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This Is Not Right


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This is one thing that disgusts me,anyone who does not shower,I Know I am not the only one that has dealt with this.The idea of why some do not keep thyself clean is gross,I know someone who looks like they have a tan but really its dirt crud,also they look like they have one tooth since the plaque buildup made it look like they have the Barney smile,eeeuuuuwww!IMO its embarrassing to be around someone like that,let alone have to smell it.People that are like this make dogshit smell like roses.i can say they have the zactlies,it other words "you smell zactly like shit,take a shower,so we can conserve air freashner for the bathroom"

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Even worse: parents who don't keep their children clean. It's unbelievable the condition some of my students come to school in. Filthy clothes, unkempt hair, clothing that's inadequate for the weather... I have one boy whose clothes smell so bad I have to hold my breath whenever I'm next to him. Our school uniform is white shirt & black pants/skirt, and some kids will wear the same dirty white shirt all week long. There's one little girl in 1st grade who keeps showing up with no underwear on... it's soooo sad. My mother would have torn her own fingernails out with pliers before she would've sent us to school looking like some of these kids.

Some schools have laundry machines to deal with this issue... I'm going to ask my principal if we could have one if I can find someone willing to donate a washer & dryer.

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This is one thing that disgusts me,anyone who does not shower,I Know I am not the only one that has dealt with this.The idea of why some do not keep thyself clean is gross,I know someone who looks like they have a tan but really its dirt crud,also they look like they have one tooth since the plaque buildup made it look like they have the Barney smile,eeeuuuuwww!IMO its embarrassing to be around someone like that,let alone have to smell it.People that are like this make dogshit smell like roses.i can say they have the zactlies,it other words "you smell zactly like shit,take a shower,so we can conserve air freashner for the bathroom"

FINE Crank, I'll take a fucking shower...

You didn't have to be so mean about it! :tongue:

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When I used to work in a factory, there was a guy that worked on our line that smelled. Some of the other guys put a bar of soap on his work station hoping he would take the hint. Of course, this was a factory, there were some blunt comments made as well. Oh, the memories! line work, sweaty guys, foul mouths; why did I ever leave?

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There was a hairy hairy hippie in A2 who scared us 0ut of a public drumming with his smell. I am all for natural but you have to draw the line someplace.

Soap is not anti environment or government or whatever....there are natural earth friendly varieties.

He would dance too........which made it worse.

EWWW...so he'd flail about and spread his smell even worse? That's just outright rude :laugh:.

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This is one thing that disgusts me,anyone who does not shower,I Know I am not the only one that has dealt with this.The idea of why some do not keep thyself clean is gross,I know someone who looks like they have a tan but really its dirt crud,also they look like they have one tooth since the plaque buildup made it look like they have the Barney smile,eeeuuuuwww!IMO its embarrassing to be around someone like that,let alone have to smell it.People that are like this make dogshit smell like roses.i can say they have the zactlies,it other words "you smell zactly like shit,take a shower,so we can conserve air freashner for the bathroom"

I have lived with people who were like that and I would be like do you want to shower before I get in and they would say naw I still feel fresh from my shower last night (which they didnt really take) and I would throw hints but it didnt work at all. Ewwwww. I feel for you. The person I knew the whole family is like that and it makes me sad they raise their kids like that.

Fucking Gross.

Me and someone related to them would come over and clean their house. They had some many fucking kids I was feeling so sorry for them.

Okay Im grossed out again.

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50x or more a day........the first sign of ocd ,lols... its true.

but I would rather have a guy with ocd than a slob (which i do) :tongue:

Gross man. I wash my hands at least 50 times a day (Used to drive the girl nuts, how much hand soap I would go through in a week). And shower daily. Anyone who does have bad hygene needs to stay away from me.
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Some people do.

