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Everything posted by raziel4772

  1. if i'm the one telling the story are demons a good lead character for a children's bedtime story?
  2. ok i got my cards and a few recycled ones it seems lol got a few signed by troy and one signed by hunhee BWA HA HA HA I can forge your signatures now
  3. its no big deal really i have pointed a few people this way without the cards so its not a real big problem or anything just would like to be able to give them a card
  4. well there's this girl.... shes cute ....she goes by ravenblack1369...wait does it count as a crush when you're already dateing them? =^-^=
  5. well i do take requests and am very good with my hands for starters can work up from there *eye brow wiggle* also mouths tend to be very useful too
  6. watching scrubs, practicing bass, taking breaks from bass to let my finger blisters not hurt as much and to make chain mail and have yahoo music playing on low......oh god i think I'm nuts
  7. : : and hey if i get to be the one with the whip i'm up for a small scale reenactment of this dream of yours
  8. hey baby ;-) also triple posting kills brain cells...mine lol
  9. there's a couple of people i think are interesting and from pics cute but i don't know if i'd consider that a "crush". I tend to think of crushes as people i can/will pursue and seeing as those i think are interesting here i don't know rl and i doubt would like to meet me i'm never going to get a chance to pursue them
  10. good choice presently I'm drinking raspberry wine.
  11. Some women would do well to learn the first one and as for the 2nd where can I find myself a woman like this? Its give and take I cook, so can I find me a girl that'll at least bring me a damn beer without trying to make me fell like a dick for asking.
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