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Everything posted by LadyFreak

  1. I will be there and I am putting in my request for the #2 card. They look awesome! Looking forward to seeing everyone! Congrats on the promotion to high school. :-)
  2. I will be there and looks like I was late to the card requesting party...I would like #2, but any card will do. I will, however, probably be one of the first to arrive. :-) Looking forward to tomorrow night as always- good company and conversations! :-)
  3. I will be there tonight to claim my #2 card and to socialize with all of you lovely people. I look forward to the gathering every week because I enjoy talking with everyone and it is a highlight of my week. Troy, I appreciate your hard work and your effort in making this happen. :-)
  4. I will be there and would like my number 2 card. Looking forward to seeing everyone!
  5. I will be there tonight to claim my #2 card and to talk and hang out with everyone. I look forward to seeing you! :-)
  6. I will be in attendance at this evening's gathering. I would also like to request my #2 card. :-)
  7. I will be there and I would like the card with the #2 on it...this has been my number for the last couple of weeks, so I am claiming it. I look forward to seeing everyone as always! :-)
  8. I am here at your fabulous event talking to you and other great people! I would like a card, please. :-)
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