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Troy Spiral

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Everything posted by Troy Spiral

  1. Yeah its a problem even for me recently. Looking into it. Really odd since there are no changes from an admin standpoitn that I can see over the last few days. Just for future reference... I didn't even notice this was in "other stuff" DGN tech type questions go in the "DGN forum" (moving it there, no big deal. *backhands above mods for not noticing* )
  2. Tolerable. =) Just having to deal with some idiots using the PM system to cause drama. Meh. Oh well same shit different week! lol

  3. A calm place to crash (or a ride home, or just someone to drive my car home with me) after CC tommrow, rather than be stupid and risk driving myself all the way home.
  4. I'm pretty much a PC game purist. I WOULD play console games if I didn't have to buy the console and the games, but since I have a PC and access to 10s of thousands of games, and no longer am really all that into buying a console just so I can play my Zelda or Mario games or whatever, I just play PC stuff. The only use I have for consoles these days is DDR. I've been trying to cut down and it sucks my life away, but I really do enjoy PC games. Especially RTS and RPGs. But I've got at least some interest in virtually every kind of PC game. I've been trying to come up with some sort of online game that we (the DGN community) could all play. But everything I can think of turns into basically just a niche thing. There is an RPG game mod that can be built into the message board itself that I've thought about adding, along with little puzzle / action games that can keep track of daily/weekly high scores based on your account name and such. Have toyed with adding them for awhile now.
  5. Just checkin in with ya. Hope your doing ok sir. *waves*

  6. *peeks at berkley picture* *snif* *hugs*

  7. I don't really watch TV as it comes out, I usually just wait and watch full seasons of stuff after its been out for awhile. Much eaiser to follow and allows me to pick & chooose from the best of what is out there rather than something that just happens to be "new". Recommended: Nova Origins (Neil Tyson) Frontline The American Experience Twilight Zone (Original) Rome Firefly Guns, Germs & Steel Deadwood The Universe Cosmos (Carl Sagan) Heroes (at least season 1) The Ascent Of Man (J. Bronowski) (A bit rough, but worth watching as if its a college course) The World At War (BBC) The Civil War (Ken Burns) The Sopranos Battlestar Galactica (New) Curb Your Enthusiasm first few seasons of The Shield and Oz are great. The list could go on but I'll stop there.
  8. Hiya. Don't think im a jerk for not remembering. I'm trying! My memory is really poor, I'm always apologizing for it. *slaps self* Did you tell me you were "littlemissluckycunt" from DGN? Im thinking i would have remembered that. *thinks hard*

  9. I logged on to my dummy account and tried to PM myself a bunch of times (supporters/benefactors/mods/admins and such have different permissions). I can duplicate that error but only in the same way that posts would. That is, if i try to send a PM faster than the flood filter allows. (60 seconds) Unless I'm using the board like an instant messenger it shouldn't be a problem. Is it really FIVE minutes?
  10. I'm with you there. There is usually zero real reason they need to be douche bags and deviate from the cannon. The "space" for telling stories is gigantic even with the minor restrictions actually trying to keep the storyline straight might impose. Enterprise was a huge irritation from this standpoint.
  11. This one has a lot of new footage, it is considered the "final" trailer with as much detail that is going to be put into a trailer until the film launches: Star Trek Final Trailer - Watch more Movie Trailers Yet another one that begs for good sound. Noticing a pattern? heh. The film itself and movies in general: More than any other type of "effects" scene, I think space battles (which also usually subtract 100 get laid points from a date) beg for good screening / sound. Luckily this is another one that Hollywood has seen fit to film with the (pain in the balls, or so I hear) IMAX cameras.
  12. The fixation on "the dick" (not me, but the blue one in the movie) is a cultural problem. We are so sexually repressed as a culture a naked male body part (of whatever size or color) in a feature film gets way too much commentary. Similar commentary has been around in the watchmen comic cult for years as well. Perhaps a bit more subdued as it is, despite some progress, male dominated. I still hope to see this at IMAX before it goes bye bye. *starts saving non-existent pennies* Despite having plenty of fan boy cred to my name and plenty of reasons I could denounce the film. Maybe, at least partially, due to my turncoat nature on literary entertainment in favor of nonfiction. Getting my mediatainment from TV/Film more and more to conserve time. For awhile i was starting to expect the film to turn out to be trash after my initial excitement. But in the end, I, without apology, endorse this film. I'd put it on a short list of good films. (With the above mentioned "homework required". Without the homework, I'd just say the movie is "pretty good" but I wouldn't put it on a list of suggested films.)
  13. +1 I suggested to everyone i could to at least do a partial research on the characters and back story before seeing the movie due to this. It really does not "stand alone" very well. To really "get it" some homework is required. I think many of the negative commentary(justifiably) is due to this. Long "the problem" and a key reason Allen Moore has long denounced any attempt to make it into a movie. Despite this , Dave Gibbons full and aggressively supports its transition to film. (Judas or Messiah?)
  14. There must be something in here against the irritation of all capital letters being used for titles of topics. AS IF THERE IS SOME GODDAMN EMERGENCY ABOUT YOUR PET SUBJECT. Oops. *calms self* lol
  15. Its defientely "cold" just in a relative sense I'll take this over actual winter any day. Just trying to look on the bright side. OMG... me, looking on the bright side. Something isnt right. *checks for pods in the basement*

  16. What did you mean here? A book in a series of Starship Troopers books?
  17. From a "uber quality" standpoint (whatever the heck that means) I wouldn't suggest it that highly. Even so, I remember defending it a bit in my circle of friends. But I did enjoy it at the time and have thought about it a lot on and off over the years. Its also the movie that got me drooling over Denise Richards for years to come. If just a few things were different it would be in the upper echelons of sci fi films (which I love). I need to get in a time machine, take the whole production crew of BSG (to save money, since James Cameron (who would be the guy for this type of film) costs too much heh), give them a movie size budget and say "go at it!". I'm sure it would rock. I've not seen any of the sequels as the reviews were so horrible , and there are so many films to see, that I've not gotten around to it. Please don't take this as an insult to your preferences. Its just commentary. The book, which i read so long ago ( I think i was like 12) i can't comment on legitimately but I remember enjoying it. I really like Robert Heinlein as a writer although I've been working toward weening myself off of fiction reading in the last few years. (In favor of science/history/"real" story reading)
  18. Cold? Careful! Don't jinx us lol. This is very mild in comparison to what could happen. =D

    Good to hear @ other stuff.

  19. More motivated anyhow. =) Hope you are doing well.

  20. http://www.detroitgothic.net/index.php?showtopic=15684 (the street team logo in the upper right of the website takes ya to the same place also)
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