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torn asunder

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Status Updates posted by torn asunder

  1. ...returning random hello with reply! how goes it?

  2. hi! good to see you made it here!

  3. hi! thanks for the add. how goes it?

  4. hey! my sis is on royal oak! so is there anything decent out there since luna drifted away from the scene?

  5. you're back! good to see you around again!

  6. aha, another k'zooian! hi!

  7. i think i forgot to say thanks for the message, and the thought. it was (is) much appreciated!

  8. yeah, it was the first thing i thought of! ^.^


  9. just saw your name as the newest member - so,...


  10. really? 1) who are the other two? 2) how are you meeting them, when i can't!

  11. oh, shit... another k'zooian!? i can't believe it! this town sucks, doesn't it?? >.

  12. TLAPD party

    thanks for the invite! i wish i could, but i've got a "poker-run" that day. it goes until 8pm or so, and i'm all the way in kalamazoo, so i'd probably not make it.

    if for some reason things turn out differently and i *can* make it, would you mind if i contacted you that weekend? it sounds like a lot of fun!

  13. certainly! glad to have you & your friend here! i hope you find some interesting things to dig on...

  14. dood, you welcomed yourself? you're such a tool... lol ;-)

  15. great content page! welcome to dgn! *waves*


  16. happiness, like love, is a farce... a figment of an overactive imagination, for one who belives that life is mean to be lived in a pleasant atmosphere. i can't follow these comments anymore. if you'd like to talk with me, please try a pm, otherwise, i'm liable to give up, because i'm a lazy fuck. why are you writing to me, anyway? why pursue such a negative conversation? i'm gl

  17. there is no glad - there is only failed attempts at flight, and the pain of crash landings. she's moved on, and i'm happy for her, but i feel like a total waste of life. i meant nothing, and it's becoming apparent. thanks for the message. maybe one day i'll see it in a positive light, but i doubt it... it was sweet of you, anyway...

  18. what's happ'nin!? *grin*

    glad you made it back!

  19. *waves emphatically*


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