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Posts posted by LadyKay

  1. Dealing with a person who has Borderline Personality Disorder can be very difficult. After spending months driving 2hrs to pick up her daughter to stay with us for the weekends because she can't deal with things and needs a break. Even though I have my own child to take care of as well.   Then dealing with her calling on the phone at all hrs crying hysterically and freaking out because she is having another panic attack. She has now informed my husband(her father) that she no longer wants him to call or text her. The reason for this came about because   he told her she needs to check herself into a mental health place for treatment.    I know it is all part of her mental state but it just feels so draining and so self center. She expects us to take her phone calls no mater what we have going on in our lives and listen to all her issues. If we don't, she accuses us of not giving a crap about her.  I get a pit in my stomach whenever her name comes up on the phone because I know it is going to be another drama filled issues she needs us to solve.   She makes it clear to everyone that she has mental illness but refuses to get treatment.    I am not without my issues. I have clinical depression and an anxiety disorder. So I should understand. And I do for the most part. But she is 31 years old, refuses to get treatment, and I feel she uses her mental illness to  manipulate . It is all becoming too much for me to deal with. Like I said I am not without my own mental health issues, and many times her hysteria has trigger a depression/anxiety episode of my own.  And frankly I am just mad because it is always about her and her issues and no one else's.   Well anyway that is my story.  The short of it anyway because this has been going on for years. Anyway, thanks for letting me vent. I just needed to get that all out. 

  2. So we were all setting around the table having Easter dinner at my mother in law's house. The conversation went like this:


    (mother in law says to me)  You should keep your mom's condo and not sell it. That will be a good place for you guys.

    (me) What do you mean my mom's condo?

    (mother in law) When you mom dies and you get her condo you should keep it.


    Oh My Gosh! My mom is not dead  yet and this old women is telling me what to do with her condo.!  That is not only just twisted but way over the line! :blink:

  3. Hey how you all doing? Sorry I am not around much anymore. So much going on in my life with my kid now being in middle school. That seems so strange cause I can look up posting on here when I posted about her in kindergarten. I have made peace with my mother in law but can only spend limited time with. Or else that peace maybe broken. :w00t:    Anyway, I do check in from time to time on here and read post. Even if I don't have anything to say. Take care all. :jamin

  4. Every time my mother comes over she complains to me about how much her cable bill is. I don't even have cable.  Then she hands me a bag of food that is outdated. And not just a few weeks or a month outdated. Over a year outdated. :shock:

    But I always say thank you. :innocent:

  5. Are there any old horror movies that still freak you out? Most of the older 1970's and 1980's  horror movies seem rather tame and even comical now.  But the one that still freaks me out is  the original Amityville Horror.  That movie still gets me!      I watch a documentary  of it and that even freaked me out! :sofa:   I have no ideal why  I am so freaked out by that  movie. 

  6. A while back I was at a family gathering. I was working in a retail store that was kind of crappy. The store being crappy not so much the job. Items got miss marked or out of stock, stuff like that. I knew the place had issues but I was just working there part time trying to earn some extra money for the household so there wasn't much I could do about how crappy the store was. So anyway, I went to this family picnic. This person who had married into the family so I did not know her that well, walks up to me and says "hello, Oh you are working at that such and such store don't you." To which I answer "yes I do."  She then goes off on this rant at me about everything that is wrong with the store and why she won't shop there. She runs down the store manager saying that the store manager needs to get the workers in line cause they don't know how to do their jobs!. Then she just walks off.  I thought it was rude and I was a bit mad about it. I mean I never asked her for her  opinion of the store. She just walked up to me and started ranting about it knowing full well that I worked there. Then walked off before I could say anything. 

    Well.....a few years ago she died and I attended the funeral.   You know how people only want to say nice things about people at funerals. The pastor holding the funeral got up to speak. One of the things he said was that Mrs. Smith(not using real name) would tell you what you needed to hear, not what you wanted to hear.  Everyone attending the funeral nodded in agreement. So.... I take it to mean that it was a nice way to say that she said to me at the family picnic, she must have  been that way with  everyone. Just walk up to people and start ranting about what is wrong with them like she did me. 

    Do you think that was what was meant when it was said at the funeral that she would tell you what you needed to hear not what you wanted to hear?

  7. My mother in law brought a house in town that is  surrounded by trees! Younger trees as well as  older trees. She is cutting them all down! :shock:   Her reason for doing this is she does not like squirrels!  And I guess she does not like trees neither.   I'm one of them tree hugging people. So I think the whole thing is just sad. :cry  My husband said he thinks she is being a mean old women. LOL !   


    6 hours ago, Scary Guy said:

    Your mom isn't hard to understand though; your mom is a narcissist.  However you seem pretty well adjusted which is the important thing here.

    If you want your relationship with her to improve you'll have to feed into that narcissism.  However that can be emotionally draining and honestly screw that noise :D

    I have wonder about the  narcissist thing. If that was the case or not.  It seems she will help me out if it does not interfere with what she wants to do. If it does there is lots of screaming ( asking her for help with my wedding comes to mind)    I had my grand parents and my father who took care of me, and I follow a higher power so I think that is why I grew up without a lot of issues.  At this point I am not really seeking to improve our relationship. I simply accept it for what it is. If and when she ever wants to go to Red Lobster that will be fine. If not, well I'm not going to be crying alone in my apartment over it. I have made a life for myself without her being much of a part of it. I'm use to it at this point. Through at times I do become envies of people whom have what I see as a "real mother."   All I can do is make sure I  be a better mother to my own kid then she was to me. 

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