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Guest Megalicious

getting everything for dinner ready and begining to mix stuff to bake cookies =) Becky was going on about cookies and cake .. mmm .. made me want COOKIES!!! LOL

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well... I'm sitting in a dark room with a fan on.... I just let a trapped moth out from between my window and screen, and in the process knocked the screen out of its track, causing it to fall three stories to the ground after bouncing off the roof and into the neighbors yard... I'm not going after that. Not right now, anyway.

also, i'm thoroughly impressed with pepsi. they made a flavored water that doesn't have sugar OR artificial sweetener in it. bravo, just what I've always wanted!

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Just finished arguing with the hubby; he's in the living room, I'm in the computer room, drinking a glass of Merlot, smoking, hacking up a lung because I smoke too much. The cat is sleeping on top of the computer monitor. I'm staring at this thing on my arm wishing it would heal faster, knowing that it's going to leave a nasty scar. Contemplating packing up my shit and moving to New Orleans to live with a couple friends that are there.

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Putting lotion on my sunburn; the cat is running through the house like her ass is on fire; hubby is snoring loudly; realizing I have to wake up in 5 hours; sort of glad that I will not be at cc this weekend, but knowing I will miss it by next weekend.

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