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Everything posted by Souls_End

  1. For those having a hard time with the schedule...someone at the WSE forum converted them to PDFs and can be found here Thursday - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=X3PA3N6Y Friday - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=V4773UOJ Saturday - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=0DEBYFDO Sunday - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=XIJL68C9 Monday - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ATVQZI0I Friday saved as a bit of a puzzle piece, but I think you'll figure it out. Let me know if any of them didn't upload correctly and I'll try again. With that out of the way...wtf is with the Sunday concerts starting at 3:00pm. The idea of walking out of a show and it still being daylight just seems a bit off.
  2. Also...the Abney Park Live Journal page has a thread going about WSE which can be found here. For the time and day the Capt. Robert (Abney Park) thinks he is playing here is a quote "I believe it is all ages...and We have to shows, one Saterday, and the big one is Sunday...I think...." As for his thoughts on the communication with WSE crew about playing the Masquerade Ball? "um, I don't know. They don't tell me shit." Head on over and take a peek.
  3. Your guess is as good as mine...his answer couldn't have been "Abney Park is playing Sunday". That would have been too easy. It had to be cryptic :(
  4. I've been posting on the World Steam Expo facebook page and have had a minor amount luck with some responses. As for the Abney Park time/day, here is the response. "ME-curious as well...wife and I would like to catch the Abney Park show but scheduling the time off gets more difficult with every passing day. Arthur Geissler- The main concert will be taking place on Sunday, and most of our big events will be taking place over Saturday and Sunday." There has been alot of ranting about the lack of schedule and this was the response from one week before the event "Arthur Geissler The schedule is on its way. Thank you one and all for your patience." The idea of Michigan hosting a Steampunk Con is cool and using Greenfield Village is a backdrop/venue is a perfect fit. I fear however that W.S.E. will turn out to be a complete disaster. It seems to be utterly disorginized and mis-managed. Here's a link to the World Steam Expo Facebook page and see for yourself.
  5. I've seen VNV 4 times but last nights show was a first. That was truly amazing. Fun was definitely had by all. A few times I thought the floor was going to collapse and drop us all about 20ft but it would have been worth it. Jinx, I'm sure I speak for all of us in attendance last night when I say “thank you”.
  6. looks like I'm left with a spare ticket as one of my wifes friends backed out. The tickets already paid for so if you have a couple bucks great but if not, no worries. Hate to see it go to waste. Also, if anyone needs a lift from the Livonia area, lemme know.
  7. I met my wife at Luna aka the groove room aka 3-D's back in the early 90's. I was until the past couple years that they did away with my favorite night "Video appreciation". 1 dollar well drinks to boot.
  8. Good news...only sounded a bit rehearsed Current location? Long time resident of the west side, Livonia Where from? I was actually born here (Warren) spent my teen years in and around Florida (dad was career navy) then moved back here in the late 80's and haven't left. Gender? Male Work? By day I'm an auto technician. At night I'm a computer modding, silk screening hobbyist. School? Some...didn't help (see above career choice) Kids? yes two wonderful kids. My daughter Salem 12 yrs old and son Nolan who is 11 in March. Married? Been married for 17 (mostly fantastic) years. Hobbies? Since this forums roots are grounded in music lets start there. I'm one of the few people that can say they saw the smiths live. How sad is that. My taste in music currently jumps from Imelda May to Sisters of Mercy then back to VNV Nation with many stops along the way. As stated above I dig computers. I really enjoying modding then into something other then just a boring beige box you shove under your desk. I have just recently picked up silk screening and I'm currently trying to make that into a bit of a side profession. More details upon request How Did You Find DGN? Googled "Detroit Gothic" its a short list.
  9. Wasn't able to make it out last night to get tickets. Any idea when they will become available at wanttickets.com? As of now they show no listing.
  10. So I finally find myself with a free saturday night. Wife is out of town so that leaves the possiblities wide open (well not that wide). I turn to my trusty online resource DGN and find this thread. I have not been to C.C. in almost 6 years and its been atleast 15 years since I was a "regular". With that being said, I'm seriously considering going if an old bastard like myself wont get stoned at the door. Your thoughts?
  11. I've been a long time forum lurker and figured it was time to introduce myself. Names Bret and my screen name is SoulsEnd (not SoulSend...big difference I mean really why would you send a soul?) I've found this place to be a great resource for upcoming events including the upcoming VNV show at the Necto.
  12. VNV mentioned something about coming back "some where nearby" during their show at St. Andrews last summer. Looks like I'm heading up to Necto this coming Monday for the first time. Newb question...do I just ask for tickets at the door or am I looking for someone in particular? Also, is there a max number you can purchase (I need to get 4)?
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