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    Plymouth Township, MI
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    Too many to name, and they seem to keep changing, every week. (Some of them, anyway.)
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  1. I used to do this, and now I've started, again! (Yeah, I occasionally get bored.) http://virus-x.livejournal.com/391408.html
  2. I'm hesitant to say too much about either, for the sake of those that haven't seen it. As for Star Trek, yeah, I wish he would've tried to actually make due with the canon, but, at least he did clearly establish that it wasn't the canon, and actually not the people we know. As for the rest, dude, I could barely sit still from beginning-to-end. There was not a single down moment in the whole frigging movie! Even the music was a complete departure, which (even though I do like Star Trek's music) was a complete and pleasant departure! As for the Terminator TV show: P-U!
  3. Ok, my take on Star Trek? I thought I'd have a bigger problem with the changes in the storyline, but now that I see how JJ Abrams did it; now that I see how he explained the big changes in things like the ship, the characters, the organizations, the planets, etc., I can easily get past that, and I love it. Now, I admit I don't want to see a new series based on that, but I do like that formula. A new series with that kind of energy, with that kind of attitude: THAT I can handle. Terminator: Redemption? It took me a couple of days to really get a handle on the storyline. I saw it on the annaversary of a very hard day for me, so that took a lot of the wind out of my sails and enjoyment out of the movie, right off the bat. Then, there were the little things that weren't explained in the movie. Such as why Skynet was doing anything it was doing, in the first place. Maybe it was explained, and I didn't catch it, but I had to make a lot of suppositions about the movie. In any event, I loved 'em both, and I'll be back. Furthermore, after only paying $4 bucks to see Terminator, that helped a whole lot! Paying 4 smackers to see a sneak preview is always a bonus (unless the movie sucks, which they didn't)!
  4. What up dude!?

  5. Hey, there are 3 women I love to death. In order, there's the Logical One, the Reasonale One, and then there's the Irrational One. What do they have in common, aside from breathtaking beauty? A genetic predisposition to uncooperativeness, increasing in severity the further from the Logical One I stray. Yes, we love them. But don't forget the rufies, man. SECOND LOOK AT THE RUFIES!
  6. Actually, when Enterprise got the new writing staff, it was fantastic, but too late. They showed the first meetings with Humans and Klingons, Romulans, etc. They answered the question formally posed in DS9 about "is that really a Klingon". Yeah, the trailers won me over, too, so I'mtaking a chance on it. Roddenberry I hated, though.
  7. In a way, its both. They're changing the timeline an the characters. Most of these guys never met until they were posted on the Enterprise, but this movie is making them look like academic contemporaries. Sulu was born in2237; Spock matriculated in Starfleet Academy in 2249, and Kirk in 2250. Sulu didn't even get in, until 2255. Spock and Kirk were OUT in 2253 & 2254. Hell, Uhura didn't even get IN until2257. They're messing the already established story up (as well as their ages), as a cheap, fast (but maybe not good) way to get the 'faves' all in 1 place, as youngsters. That's what I'm still leery about.
  8. Now thats compassion. The woman I love is far South of perfect, herself, and I only hope I can be as compassionate and understanding as you are. However, if she just WILL NOT cooperate, I'm pretty sure I can get you a line on some good rohypnal.
  9. Uh, you might not be the biggest...! And ethics, schmethics! I want to see advanced electronics, avionics, astronautics, physics AND THINGS BLOWING UP!
  10. Ok. There're skating get-togethers, there're concert get-togethers. Is there going to be a DGN Star Trek get-together?!
  11. HEY! I know THIS guy!

    How's it goin'?

    Good to see you in the box...

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