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going through a divorce and being a newly single mom is hard!

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well folks here is my rant.. on the 19th of febuary my divorce from an evil man will be over with. he abused me and my daughter for 3 and a half years and i finally had the guts to leave him. he has not seen her since april14th of 2012 and is currently not paying child support. I will be glad when this divorce is over with and i can go back to my maiden name. my big issue and i know people will say other wise is that he has not been involved in her life at all ( yes he had abused her in the past and i know she is better off without him) but it just errks me that we both planned to have this child and now he wants to ignore her. RAAWWRR!!!! he isolated me from everyone and everything.. now im trying to peice back my life together raiser her the right weay on my own and re connect with you all again ( thats why i have not been on for years) i work go to school and raise a 2 yr old... anyways dont know what im trying to say its just tough some nights i wanna go in the corner and cry :/

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I went through a very terrible, almost unbearable separation and divorce. It was finalized in April. Hugs to you. Be strong. My ex and I were together 7 years, he married me when my daughter was five..although he wasn't her biological father he became the only father figure she had for 7 years. There were times during the marriage he was an asshole towards her, he called her a bitch and told her "your mother is a whore" when she was like 12..., picked up our dog and threw it against the wall for chewing wires and it was a rescue dog that needed training, I could go on. When we separated he basically forgot she existed. It hurt and still does. He is now married to a woman that has a son from a previous as well.. I feel you on this, I cried for so long but it get's better, sweetie, with time. The legal process was terrible as well. My thoughts are with you as I know what your going through.

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thanks kat.. yeah me waiting around for the legal process to divorce him is nerve wrecking but afterwards it will be a big chip off my shoulders.. but him ignoring his daughter when he begged from day one he wanterd a child has errked me since the day i left him.. hell its even put me in harbor oaks recently *sigh* if any of you ladies are up for a cup oh coffee and chat message me

ps he isolated me from alot of my friends and lost alot of htem would be nice to have some ladies to chat with again

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You don't need him, trust me on this. Teach your daughter all men aren't bastards and that she can grow up to be a wonderful woman. Don't talk too much about him. She needs as much a fresh start as you do.

she doesnt even know who he is thank god .. she was 15 months when I left him and now will be 2 feb 20th :) i showed her a pic of him in her baby book she reconizes me but him she like "who is that ?" so its a fresh start for both of us .

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