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Posts posted by Tyger

  1. My fish named "Mr. Fluffer Fish" (not my choice) passed away yesterday. He has been sick for a few days, and I guess just couldn't take it anymore. He was a good fishy and always came to the side of the tank when I said hello. Even when it wasn't food time. He was a King Betta in a little tank. I think next time I try, it'll be a bigger tank.

    For now, R.I.P. little guy. Such a good fishy.

  2. I love DGN because I met half of my friends here. Most impotently my best friends Raev and Siren. Also, Msterbeau for introducing me to most people on here and getting me into modelling, which technically was how I met CowboyDave whose on here once in a while. :D Everyone was a shoot off from DGN though, which I found funny. Everyone knew someone from DGN back in the day. It was great.

  3. Every time I gaze across the river at the city I lived in from 1979 until 2002, my heart aches. I miss her so. I hope the day comes when I can return.

    You, Marci, Dave and I, plus our gang of loud mini me's can get a big mansion in downtown detroit. You men can go work and Marci and I will stay home fondling each other while the kids are at school. I like this plan... I think we should start it in motion.

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