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Posts posted by Vampyrerin

  1. Damn it, that fucks up everything. Now who's going to fill in the spot on my top 5 list of people to have when the world ends..

    1. Chuck Norris

    2. Bear Grylls

    3. Steven Seagal

    4. Mr. T

    5. David Carradine

    Now, what? Shit!

    I'm sure it was accidental SOMETHING, no way he would kill himself purposefully. Besides, do you really think David Carradine, if he were to kill himself, would do it in Bangkok, of all places? Come on.

    Bear Grylls is full of shit, he takes a camera crew, has been known to leave the wilderness over night to stay in a hotel. Survivorman is WAY cooler.

  2. *nods*

    :sofa: People also need to take it slow and allow a real relationship to develop, rather than cling to the first person who shows them attention for more than 5 minutes. The people who announce after having known someone for only a few days that he or she is their new boyfriend or girlfriend drive me nuts. Especially since those people seem to average about 2.5 "boyfriends" or "girlfriends" per month. :sofa:

    The ones more annoying than dating after knowing each other for a minute are the ones 'getting married' after 2 months of knowing and dating each other. I lost count of how my 'finances' my one friend has had. le sigh.

  3. I have looked at myself in the mirror while trying to free-dance, and it was very embarrassing. The time when I break-danced and I *thought* it looked good is long gone..

    But.. I did come up with this. A dance of discord not recommended for drunks or anyone really. But I figure I might as well unleash it to the world.

    The Chaos Star

    Start from a center point with both feet positioned together.

    1. Move right foot up a step, then back down to the center point.

    2. Move left foot down a step, then back up to the center point.

    3. Turn 45 degrees to the right quickly.

    4. Move left foot up a step, then back down to the center point.

    5. Move right foot down a step, then back up to the center point.

    6. Turn 45 degrees to the right quickly.

    7. Start back at number 1.

    Keep steps in the beat of the song and try to go for the fastest tempo possible without losing the center point or getting dizzy. Practice at slower tempos until you get the hang of it.

    lol. this honestly sounds dangerous.

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