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A Really Stupid Issue About Napkins

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Okay, because of some personal issues I am now living with my mother in law. (long story for another time)

Anyway, she is always complaining about having to clean the dishes. I myself am perfectly willing to do the dishes and have done them. And every dirty dish I use I load it into the dishwasher or clean it in the sink. Yet she still goes on about having to clean dirty dishes.

So instead of using dishes, she wants us to use a paper napkin for our stuff like chips, cookies, and little snacks. Now I personally would rather dirty a dish then have to spend money on paper napkins. But if I am having a snack I better well be using a paper napkin and not a dish or she is not going to be happy. So I use the paper napkin.

Well now she is complaining about the paper napkins being used up and she has to buy more to replace them. I am like what do you want from me here. I am trying to abide by what she wants me to do as it is her house. Yet she is never happy.

Maybe I should buy my own snack dish and see if that would solve the napkin issue? I don't know why she can't seem to understand that if you tell people to use a napkin the napkins will run out and need replace. The whole thing is just stupid. :stupid:

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Oh my goodness, this issue sounds close to the situation that was happening at my Aunt's house regarding all paper products. Her grown kids would not wash any dishes even after using one for something like one or two cookies. So she told everyone they would have to start using paper plates, napkins, etc., for everything since no one bothered to wash any dishes. However, her only rule with that was if you use the last of any of the paper products, you must replace it.

(Interestingly enough, her grown children did not want to get up off any cash so some of them began eating at their own homes...) :hrhr:

As a courtesy, whenever we visit, we always bring paper products with us because if we go to our aunt's house, with her southern hospitality, we know she is going to feed us. :happy:

What I think is happening with the situation in the above post is there may be an issue of a sense of lost control in ones own home/domain. Therefore, no matter what the guest does, it will never be enough until some sort of interpersonal understanding between the parties is met and accepted.

It's just human nature to respond in varying behaviors (with respect to personality traits) when one's territory seems threatened, regardless of the fact that the one perceived to be invading that territory was actually invited in.

This is probably of little consolation, but I do hope it was able to shed a little light on the subject...

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Maybe try paper plates? They can be re-used a LOT unless its something sticky, unlike napkins. Although as you suggest she may just be a complaint-prone person and won't be happy no matter what you do.

I do feel your frustration though, having to put up with that sort of overly-controlling territorial nature nuttiness , at first might just seem silly to outside viewers but it REALLY gets old fast. *comfort hugs*

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I've noticed that many people have conflicts with their mother in laws. Especially if you marry their son. You will never be considered good enough for him. She will never forgive you for stealing her baby boy from her. It will probably never get any better. I saw one situation where the son divorced his wife but left custody of the children to his wife meaning she ended up taking them to see their grandmother. The woman despised her for making her son divorce her. She always insulted her in front of her grandchildren as if to drive the point home that their mother was responsible for their father leaving them. I thought the old woman had lost her mind. She came all the way to Jersey to do that. She didn't even need to be there. I believe that is the situation you are facing right now.

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Okay I see what you mean about control. The control thing came up again when she told me she did not have time to make cookies so she was going to buy store ones. I told her I would make cookies and would buy the stuff I need to make them with. She would not hear of it and is going to buy store ones. After what you said about control I understand the reason why. She is a very controlling person. It is part of her personality. With knowing that I can understand why she does not want someone messing around in HER kitchen with HER stuff. I don't even like people messing with my stuff and I am fairly easy going. So its okay, I wont make cookies. And I will try to reduce my napkin use. But I hate having these stupid issues causing such annoyances. It always seems it is the little things that tear people apart.

Edited by LadyKay
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