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Everything posted by Enishi

  1. Lonely, and running low on vodka....
  2. Watching videos on youtube and drinking myself into oblivion...
  3. I WILL eliminate my singleness before my time comes to move on to the astral, even if its the last thing I do....
  4. "Napoleon, don't be jealous just because I've been online chatting with babes all day."
  5. I feel extremely tired, yet very aware at the same time. Weird....
  6. Just got done shoveling snow. Ears COLD...
  7. I went ahead and rented Fallout 3, but the batteries on my controller just died dammit...
  8. I'm feeling pretty good. For some reason though, I have the sudden oddball desire to commandeer my own personal UFO, fly over some mountains, and then hang out in a redwood forest writing stories on my laptop. Sigh...
  9. Right now I'm chatting with my buddies, and seriously considering making another almond butter and jelly sandwich. yum.
  10. Ugh. Classes like those are the worst. I generally just nod my head and pretend to agree, or simply don't say anything. Its funny how the really dogmatic political types are oblivious to just how much they resemble fundamentalists and 16th century Puritans.
  11. Wishing I had left earlier in the day so I would have had enough time to go to the salad bar at the university....
  12. Wow you're not in ninja mode for once, lol.

  13. Trying not to puke, I ate to much....
  14. Really weird. After getting home from CC and going to sleep, I felt like I was awake in my dreams. Now, that I really am awake, I feel like I'm dreaming. *Tries to levitate dresser and smash it through the wall with sheer intention* Damn, no luck....
  15. Getting impatient waiting for a family member to bring home some chinese. The killer rabbit needs food. NOW.
  16. Although I have yet to try any MMORPG, I find that most of the games I try out recently just dont have the kind of exploration I like. For instance, Halo bored me. I like going around everywhere and exploring things, not just going down a mostly linear path blasting the shit out of everything. This is one thing which dissapointed me about Silent Hill: Homecoming. WAY to linear. Even with one of the new Tomb Raider games which came out last year, I didn't get the same sense of size, isolation and wonder as I did with the very first two nearly a decade ago. Sigh...
  17. Hey it was cool chatting with you at CC.

  18. I feel like I'm still drunk from yesterday for some reason....
  19. I hope things get better for you. :)

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