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  1. I will take a stab in the dark but I am not 100% sure on American owner ship laws. The mother would be likely to be able to say the daughter stole the car thus getting it back, likely insurance in this case, but her daughter would result in getting a(nother even) criminal conviction. The reason that the car would be taken and impounded or what ever is because things like this usually are required for evidence purposes. It usually uses clauses like authority or agency given to the convicted person from the principal, which would result in knowledge of use and therefor the ability for police to seize personal property; you might even find that in your guys Anti-Drugs act that there is a clause stating any vehicle belonging to a convicted person used in a drug dealing can be seized. Might not make sense but generally the only thing that would provide pure separate legal personality, specially from your family, is if you place a claim against them or the property was within a company. As I said, I am not 100% sure on U.S law, but it works something like that where I am from. I don't think its facist, I think its common sense. Other wise you will end up with crap like, "Mans don't take my P Lab because my brother was using it to make drugs, it belongs to me therefor you can't do shit." Laws are there for stop a greater evil with a smaller one usually, not just to piss us off.
  2. Tolerance is me not punching you in the face when I disagree. Its not withholding my opinion in order to not offend. I personally dislike political correctness because in New Zealand it has resulted in racism, not negative against a specific one but my own, the ethnic race, gets undue benefits due to my blood. I believe any type of racism is wrong. Political correctness is a funny thing from my view, its like a lot of other things the western world does, gives the minority a greater voice at the loss of some of the freedom of speech or actions of the majority. I am not saying the minority should be ignored don't get me wrong; but I am saying the majority have a voice too. "As far as I am concerned unless it is a crime in our society then I will RESPECT" Keep in mind laws are pick and choose from society too.
  3. Sadly I doubt most of the people will get theirs. They will be dead or it just plain won't happen. I will be shocked if one is held accountable. Its life, it sux.
  4. Hey thats cool Gaf, know what I did? I looked it up. Hell I don't know much about the American legal system, but I am pretty sure a state legislator is a state legislator not a member of the senate, I could be wrong though, after all, I just said I don't know much about your political hireachy. Thats good though Gaf, attack the person, not the argument. And watch an informative American video? Sir I am not a moron, I am not going to watch something from a country with media as regulated as your and expect it to actually fairly or acturatly portray the actual reality of the situation, only the "chosen", key word is chosen here, facts which that media medium wished to give. I know you probably agree with that your media is to closely regulated, after all the constitution does allow for freedom of speech... (Snicker...), due to you don't seem to be by any means stupid. But if you really want proof its called Fox News. I do however think I understand your comments about wanting Obama to fail. Do you mean you wish for him to fail in what he is doing because you believe the way he is going about it is wrong? Or are you really just arogant and want him to fail because you just generally do not like him? If it is the later dude... How patriotic.
  5. I really enjoy reading this forum when it has threads such as this. I agree with Phee, I am dumb-founded how someone would wish for their country to go in the wrong direction in order for someone they do not approve of to fail. I always believed that who ever made something better should be celebrated regardless of how minor the improvements may be. I understand that people like to blame others and point the finger. But no one here has a prefect track record. I mean look at Gaf's arguments... He attacks Obama due to his disapproval, however with lack of actual facts to hold against him he calls upon acts of the past democratic party and Clinton. I am not sure, I also refuse to check, but was Obama even influential politically when that happened? I don't think so... So how the hell is that his fault? Atleast when people blame Bush it for something he has done or could have done, not on something that isn't dirctly related to him, just what the hell. Just give him some time to actually attempt to change things, quit screaming revolution it would only make it worse. Look! That man is having a heart attack! Lets light him on fire so he gets better; No. If you think he did a bad job, don't re-elect him, simple, solved, stop complaining until his government actually screws it up please. I personally feel that there is nothing wrong with business men running a country. Running a country like a charity case for the people doesn't work. Yes, blahblahblah <insert mildly relevent comment on bail out plan here>, but at the end of the day a country should be run like any other organisation, for profit. Even if its for something as simple as increases in living standards, because these things reflect financial growth also. I don't really know to be honest, I just feel that some people are crucifying those who do not deserve it, not yet anyway. Still, tsk tsk, blaming Clinton for the mortgage crisis, yes it is easy to ignore that Bush could have remedied it, yes it is easy to point the finger at the other; but it was sure as hell easy for Americans to take loans that they knew damn well they couldn't pay back. Don't just blame government, Demo. or Rep., a lot of blame still falls on the public in my opinion. I guess I just feel a lot of people forget that people in the masses also influence the economy and pretty much everything else as well. Although, its nice to blame the government, we do it here too...
  6. Yeah a lot of "critically acclaimed" stuff (Watchmen is required reading at many 202 level university courses) have lets call them "flawed conclusions." Hamlet has the same kind of "WTF? how dumb is that?" type ending.

  7. The ending was a bunch of bullcrap, the smartest man in the world should realise that that would have not been the consequence, people fight regardless, that pissed me off. Love Rorschach's veiw on the world though.

  8. Yeah I have a DCI number, no idea what it is though, I have a card some where with it on it but that "some where" isn't with me (Aka. Its lost). Also I have started reading Watchmen up to chapter 7, some pretty bleak views in it I must say.

  9. Your next mission is to do your homework on Watchmen gogoooo:


  10. When you play in FNM or a lets call it "real" magic tournament you get a tracking number that gives you a "chess rating" and such. Called a DCI number. Usually they give you a card to fill out and such.

  11. DCI number? Don't know what that is :(

  12. Do you have a DCI number and such?

  13. Funny you brung up MTG, I play it now and again at the comic book shop in the city close by lol sucks to hear your health is still suspect :( So Troy wants to be a pokemon master lol

  14. Was in the hospital for 4 months. (long story) Been doing a lot of reading and playing MTG (real life) been playing a really simple (free) game called Freaky Creatures, since you can play for like 10 minutes and stop. Sort of like Pokemon but with more complexity. The battles in the cartoon, not the card game, its a "battle with your monsters" game not a card game.

    I keep toying with

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