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Everything posted by Burrich1

  1. Technically, not, but thats allright. When was the last time you played a board game with a child?
  2. Heaters across the country. It's getting cold out. Have you ever hiked up to the top of a mountain?
  3. Take all the socks and staple them together into a long sock chain to use across state lines for immoral purposes.
  4. Leaving for my grandmas funeral and trying to prepare myself mentally for dealing with annoying relatives.
  5. install a paint gernade throwing cannon on his ride for road rage and entertainment purposes. *edit for shitty spelling*
  6. just finished disolving my stock club.
  7. Decided to proclaim she is "Almighty Queen of the World" so she can boss the Queen of England around.
  8. Christ, I wish I had time to be bored. Work a full and a part time job, not to mention occasional side jobs, and still finding time to spend with my daughter 2 to 5 days a week, and try to maintain some semblence of a social life on top of it all. What do yo want to be when you grow up?
  9. Luna de Luna in a red. It has a cool bottle. If you had tomarrow off work, what would you do with yourself?
  10. Start a philosophical discussion on whether our backwards planet is ready for someone who can bridge gaps between space/time and be in many places at once.
  11. I always thought it was giarida infested unfiltered river water, but I havn't tried it since I was a kid. What was the last article of clothing you purchased?
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