (whatever that means) making youself part of a very distinct group invites in group out group bias. It's just built into human nature.

The more agregious bias toward (both in overly negative or unfairly positive) a given gender/ethnicity/race/group really does piss me off. Of course depending on my own dang bias try as I might to not have any. Even just having opinions dooms us to some sort of bias.

The trick is to focus on the actually harmful forms of bias as we will never eradicate it unless we destroy all even remotely intelligent life (non human animals often have insane levels of bias that don't even exist in humans anymore) . Xenophobic behavior in a very mild form will keep you alive. Unfortunately it too often tends to run off the rails in totally unreasonable ways.

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Regarding the blind man, I'm always honest and would be happy to help out.  I'd also be wary it could be a faker though trying to rob me, but most people have good intentions though.

As far as the batman outfit goes, I think religion is dumb to begin with.  Still, I tend to avoid and not speak to them unless they speak to me first, since they can be beat for doing so.  It depends on if they're moderate (IE non-extreme) or liberal.  Also forced wearing of it is wrong too, as is banning it completely.  It should be their choice whether they want to wear one or not.

As far as the stranger danger thing goes, good way to teach kids not to screw up.  Proper parenting is important and if done right it wouldn't be an issue (as the second girl showed, she just ran.) My only gripe on the video is it has an arrow on the actor calling her a pedo.  Someone could see that (not watching the video) and then attack that person falsely believing she intended to harm kids (I know, people are dumb.)

Here are some others I like:




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Feminist Pretends To Be Male.. And Learns Important lesson.

I would really like anyone's perspective on this concept - the journey that she takes.  If you can tolerate it, please watch the video all the way through to the end.  This is a topic that concerns me deeply. 

For the males, did she get it right?



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I've heard black people complain they've gotten chastised by other black people for not being "black" enough.  The same is true for men and not being "manly" enough.  If you cry then you're weak, and if you like pastels, rainbows, fancy/pretty things then you're gay.  Not all men treat other men this way but there's a ton who do.  In fact I wonder how "liberal" of an area she was in when she did this.  Society changes so much from one area to the next because of local culture.

As far as the strip club goes, that's why I don't go.  All it is is a sexual function and I can rub one out at home and save money/not have to deal with fake people.  I'm sure there's some golden stripper out there who's not on drugs and really is just in it for some college money.  Finding her would probably be like trying to find a unicorn though.  Really the best place to meet people is in real every day life like the supermarket, library, or ideally college.  Anyway if they're not into it or are "faking" then I'm not into it.

As far as women and men being friends, it's possible but usually extremely hard since one person likes the other more than the other person likes them.

Oh yeah, and the rejection, FUCK rejection.  I hate getting shot down in flames and feeling like shit.  Happened just the other week (and I rarely open myself up) shit still hurts as I dwell on things forever it seems.  No wonder men go nuts and start killing hookers.  Everyone has the freedom to deny everyone, if it doesn't work out so be it.  I just view it as their loss and move on.

But yes, back to the main point of gender lives in the brain.  Lots of trans folk kill themselves because of identity issues, especially after surgical alteration.  The end was pretty telling on that point.  Not everyone has a good support system or escape plan in place either and they have to live with an uncaring family/community/job, or even worse, be ostracized from one/all of those.  It's even worse if they're not "passable" too.

Also, this reminds me of the movie Just One of the Guys (although I haven't seen it in years and it's not actually an experement either): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1H1_dzUYFMg

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On 3/13/2017 at 0:38 PM, Scary Guy said:

I've heard black people complain they've gotten chastised by other black people for not being "black" enough.  The same is true for men and not being "manly" enough.  If you cry then you're weak, and if you like pastels, rainbows, fancy/pretty things then you're gay.  Not all men treat other men this way but there's a ton who do.  In fact I wonder how "liberal" of an area she was in when she did this.  Society changes so much from one area to the next because of local culture.

