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Everything posted by CypherZero1

  1. Yea. The cute makes me want to barf. But I can't help it! Eww. LOL. I'll see what I can do about coming out to the show. I have a lot going on that week being that I'm moving...Again. Ugh.

  2. Ah, your pretty amazing too....o.O -puke- (hehe)

  3. Oh man. I don't play often enough to be on expert. But I don't own Guitar Hero. Howell is pretty far out there. Past Brighton. Damn. I live in Oak Park. Luckily I don't mind driving at all. I'm quite used to it. :-D

  4. That sounds amazing also! I <3 me some Guitar Hero. I scared the shit out of my buddy the first time I played it. I just picked it up and went at it on medium and started passing the songs he was trying to beat for hours. Guess its just the synth player in me trying to come out. Hehe. Were do you live at?

  5. Hitting my head on my desk because my old room mate took the tv, then proceeded to pick a fight with my current room mate (his sister) over a book. Then he experienced instant karma for being a huge douche and the truck battery died so I had to help jump his car in the snow storm. Then I discovered that my SD card reader for my camera is AWOL and my jump drive with the photos I need is not with me. AAAAAGGGHHHHHH!!!! I plead ignorance to everything going on around me until Jan 1 2009!
  6. Awesome! That sounds like a good time. Haha! Maybe after christmas I'll pick up a copy. That's usually when I get my games for my DS. Just depends on how much money I have left over after I get my Blackberry. O.o I needs that. Life is making me crazy. I need something to help restore my sanity. Anyway, which of the Pokemon games do you recommend?

  7. Alas, I do not. A few of my friends have it, and my old room mate in Schaumburg IL was obsessed with it. Haha! Guess I never got into the Pokemon thing. If I had more time on my hands I probably would play it.

  8. FOOD! Yay for lunch time. Then I continue work on the stock room. -twitch-
  9. Ah. My dad is an IT guy, so computers come with the territory for me. I never have the time to play video games, but I do have a DS for occasions where I can sit on my ass and get involved in something. I <3's the cartoons. And Pixar is god. I'm super selective about Anime.

  10. Yeah. I certainly don't use Vista at home. I run Mac. And if I had a PC it would have Linux on it. I wouldn't even taint my hard drive with that shitty joke of an OS known as Windows. I was raised to hate it. I <3 being geek.

  11. I understand how that lazy thing goes. Hehe. Sometimes I don't check anything online other than my e-mail because I'm sick of the computer. I fight with Windows Vista when I'm in the office for work. Ick.

  12. Me thinks I tried adding ya. Here is the link just in case: myspace.com/justcypher

    And yes. Retail. Much pain. Next week kicks off hell week. I'll actually have to work in the malls instead of the office. -twitch-

  13. I might be there. Depends on the weather. I tend to show up at the bar a little more frequently around the holidays. I like to forget about the outside world around Christmas. Two words: Retail job.

  14. Amen. I work for a retail company. The mall sucks right now. I am sitting on my ass after going to Sommerset to get my iPod replaced since my other one died.
  15. I'm freezing my god damn ass off because the fucking house I live in has shitty windows. And doing laundry. A necessary evil.
  16. Haha! I have people say "nice hair" to me all the time. LOL I can pass off as slightly threatening at the bar, or maybe just god damn pretentious. Either way, a lot of people don't know how to approach me. I'll probably be at City this Saturday night, if I'm not totally burnt out by then.

  17. There is a slight chance I'll show up on the 20th. But I work for a retail company so both of those days fall during the hell weeks of Christmas. If I'm not totally burnt out I'll probably be wanting to go to the bar.

  18. Yep. Still lurking. Actually more like hiding in the background at the moment. Been to busy to browse the internets lately.

  19. Could very well have been me. I talk to a lot of people, and my mohawk was blond until a couple of days ago. I got bored and dyed it.

  20. Ah I have seen you around at City Club. Next time I see you there I will stop and say hello. I'm the chick with a what the fuck red mohawk. Hehe.

  21. Yeah. I was frequenting City and Necto for a while. Ive disappeared for the past few months though. Needed a hiatus. I'll eventually show up at Luna since I live so dame close to it now.

  22. Depends on what bars you go to. Like I said, I lurk. Haha. I'm sure you have seen me somewhere are least once.

  23. Sooo my hair doesn't quite look like that any longer. I need new pics. And I assume everyone on this board is crazy in one way or another. Hehe.

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