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This seems to be happening at the state level too.

Sorry I'm going to go all over the place.

That seems to be a true statement and certainly the states are at fault for allowing it to happen but...

The Patriot Act

The Patriot Act II

The Victory Act

And a plethora of others are federally responsible for the way the states are behaving.

Nobody wants to look like a terrorist or terrorist sympathizer. Luckily for us there are those who refuse those definitions and the blatant constitutional end runs that came with them.

There are towns and cities that are charging their law enforcement agencies with following the constitution and to ignore any law that is to their contrary. Unfortunately there is little they can do to prevent the Feds from flexing, but making sure that local law enforcement is educated is a step in the right direction.

Unfortunately we have enforcement agencies that are being taught that the forefathers where terrorists. This leads to the thought that the forefathers are no better than the "terrorists" that are being fought today and teaches that the true American patriots of today who believe the forefathers where just, are mere terrorists.

But even before 9/11 have a look at your memory. What small things where law enforcement doing?

Looked to me like they where making an end run around U.S. Code TITLE 18, PART I, CHAPTER 67, Section 1385 commonly known as Posse Comitatus.

Posse Comitatus, is a law prohibiting the use of the military (more specifically Army or the Air Force but interpreted by the supreme court to be all branches) from exorcising the duties of state/local law enforcement, police, or peace officers on non-federal property.

So what happens? Someone get the bright idea to frighten the population into letting state and local law enforcement use military equipment and participate in military training exorcises.

I asked a cop one to give me one good reason why a 39 square mile township with only 1000 estimated citizens needed a tank. He said to keep from being shot at.

I had issues with his reasoning because I know damn well that soldiers that can retreat will futilely shoot at a tank hoping that they will miraculously get a round inside but I gave him the benefit of the doubt and assumed he meant increased protection from gunfire. I said, Armored van, now give me one good reason.

He then said forced entry.

If you need a tank to force entry then you need the protection of the tank. Why would you get out of the tank? Besides a battering ram on the van will do the same thing. One good reason please.

Strategic injecting of tear gas.

A riot gun that can smash cinder block can be used for strategic injection?

This is the point where I didn't give him the opportunity to come up with another reason because I went off on how "Riot Gun" is a Don't Panic The Civilian code word for "Grenade Launcher".

We need to people to look at the old laws and understand why they where created. One of the reasons for Posse Comitatus was to limit the power of the military by keeping them concentrated on Federal property so that if the citizens decided that the government was to close to tyranny they would have a better chance due to the lack of military dispersion.

When people start saying "My second amendment rights" you end up with people who say "Well the founders didn't mean military arms." People that say that just want the Fascists to have the best weaponry and I call BULL SHIT.

Citizens back then did own military ordnance and the founders knew it.

"Well the founders couldn't imagine how many people could be killed by one person with a fully automatic." Bull shit again, grape shot was invented to kill as many as possible as fast as possible.

"Well they didn't have missiles and grenades." Bull shit! And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air.

Of couse those are the same fucking idiots that can not tell you how many stars and stripes are on the Star Spangled Banner Flag that inspired the anthem. Some fools will say 50/13, and they must be treated as fascists fodder. Some think they are intelligent and say 13/13, and you may be able to teach them something. Some will be honest and say they don't know. Others will know it is 15/15 and if these people are preaching anything anti-constitutional the must be feared.

Side notes: I'm not saying that the Founders and the constitution where perfect, if I where to rewrite...

The Thirteenth, Fifteenth, and Nineteenth amendments would be unneeded because in the beginning I would use the phrase "Sentient Being" and that covers sex and race nicely wile allowing for the possibility evolution, be it natural or genetically engineered.

I'm not advocating an armed uprising either we still have a chance to use the system to reverse the trend but it starts with your friends and neighbors then leads to the path of local, state then federal.

Liberty is addictive but giving Liberty is even more so.

Educate people as to why their RIGHTS should stay RIGHTS.

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The only way I would get withing 100 yards of a tea party member is after feeding them a lead pill.

Obviously you live under the disillusion that that all Patriots are right wing.

Tea Bagers and Dippies = Mindless slaves = Republicans and Democrats.

Of course I have my slavish tendencies after all, something is compelling me to respond to something that gives off the obvious air of an SPT.

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