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Posts posted by sass_in_the_pants

  1. Personally I'd like to see people dressing more expressively. Enough with the Jeans and t-shirt for every occasion. I lean towards dark, eclectic mixes of different styles.

    Fer real.

    But there is always that tuxedo t-shirt for formal occasions...

    Everyone says they want to express themselves through their clothes and then everyone ends up wearing the same damn thing. How is that possible?


    Guy would like to see capes come back. No really.

    Also, he wants footed pajamas, as day wear.

    Oh my, I can't believe anyone ever married this guy...

  2. Nuthin.

    I got nothing.

    I AM a pretty badass financial analyst...except communes don't have any money, so....

    I'll get back to y'all.

    But I bring Guy with me!

    Guy is very talented!

    He can make fishing nets.

    He can figure out your DNA sequence.

    He can herd spiders...?

    He can eat poisonous things and not die...

    And I just make sure he doesn't jump off a cliff. Yup, that's my job.

  3. If you'll all indulge me for a moment...

    Guy's idea was that we wear the babies in Baby Bjorns, which are those front side baby carriers, and cover them in fake blood and gore and make it look like they are popping out of us, like from the movie Alien.

    All the boys think this is terribly clever.

    I hate it.

    There is something....disturbing about putting fake blood on a baby. And seeing as how these two ALREADY popped out of me, the novelty of a costume recreating the event is kinda lost on me.

    They will be peas and carrots and they will be FREAKING ADORABLE!

    Guy and I have a Halloween party the Saturday after Halloween.

    He will be She-Ra.

    I will be He-Man.

    And we'll be FREAKING ADORABLE!

  4. Sometimes those reconstruct jobs ARE a headache. You look at it and you're like 'All I need to do is make a little cut here...' and then four days later it's not done, and you have shreds of an outfit.

    Oh well.

    And that fabric glue - I've used that MANY times, I'm embarrassed to say, but it did the job, so I can't complain :)

  5. they do indeed have pickle soup. I turned my nose up at it when my gf at the time told me about it, but I ordered a jug of it after that.

    Under the Eagle has dill pickle soup and wonderful beet soup too.

    So noted!


    I might need to make a trip to hammy-trammy to get my fix.

    Anyone else remember when Planet Ant there used to be a coffee shop? It's a little theatre now - I've seen some stuff there, nice place.

  6. Eph McNally's - in Corktown, near where Tiger Stadium used to be. Yummiest Deli sandwiches like ever

    Omara's - I think it's Clawson? Irish, but their menu is like twelve pages long and everything is good

    Sushi Ko - 12 mile and orchard lake - really yummy sushi, very reasonably priced

    Red Coat Tavern in Royal Oak - AWESOME burgers, adn they have scotch eggs, if you realy want a heart attack today, I suggest the scotch eggs

    I second Miller's Bar and Priya - both are DEELISH!

  7. yes, but that line shouldn't be "NO!! you can't do that because *I* believe it's wrong!"

    it should be legal, and *then* boundaries should be set. my opinion? as long as that life is dependant/reliant upon the mother to survive, it should be the mother's choice, whether or not to keep it. (no, the father should not have any say in the matter, imo) once the baby is able to survive on it's own outseide the womb, it should have the same rights any other child would have, but not until then.

    I would conclude from your statements above that anyone's right to survival can be snuffed out by anyone on whom that life depends, and the rights of the person who is dependent are removed from the equation. Would that be a fair conclusion to come to based on your above statements? Please correct me if I an wrong. Or is it the case that this belief applies only to the babies who are still in the womb? Again, I am just trying to clarify here.

  8. fact of the matter is, who the fuck are you to tell another human being how to run their life? you're not a god, you're not the gestapo... hence, pro-*choice*.

    why the fuck doesn't anyone get that?


    I also don't believe people should be told how to run their lives, most specifically, I don't believe it is the choice of someone else as to when to end someone else's life, particularly so soon after that life began.

    I believe that the unborn are also human, and entitled to the same rights as everyone else - the primary right being life itself.

    I'm not god, (not interested in the job either, thankyouverymuch) and neither is anyone else, so why do people play god in deciding when to end someone else's life?

  9. I'm voting for McCain.

    Again, experience trumps charisma.

    Also, he's been on the Daily Show like six times and I think he's quite funny.

    Not that that would swing my vote, I'm just throwing it out there.

    As far as whether or not Michigan is a red or a blue state...we've had a Dem governor for eight years. Some people might just be fed up with the whole party. Like I said before, I think this election is a whole new ballgame - I think party affiliations are going to be less important than a particular candidate's stand and record.

  10. the emotional pain is there for a reason. people become mentally unstable for a LONG time after that. some feel as if they are no better then someone on death row. many may never get over it.

    This is more true than most people realize. An Elliot Institute study published in August 2003 edition of the Southern Medical Journal found that women who had abortions were seven times more likely to commit suicide than women who gave birth.

    There are several support groups out there for women who have had abortions. Some come a few weeks after the abortion, some twenty years. Some were pressured into the abortion by a boyfriend. Some have gone on to the career which they feared they would have to give up if they had the baby. Some have gone on to have children later in life. All carry a heavy emotional burden.

  11. During the Saddleback Church debate thingy McCain talked about adoption. He has a 17 year old daughter that his wife adopted through Mother Teresa's orphanage overseas. He was going on the lines on how he wants to make it easier for people to adopt children in this country instead of having to go overseas. I'm personally all for that, I know everyone is always for the poor kids in other countries...but what about the ones here? Sheryl Crow is one of the few celebrities who've actually adopted an American kid.

    That would be wonderful! I knew that he and his wife had adopted, so I have been hoping that with their family in the spotlight, there would be more discussion about adoption.

  12. another question is, is there more parents willing to adopt, then there are aborted babies? what is the ratio here.

    That's a very tough question to answer. I know, cuz I've looked. But, since Roe v Wade 48 MILLION babies have been aborted in America. For reference, the population of Spain is less than that.

    Then again, there are LOTS of people who want to adopt - but don't have the 10K - 25K it typically costs in legal and other fees to pay for the adoption, so they don't even begin the process.

    Or are worried that they won't pass the adoption process so they don't even begin.

    And then again, there are many children that enter the adoption process later in their lives, and it is more difficult to place them for a variety of reasons. So I think that's why it's so difficult to find an accurate number on that.

    I can't speak for everyone in the pro-life movement, but I do know many, many people in the movement, from the rank and file to people who are in charge.

    Many HAVE adopted, some have adopted infants, some have adopted older children and some have adopted children with special needs.

    Once Guy and I move into the bigger house (which will hopefully be before Christmas!!) we will start the process of being foster parents (YEAH!!)

    By the way, I was pro-choice for...I dunno, fifteen years. Then I researched some stuff, I won't get into all of it here, but basically, ALL of my pro-choice rhetoric just crumbled in front of me. So I had to change everything.

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