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Restless Oblivion

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About Restless Oblivion

  • Birthday 08/31/1979

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  1. Sending Birthday Wishes :)

  2. Greeting and Happy Birthday :)

    Sweet profile picture :D

  3. Youve been gone forever! Hope you come back to us.

  4. o/ Hi :p

    That is a person waving lol The o/ that is :p

  5. Miss you sis!! lol Never got to say bye to you on the night! Me and our third sister PussyKatDoll did lots of half drunken dancing most of the night, and never saw you again... but that could have been the long islands fault lol It was a good night of lots of dancing, with poor Stymie getting subjected to my very goth dancing to Cruxshadows haha *cringes*
  6. Hey all! I know this topic is so over and dead, but I've not had much internet contact since I left Detroit. I'm now back on UK ground, and for once it's amazingly hot and sunny here!! Was great to see everyone who came to the BBQ, met lots of new people I didn't get to meet last year, and caught up with some of you that I did meet before. Thanks again to everyone for being so welcoming! Not sure when I will be coming back to Detroit again, but if any of you end up on this side of the world give me a shout
  7. Awww no! Will you guys be coming to the club on saturday though? x
  8. My ex went nutty with scissors after I told him I was leaving him, and the next day while I was at work he cut up most of my clothes - all the really expensive ones and my going out stuff, and all my fake hair and wigs - including one pair of boots. But yeah, if you ask him - I'm the crazy one for leaving him lol
  9. We can have an over 21 section in Jeff's dungeon lol.... I assume he has one in his new place! haha
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