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Maybe back in the day when any jackass could jump into a job and fake his way until he learned even the most basic skills...if they want to exist today they need to change their ways badly...

I had a union REP, not stewart, the actual rep walk out of a meeting because he didn't follow procedure and couldn't take the heat from the other employee involved in this situation, now had I known he didn't follow procedure prior to this meeting I would have never agreed to let him represent me. Of course, in the end I got fucked as a result...so, I agree 100 percent with this statement.

Edited by kat
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I had a union REP, not stewart, the actual rep walk out of a meeting because he didn't follow procedure and couldn't take the heat from the other employee involved in this situation, now had I known he didn't follow procedure prior to this meeting I would have never agreed to let him represent me. Of course, in the end I got fucked as a result...so, I agree 100 percent with this statement.

Union rep now fight for their money...not for the people they are supposed to represent. I know far too many people that depended on their reps in certain situations which ended with the company giving up more money...but it never got to the union members...they just got stupid "benefits" that didn't help them at all.

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Union rep now fight for their money...not for the people they are supposed to represent. I know far too many people that depended on their reps in certain situations which ended with the company giving up more money...but it never got to the union members...they just got stupid "benefits" that didn't help them at all.

I use to defend myself, even ended up getting a supervisor fired for claiming I gave him bad information and attempting to fire me. :jamin

I got a union president fired because he was stupid enough to make me report to him in his office and close the door. :peanutbutterjellytime:

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I use to defend myself, even ended up getting a supervisor fired for claiming I gave him bad information and attempting to fire me. :jamin

I got a union president fired because he was stupid enough to make me report to him in his office and close the door. :peanutbutterjellytime:

I don't get why union people even complain today...even though I hate them we WISH we had something like a Union because they come and tell us that we now get a worthless retirement even if we serve 20 years and that the rest of our pay is getting messed up if we even manage to get promoted and all we get to say is YES SIR or else we will probably get chaptered.

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I wonder if the protests will actually do any good.

I think they will... and I think they already have... even if it is something as simple as not feeling so alone in one's struggle.

But the protests are the first step in a longer process.

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I don't get why union people even complain today...even though I hate them we WISH we had something like a Union because they come and tell us that we now get a worthless retirement even if we serve 20 years and that the rest of our pay is getting messed up if we even manage to get promoted and all we get to say is YES SIR or else we will probably get chaptered.

The first person from metaldyne division I worked at to reach retirement age since 2003 brought something to everyone's attention.

There is no pension. We where suppose to be able to draw $35 dollars a month per year of service vested after 5, and it was suppose to be from some government regulated and controlled account. It is gone, and because of corporations being considered an entity and the entity no longer exists, no one can be held accountable.

Even with a union, you would get screwed. If the gov didn't out right stop paying it to you, then the union would find a way to take it from you or the banks would out right steal it from you through the Fed. Hell more like they would split it, leaving you about 2% so that they could claim you getting something.

I wonder if the protests will actually do any good.

They only thing it is currently doing is pissing off Libertarians and conservatives.

The Libertarians over the last week, week and a half have been systematically turned away and those that where already there have been getting harassed. Those that refuse have have been ignored buy the media in favor whiny sosh cry baby bitches. This in turn has caused many conservative who do have half a brain to turn away and plug their ears because hey lets be honest. There is not a person in the world with half a brain or more who will agree that a hippy sosh who never worked a day in his life deserves a dime for doing nothing but demanding it.

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The first person from metaldyne division I worked at to reach retirement age since 2003 brought something to everyone's attention.

There is no pension. We where suppose to be able to draw $35 dollars a month per year of service vested after 5, and it was suppose to be from some government regulated and controlled account. It is gone, and because of corporations being considered an entity and the entity no longer exists, no one can be held accountable.

Even with a union, you would get screwed. If the gov didn't out right stop paying it to you, then the union would find a way to take it from you or the banks would out right steal it from you through the Fed. Hell more like they would split it, leaving you about 2% so that they could claim you getting something.

With this new retirement plan they have for us it is basically giving us nothing. It provides no motivation to serve 20 years or more. I knew my pay wasn't going to put me in a mansion when I retire but now I am looking for a decent double wide to live in...yet I put in far more hours per day than the majority of the population...that includes weekends which are not free.

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I just have to ask though...what the hell is up with the large number of V for Vendetta/ Guy Fawkes masks? No matter how noble the cause I could never think of getting behind a large group of Spanish people trying to forcefully install a Catholic dominated government...has America become that bad at associating symbols and stuff like that?

Hmmm...it seems that I somehow got the Oreo font for some reason...wtf?

Edited by candyman
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I just have to ask though...what the hell is up with the large number of V for Vendetta/ Guy Fawkes masks? No matter how noble the cause I could never think of getting behind a large group of Spanish people trying to forcefully install a Catholic dominated government...has America become that bad at associating symbols and stuff like that?

Hmmm...it seems that I somehow got the Oreo font for some reason...wtf?

It is because of the last scene in V where everyone adopts the mask and remains anonymous. Or should that be Anonymous?

It has nothing to do with the loyalties of Fawkes, anyway it is better than looking like Martian Man Hunter.

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It is because of the last scene in V where everyone adopts the mask and remains anonymous. Or should that be Anonymous?

It has nothing to do with the loyalties of Fawkes, anyway it is better than looking like Martian Man Hunter.

Hmmm...I guess that works out. I would have picked a Bill Murray mask of something...

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Hmmm...I guess that works out. I would have picked a Bill Murray mask of something...

Personally I would have picked


Or better yet a rigid plastic William Shatner mask, ok ok so now it would be called a Michael Myers mask. Man it has to suck when a fictional character steals your face. :laugh:

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Worx bomb...simple yet effective. Can't really ban or trace anything because everyone needs to clean their sinks and cover their leftover chicken. This will do a number on a gopher btw...might make a protester poop a little...

First gubermint will just "force" companies to sell smaller sizes by requiring stores to report anyone who purchases a certain volume like they do with KNO3(potassium nitrate).

Second I could make a worse chemical bomb getting ride of the works and a simple refinement of wood ash.

Personally I hate hydrochloric acid(HCl) anyway, the smell makes me want to vomit every time. So if it got restricted no big to me except more tromping of our liberties. NaOH(sodium hydroxide) or KOH(potassium hydroxide) are a much better choice than HCl but the frelling meth labs got them severely restricted, thats why the just buy batteries instead. NaOH and KOH are both more useful at home than HCl.


  • Paper making
  • Cleaning agent
  • Ingredient in

    • Hominy
    • Corn nuts
    • Kutsinta (Filipino dessert)
    • Pichi-pichi (Filipino dessert)
    • Lutefisk (Scandinavian delicacy)
    • Century eggs
    • German pretzels
    • Chinese moon cakes
    • Traditional Chinese noodles (yellow because of Lye not egg)
    • Black olives

    [*]Hard soap



Soft soap

Cleaning agent

Nixtamal flour

Can be used to replace NaOH in many food recipes.

So if the government is restricting something with a much larger and irreplaceable home usage, there is no reason for them not to restrict something that can be replaced by a scrub brush and pipe snake.

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Yes those cleaners choke the shit out of me too...damn people shoving everything down the disposal like it is a magic hole the makes it all go away...no NOW I have to deal with that smell and the cleaner smell.

They could never get rid of bomb making materials even with bans...however the recent trend in bans has grown and all you need is children complaining about situations they should not be in at all and "workers" saying that they are at risk on commercials to twist people into supporting a ban. Life is full of dangers...and shit ALWAYS blows up or starts on fire or gets smashed at protests...simple stuff really

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