CWA Newsletter, Vol. 16 No. 1 (Jan.-April 2000)

VCAO’s Director Vulnerable Children Assistance Organization

By Chea Pyden

The garbage dump at Stung Meanchey is a favourite haunt for child scavengers. More than a hundred children come to the dump everyday to collect materials to sell for recycling. Child scavengers could earn from 1,000 – 2,000 Riels per day yet sometimes the amount is less than that. Most children use the money to buy food for their families and a small number, use it for their schooling. Their work starts at approximately 4:00 or 5:00 early in the morning and continues to late at night. Some children work in the dump through the evening to midnight because presently that is when many garbage trucks dump the garbage.

The garbage dump is very dangerous with the numerous trucks and bulldozers on the site, as well as the lack of hygiene. Some of the materials, collected including syringes, iron and broken materials, could be infected. Everyday many child scavengers get injured when they work in the dump without proper protection. Most of the child scavengers come from poor or broken families in the rural areas but who have migrated to live in the slums of Phnom Penh. A small number of children work in the morning and go to school in the afternoon. However, the majority of them have completely dropped out of school because they cannot afford to pay the school enrolment fees. Most child scavengers spend most of the day at the garbage dump and have little time to relax or to join in public festivals or other ceremonies. They become immune to the smelly and unsafe environment in which they work, without realising that their health is being adversely affected.

According to daily observations by Vulnerable Children Assistance Organization (VCAO), there are around 280 to 338 youth and children pick garbage at Phnom Penh city’s dump so as to earn income to help their families or themselves. Most of the children are from poor families, including homeless children who have come from the remote areas of the country.

Having to working as child garbage pickers, and most of these children do not have the privilege of free choice, can have an immense impact on the child's physical, mental, and spiritual development. Child scavengers as understood by international agencies and national bodies is one of the most intolerable forms of child labour and it is a violation of children's rights.

The conditions of the work place, with the extremes of weather and direct contact with spoiled garbage, are harmful to the young garbage pickers’ health and development.

According to the rights of survival, protection, participation and development, as stated in the CRC, most Cambodian children are deprived of their rights and dignity; they have to face very difficult circumstances and predicaments. Without immediate attention and action by a few NGOs, the issue of working children would be drastically worse.

It is clear that poverty is the main root cause of the problem, driving young children into work in order to survive. Solutions must be immediately formed; otherwise these Cambodian children would lose the opportunity for a proper childhood, which will affect them for all of their lifetimes.

Ly Rany, 16 years

Ly Rany, a 16-year boy, was a child garbage picker in the garbage dump at Stung Meanchey commune, the area that VCAO is working in. This boy used to attend a VCAO's non-formal education centre and he also benefited from VCAO by receiving clean drinking water, first aid care, and counselling. He had four brothers and one sister. He was the oldest son in the family. His parents are separated and he used to live with his oldest grandmother who was 71 years old. He spends all day everyday in the garbage dump collecting recyclable materials to sell. He even sometimes slept at the garbage dump so he could pick up recyclable material. But, unfortunately, he was killed when he was run over on the 21st of February 2000 at 4:00 a.m.

Child Domestic Workers:

Given the past turmoil, it is understandable that child labour has not been a major issue in Cambodia. As the country economy grows and more employers seek a cheap and docile work force, the concern for children is growing. It is very common for child labour to be in big demand because it is well known that children are less demanding, troublesome, and that they can work for long hours for low or without pay.

In Cambodia, according to the survey of International Labor Organisation (ILO/IPEC) there are approximately 616,023 working children in Cambodia aged from 5-17 years old of which a proportion was working as child domestic workers.

The survey conducted by VCAO in 1997, in Sangkat Phsar Depo III, Khan Toul Kok of Phnom Penh inhabited by 1,483 families indicated that there were 3,899children living in this area of which 76 were household workers.

In 1999, VCAO conducted a survey in Sangkat Phsar Depo II, Khan Toul Kok of Phnom Penh inhabited by 1,471 families. The resultindicated that there were 3,160 children living in this area- Sangkat Phsar Depo II- of which 42 were domestic workers.

