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How Not To Hit On Girls

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those who say they hate tea just havent found the right one (and for referance, i fucking hate american teabags more than our teabags, its not tea!)

sorry for the brief break of immaturity..

heh teabags.. :rofl:

I actually really love tea.. :)

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Oh geez I know someone who does this.

When a firm conversational foundation has been established, send her a picture of your penis. In fact, send several pictures from different angles and in various lighting

I was at a party not long ago and I was talking to a woman who asked me if I wanted to see a picture of her boyfriend.

Silly me, I was expecting a picture of a face. :blink:

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and the internet, has hundreds of women who think that pictures of thier boobs in multi angles will also be good for dating.

Oh geez ! Yes, men and women do it . It's like everyone forgot etiquette and manners out with the old in with WTF ? My 15 year old jokes with his GF and other friends male or female and the things he says shock and appall me ! :o

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have you been checking out my myspace page? .. sooo..umm..you interested? *EG*

heh, unf i havent been on myspace in aaaages (i got a ton of blogs to catch up on)

but certan people who shall remain nameless have tried this ploy with me

(they dont get it that i'm the wierdo male that likes to know people as i've had enough of attractive yet fruity-loops women, and i actually have been known to enjoy an intelectual converstaion from time to time).

and please. i'm british, have some dignity!

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heh, unf i havent been on myspace in aaaages (i got a ton of blogs to catch up on)

but certan people who shall remain nameless have tried this ploy with me

(they dont get it that i'm the wierdo male that likes to know people as i've had enough of attractive yet fruity-loops women, and i actually have been known to enjoy an intelectual converstaion from time to time).

and please. i'm british, have some dignity!

Bravo! I enjoy intelligent conversations from time to time as well. Intelligence is more attractive than a hot guy or girl who is an air head.

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They are probably swingers and had their eye(s) on you....!

Sometimes I think part of the problem is people are shy so then they drink or just act stupid naturally out of fear....if your a beautiful girl, the nice shy one's don't ask you out. The assholes have guts.

Thing 1 gets this stuff at school......and at work......places your NOT suppose to have to put up with this crap.

Her friend who works with her, in her last year in high school.....had a 55 yr old come onto her. Thats gross.

It was on her camera phone. I think she had made a comment about my boyfriend being a cutie, probably so she'd have an opening to, uh, brag.

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  • 3 months later...

My kid is still single and after hearing this I am NOT SURPRISED. Heh.

These are the pick up lines she has heard recently, mind you.....she is hot.

Some guy is walking behind her and just says 'SEX!'

Nice. Got class.

Another one points to a friend and goes 'LOOK!' To which, they both stare down her bottom like its a dear in hunting season.

Again, classy! whoo hoo!

Another one actually had the nerve to ask her if she thinks he is cute.....um.....don't ask a bitter goth that. Please. You may need therapy later.

Another one asks her point blank if she wants to have sex, THEN asks her out on a date AFTER she says no. Nice appoach don't ya think? :blink:

I dont like the way the high schoolers used to treat your kids. They are completely goth to the T and are very hot, but tashas new hair has to go lol.


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