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Posts posted by Oh_My_Goth

  1. *yawn* More silly anti-religious rhetoric. Next plz...

    I will say I expected these people who are so smug yet "do not find themselves important", even though they say they're some of the most important atheists (isn't that an oxymoron?) are there, to start farting in wine glasses and smelling them (yeaaah...obligatory South Park reference :laugh:).

    If I hear anything about atheism, but ANY mention of religion is involved, I automatically put those atheists on the "Damn...someone was forced through Sunday School as a child as is pissed about it" list, as opposed to the atheists who truly just believe based on their knowledge of science (which, probably stayed home, realizing that with mere precious moments left on the Earth, sitting around and crying about other people believing in something is silly).

    I understand that atheist people want to be taken seriously...but yeah, they're doing it wrong :no. Fighting their own oppression by trying to oppress people who believe in something? Super childish...not the "intellects" they claim to be. Just leave people alone, to agnostics you all look quite silly :laugh:.

    Nice... Very nice :jamin

  2. The media will never let it rest... It is a way for them to make people freak out & think that something is gonna happen on that day again. That being the case... The peoples will never stop making a deal over it.

    Personally.... I don't let it affect me too much. Yes, I do feel for the families of those who died {both American and otherwise}.. & I also think it was a terrible tragedy, and a scar on our country..... BUT, It's not something I let frighten me into hiding in my house on 9/11 every year.

    You have to let people deal with it in their own way.. Death and tragedy effects us all in different ways. So no, you are not an insensitive jerk, you just deal with death in your own way.

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