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Posts posted by thewhiterecluse

  1. I've never worn sparkles.

    In my younger years when I actually tried to look pretty, I did it. Ah...so many years ago....over a decade since I last did that.

    I agree with the sparkles, its very hard for a guy to pull it off and look appealing to the opposite gender. But it all depends on the guy. I think David Bowie and Michael Alig pulled it off fairly well though.

  2. This friend of mine who I clearly stated to that I am not looking for a relationship or dating and just friendships becomes jealous and psycho. I didn't sleep with her nor do I ever sleep around. I have to be in a relationship for that, it goes, friendship, dating, relationship, engaged, marrage in my book. I've had enough bad experiences and heart pache from not getting to know someone really well first. Well she begins flipping out and getting pissed off because I was talking to other girls, well of course I talk to other girls I connect better with women. Most of my friends are girls, I clearly stated that. Yet most of her friends are guys but its ok for her? See thats whats going to make it really difficult for her to have a happy trusting relationship if she simply doesn't listen to someone. But anyways, see she was assuming I was trying to hook up with them which of course I wasn't. Its so stupid and childish. Apparently I have to live life like a hermit monk in order for her to be please. I would never live like that. I'm a lonely person I'll admit it, I go out to socialize and make friends, plain and simple. Its entirely selfish and I NEVER agreed that to fall fast and like her like that. Well aparently me being nice gave her the wrong impression, I'm sorry I'm just a caring, honest, and friendly person. But to her that means that I'm in love with her. Well I get bitched out and chewed out by her, her mom, and brother for apparently breaking her heart. I mean what the hell? Plus her family is really religious and psycho yet don't exactly live by their doctrine. They said "Me not being Christian" means I will automatically go to hell. I made a point though, what about all the people who claim to be a religion but don't practice what they preach and are terrible people? Won't they end up in hell to? Its just so stupid and irritating. It really hurt my feelings to, she claimed to care about me as a friend but all she wanted was me to be alone and to wait for when I could fall in love with her, she was so eager about falling in love with me that it ended up ruining our friendship. It wasn't going to happen and I knew any possibility of us ever dating would have been out of the question after I got to knew her better. The first time I fell in deeply in love with someone the person's family didn't like me because of the way I dressed, the music I listened to, not being a christian, and aparently twisted things around saying that I was a bad influence when in reality it was her chick friend who was a drunk and druggy. Well back then her parents forced us apart (this was back in highschool) and put a restraining order until she was 18. Honestly I really did love her and wanted to marry her and would have if we weren't forced to not communicate and drift apart. But anyways, this crazy girl wasn't my type and I realized that while we were talking as just friends. I'm not really actively seeking anyone. I mean it would be nice to have a sweetheart in my life to be sweet back to, but oh well. Having friends is more important and makes a better foundation.

  3. ...& the "most-goth-goth-alive-award" goes to...


    I think he may be descended from The Goths...

    Maybe so, who knows. Most European descendents are part goth one way or the other due to the big migration along time ago with eastern Germanic tribes. People who look more traditional tend to be those in eastern Europe. He pulls it off though. But is he Visigoth or Ostrogoth is the question?

  4. Watch if you think it will interest you please. The first link sends you to a short 3 part video introduction. The second link goes more in debt about what it means and represents. The third link talks about the initiation. This isn't a religion, its an esoteric study go in order to learn more you have to persue it. Only persue it if you believe you are ready spiritualy, mentaly, and emotionaly. This type of study is meant to be applicable to any religion. It's not a type of free-masonry but there is a degree in the Scottish Rite relating to the study.

    Very Basic Introduction

    Explaining More In Dept

    Rosicrucian Initiation

  5. I don't stare, thats kind of rude. But I do gaze over at people and look curiously. I'm an observer thats just how I am. I must admit though out of all of the states I have visited, Michigan has the most beautiful people I've laid eyes on. Whatever you all are mixed with keeping it going ;o)

  6. Love it, but unfortunately the corporate world and norms frown upon it. Its silly, men and women have been wearing make up for thousands of years. Up until like the 1900s people decided to put a stick up their butt about it. Who cares, its freedom of expression and beauty. We live in America not Nazi Germany.

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