As far as the strip club goes, that's why I don't go.  All it is is a sexual function and I can rub one out at home and save money/not have to deal with fake people.  I'm sure there's some golden stripper out there who's not on drugs and really is just in it for some college money.  Finding her would probably be like trying to find a unicorn though.  Really the best place to meet people is in real every day life like the supermarket, library, or ideally college.  Anyway if they're not into it or are "faking" then I'm not into it.

As far as women and men being friends, it's possible but usually extremely hard since one person likes the other more than the other person likes them.

Oh yeah, and the rejection, FUCK rejection.  I hate getting shot down in flames and feeling like shit.  Happened just the other week (and I rarely open myself up) shit still hurts as I dwell on things forever it seems.  No wonder men go nuts and start killing hookers.  Everyone has the freedom to deny everyone, if it doesn't work out so be it.  I just view it as their loss and move on.

But yes, back to the main point of gender lives in the brain.  Lots of trans folk kill themselves because of identity issues, especially after surgical alteration.  The end was pretty telling on that point.  Not everyone has a good support system or escape plan in place either and they have to live with an uncaring family/community/job, or even worse, be ostracized from one/all of those.  It's even worse if they're not "passable" too.

Also, this reminds me of the movie Just One of the Guys (although I haven't seen it in years and it's not actually an experement either): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1H1_dzUYFMg

I know said golden stripper. She is my friend from Wayne State.  Used the money to support herself and her kids while going to get her MSW. (She was also in some rap videos but she did that before having kiddos). She gave it up before entering grad school because she was hired by our internship.  She was happy to get out and is doing very well in the same nonprofit still, now my aunt, same club, completely opposite story.  

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@Scary Guy

Oh my goodness, that movie brought back memories.  I'll just say I haven't seen it in a couple of years *cough cough*.

Although she wanted to be a journalist, I ran into the exact same problem trying to get a recommendation from my build instructor to go into a construction apprenticeship program after receiving my certification.  Regardless of the fact that I graduated "Straw Boss" (Top of the Class), it was "suggested" that I become an Inspector.  My teacher even went so far as to run a scenario for me.  He said, "How would this sound, I have a great student here, hard worker, top of the class who is looking into going into the skilled trades.  Her name is..." at which point he dropped his voice to a sarcastic level and said my name.  Yeah that hurt, but I didn't let that stop me...


Just One Of The Guys (1985)


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14 hours ago, TronRP said:

@Scary Guy

Oh my goodness, that movie brought back memories.  I'll just say I haven't seen it in a couple of years *cough cough*.

Although she wanted to be a journalist, I ran into the exact same problem trying to get a recommendation from my build instructor to go into a construction apprenticeship program after receiving my certification.  Regardless of the fact that I graduated "Straw Boss" (Top of the Class), it was "suggested" that I become an Inspector.  My teacher even went so far as to run a scenario for me.  He said, "How would this sound, I have a great student here, hard worker, top of the class who is looking into going into the skilled trades.  Her name is..." at which point he dropped his voice to a sarcastic level and said my name.  Yeah that hurt, but I didn't let that stop me...

Yeah, again with that whole "not being man enough" thing.  These days things have gotten better, but again, only in the more liberal areas.  I watch HGTV sometimes with my parents and one of the home improvement/buying/flipping shows had a female contractor that did a lot of work.  Although she was a lesbian I think which only feeds into the stereotype.

I also remember an episode of Murphy Brown where Eldin got a job as an interior decorator, but only because the person hiring thought he was gay.

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  • 2 months later...

Before this gets confused, NO I am not promoting CNN.  YES, as I have known people who were like this, I am sharing this video as a form of awareness.  This is an experiment mimicking the difficulties of how SOME (NOT ALL) sufferers of schizophrenia interact with their surroundings.  

Thank you


Anderson Cooper tries a schizophrenia simulator

"Published on Jun 9, 2014
CNN's Anderson Cooper tries to go through a normal day using a schizophrenia simulator. More from CNN at http://www.cnn.com/"

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Simulate, but it isn't anywhere near perfect.  Hearing voices is really just one facet of a facet of the disease.  We have five senses and they are all going off constantly.  So to get a true sense of what the hallucinations are like you'd need the earplugs, augmented reality goggles that are full field of view, probably some of those electrical stimulus pads, and something to create tastes and smells at random too.