Many young children have became domestic servants because of family poverty, unemployment, and traditions. As the country is developing more domestic servants are needed, especially for business families, middle class families and powerful people.

Most of them are girls, who were sent by their parents from remote provinces to earn money to support their families, some work to compensate for their parents’ debt.

Children working as servants in households are vulnerable due to their long hours of work and poor working conditions. Verbal and physical abuse and discrimination are often handed out to these children. As they have to perform many tasks every day, most children cannot go to school and thus cannot read or write (from the 1997 and 1999 surveys, the illiteracy rate was 57%). Further, some child domestic workers never receive recreation or leisure time. Also sexual abuse by employers (household owners) occurs.

Khut Sophorn, 8 years old

Khut Sophorn is an 8-year girl who has no parents. Her mother died and her father has a new wife. Her father did not take notice to her so she became a domestic worker. She was a domestic servant in Sangkat Phsar Depo III, one of the communes of Phnom Penh City. She was quite mature and bore the responsibilities of an adult. Her duty in the house includes cleaning and sweeping, washing utensils, and cooking food. She was often scolded and beaten by members of her master's family, even for the slightest mistake. She did not receive a salary for her work, but only received food. She said that she wanted to go to school and did not want to work, but because of her poverty and with no parents, she had no choice. VCAO managed to persuade her house owner to let their child servant have a chance, in her free time, to attend the non-formal education and vocational skill-training centre. Now, this girl has an opportunity to attend the centre and learn new skills.

#25 St. 118, Sangkat Phsar Depo III, Khan Toul Kork,

Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Tel: (855) 23 303 344

Fax: (855) 23 426 570

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Yeah...I shower less than 'normal', but I do not smell like THAT guy at the grocery...

I smelled him just now...&I had to go the long way around an isle so I did not have to pass by him a second time...

..I usually would not say anything to anyone...BUT DAMN THIS IS NOT USUAL!

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You take your laptop to the grocery store??


Yeah...I shower less than 'normal', but I do not smell like THAT guy at the grocery...

I smelled him just now...&I had to go the long way around an isle so I did not have to pass by him a second time...

..I usually would not say anything to anyone...BUT DAMN THIS IS NOT USUAL!

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but I would rather have a guy with ocd than a slob (which i do) :tongue:

How about a guy who has ocd and is a slob? :whistle: Didn't bother me much, though, I'm not the neatest person in the world myself.

What's even more gross than smell to me is when you see someone with dirt caked on their clothes, face and hands. Or when someone's hair is so greasy it looks like you couldn't even get a comb through it. Ewww!

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Even worse: parents who don't keep their children clean. It's unbelievable the condition some of my students come to school in. Filthy clothes, unkempt hair, clothing that's inadequate for the weather... I have one boy whose clothes smell so bad I have to hold my breath whenever I'm next to him. Our school uniform is white shirt & black pants/skirt, and some kids will wear the same dirty white shirt all week long. There's one little girl in 1st grade who keeps showing up with no underwear on... it's soooo sad. My mother would have torn her own fingernails out with pliers before she would've sent us to school looking like some of these kids.

Some schools have laundry machines to deal with this issue... I'm going to ask my principal if we could have one if I can find someone willing to donate a washer & dryer.

Absolutely.. I work in daycare service and one little girl I watched for over two years, gawd she was never bathed.. It got so bad that I went out and bought her some cute lil cartoon bubble bath and let her take it home.. Thinking the parents would get the hint... Ummm nope.. So I just started giving her baths.. And I mean from the time I started watching her she was 6 weeks old.. Moral of the story is she was under my care till she was a lil over two and I was the one who gave her baths every day... It just got to the point that the parents didn't even try to bath her anymore knowing that I did it every day!

It's one thing if you want to live in funk but gawd come on take some pride in your children!

And I shower every day.. The only exception is if I have the flu and feel like death... I usually bitch and moan and act like a total baby for a day or so then finally feel all pathetic and death-like and drag my carcass to the shower

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