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Posts posted by EagleRose

  1. My boss asked me how many friends I have in the area.  When I told him I didn't really have any friends here yet he asked me why.  I told him that it's because I work almost every night and all weekend and I don't make enough to really be able to go do anything when I am off work.  He responded with "You need to get out and make some friends so you can recruit them to work here as well."  I don't know how I feel about that.  I thought that I had dropped a pretty good hint as to working to much for low pay.  lol

    Dude is just a jerk. He knows. 

  2. I think I have totally lost motivation. I know I have stuff to do that is REALLY important and affect more than just myself. But the thought of trying to start handling any of it at this moment (before it turns into a crisis situation) is just not moving me...

    Am I depressed, stressed or tired?

    No idea.



  3. Now the whole possibility of moving to Florida thing is starting to feel more appealing with the recent proposal, well both proposals but specifically the one where he said if I agreed to the move he would just ask that I go get my Masters degree as I intended to when I was married the first time until my ex forbid me to finish because I wasn't making enough money and I suppose I was, in turn interfering with his 100 dollar a pop, illegal Cuban cigars lifestyle he was trying to live. Dan said he knows how much it means to me and he said him investing in me for a year to get a degree that's going to ultimately allow us to have a better lifestyle together is absolutely a better idea than me stressing out, stuck in case management forever.

    This sounds like a case I saw once on ID tv. Bad outcome. 

  4. What is with the color nude? Of the millions of people I've seen and the thousands I've met,  I have yet to see anyone with that skin tone. Why would you name a color nude if no one on the planet matches it? Call the blasted thing the color it is...  beige. 


    With you, Torn, Neechan, kat, (a couple of others) I practically have an army of people trying to help me out (that's new for me). This is why I keep trying to understand why I can't seem to follow what you guys are telling me. It's very positive, but I can't shake this feeling that I'm letting people down.


    Maybe I'm just having a pity party...


    I think once I get this shower project completed, I'm going to take a mental vacation for about a week.  Maybe I'll actually join kat on that online Karaoke site.

    In the meantime, here's a little eye candy.



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