There is a full symptom list over at https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/schizophrenia/index.shtml that goes into everything.

Schizophrenia reminds me of that quote "hell is other people".  Well this is literally other people allofthetime, as your brain will not shut up.  My brain will not shut up but at least the only voice I hear is my own (and music/memes that I remember, and that shuts off when I sleep).  It's so bad and constant that you start to question your own reality, and then you start to question actual reality.  They tell you you're worthless, they tell you you're famous, they tell you you're the son of god, they tell you you're a president, they make you doubt anything that ever is or was in your life and confirm things that have never actually happened as you're constantly gas-lighting yourself.

Finally, my favorite (disputed) schizophrenic artist: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Wain.  One of the images further down the page has a bunch of his works from different times in his life.

Hell I'm lucky that all I have to deal with is some mild autism.

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I have seen situations were I see a psychiatrist ask a person if they hear voices and they don't elaborate for that person as to what hearing voices actually means, specifically when its a younger person and the family is pushing because they are desperate for answers and when that person ends up saying yes because they are being led to believe that their own internal chatter is actually psychosis, believe it or not that will get a person labeled and big pharma earning a new costumer, new SSI claims, new stigmas, etc=more government dependent people..because someone told them they were less than perfect and because they are labeled and the big bad ass mental health doctor said so than they give up, it's almost like they are expected to. ..that is why advocacy is important so people are able to teach what these disorders actually are and why having one doesn't mean you have to give up on your goals and desires to be successful in life. The fact is that it's not about the disorder, it's not about the label, it's about your coping skills, support system, self care and self awareness. We all have some shit going down inside...some of us know how to hide it, other's embrace it. Talking about it normalize it and makes some feel better because they can come out of that darkness and breathe for once.


*just an observation.

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Due to the fact that people classified as "normal" rarely get a glimpse into the everyday lives of a person who suffers from schizophrenia, even just a simulator of "hearing voices" disrupts the natural flow of a person's everyday routine.  The thing that really intrigued me about THIS particular experiment (not anyone else's experiment) was the frustration displayed by Anderson Cooper when asked to do what some term as "simple tasks" during this "Exercise in Empathy".

At one point, he quit while trying to make a paper boat due to lack of concentration.  If he had been a child in school, he would have been laughed at and felt humiliated.

The second point, for me, was when he was walking down the street and asked for a newspaper.  At that point in the video, I found myself getting confused with the narrative because I couldn't hear it over the voices.  I had become hyperfocused on the simulated voices in his head in just a little over 3 minutes.  Although he completed the task, it was difficult for him not to respond to the voices he was hearing.  In our society, if he had been some arbitrary person on the street trying to tell the voices to shut up or responding to the voices, he would be getting stares as people made wide breadth around him with some people probably muttering "crazy" under their breath.

I felt a sense of sadness at the end of the video when Anderson Cooper mentions how he could not wait to take those headphones off (no doubt so he could get back to feeling normal again), but all I could think about were the true sufferers of schizophrenia who have no real means of escape.


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I do understand that mental health issues are a Pandora's Box, but this thread was basically about social experiments, so by no means am I trying to make light of anyone's conditions or concerns.  However, as I was falling down the rabbit hole of YouTube, I fell into the clickbait trap of multiple documentaries and personal experiences regarding schizophrenia, which is how I ended up posting the video about the simulator. 

I had to commend Iva Marie Gutowski for her video:

Hallucinating on Camera. Actual Episode

"Published on Aug 1, 2014
I'm hallucinating on camera and taking about it."

(all the while I was watching this, I was wondering what her camera was trying to focus on...)

And Autumn Likes Elephants for her video:

Auditory Hallucinations - What I hear as A Schizophrenic

"Published on Mar 3, 2017"


These videos give first hand insight from the individual's point of view.  But I did end up watching over 50 videos and documentaries, before I had to leave for an appointment earlier, and that just barely touched the surface of the various mental illness topics I was researching.

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