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Posts posted by Strange

  1. I've failed to quit MTG like 7 times. Although I gave up trying to quit, I'm just on a temporary hiatus. It wont last long, especially now since I decided its ok to play with "good proxies" (that is printed out on a color printer) so i don't even have the money excuse anymore heh. (On tuesday at pandemonium theres ass-tons of casual players that couldnt care less if you have the actual cards or not).

    I'm one of those players that won't allow proxies because, I find that even in casual play its cheating, if you dont have the card go get it or trade for it. I never ever use proxies because if i don't have a certain card I substitute for it. There are cards out there that are indirect copies of others so problem solved haha. But i'm not a freak about it though, I've met some MTG players that are anal nobody will play with them because they think they're the best.

  2. I'm not really thinking about anything in particular, I mean I have a date thursday night so that a little bit, thne I met someone and city and she's out of town for a week, so that too also besides those things nothing at all honestly haha.

  3. I'm no artist, and I will be honest I can't draw for the life of me as someone who respects the artists in the industry that i've met I think that this school is really bad as well, tattoo's aren't something you go to school for it's a self taught/ handed down from master to apprentice art form. It's a bad idea and the industry will thrive over this little blister of a mistake.

    Honestly I wish i could've payed attention in art class and picked it up better, but all my art is in my head. If I could draw it, i'd love to apprentice and grind and work hard to be a great tattooist.

  4. Hey I love tattoo's and the culture around them, i'm so happy they are becoming more accepted. I have an ankh on my arm it's my frist tattoo I ever got done and I love it so much, but I'd like to get a quarter sleeve done around it with an Egyptian theme, and go from there. To me tattoo's are very spiritual.

  5. As far as music selection goes, minus the all request hours i'll get those after. Music selection at a radio station like 89X or the Wrif; the music directors come up with a full playlist for the whole day, based on intrest at the station and mainly on what the general listining public likes, also whats popular at the time as well. So there's not much room for freedom once it's laid down, I want to get into radio so that I can change that a little bit and give the masses what ever they want as well as good radio shows. Now for Request hours at stations besides the playlist the director has already made if they don't have a song, most of the time they won't play it because lets face it THEY don't have it so they'll play another song from that artist.

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