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We received a few donations (one pretty large one) and as such we should be ok for awhile, hopefully we can get the board self-sufficient again soon. Thanks very much!

One thing that was brought to my attention is that the donation tracker is not working properly, the donations work, but for instance if you click the donate button, without an amount entered it gives an error, which shouldn't happen. The donations do go through just fine, but the "tacking" part of it is messed up somehow, looking into that now.

In the longer term this will be a problem again if we don't start posting more, really its not that hard, all it takes is a few people to post regularly , and over time it snowballs (been through this many times, slow periods that is) and its always the same few things that "fix" it. I'm personally just dealing with some stuff and its hard to keep at it personally.

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The title of this thread sounds like the end of a horror movie....

Or almost the end, when you realize that the monster in the movie the deaded, Octopus / Crocodille monster (Croctopus! Part IV) was defeated but.. dun dun dun... in the last frame there are *fear* EGGS! Croctopi eeek.

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  • 1 month later...

I feel really bad. I wish I really had extra money to donate. If I come across some extra money, i'll try to donate.

thanks hon. Honestly in another few weeks this will probably be a problem again, but for right now things are ok. =) Thanks for the kind thoughts, nothing to feel bad about.

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