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Gaf The Horse With Tears

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Everything posted by Gaf The Horse With Tears

  1. Well, according to numorus research studys... as long as you stay away from the talk shows, it's Fox News. I've linked to the studys before. UCLA's study I find the most compeling.
  2. After reading this I wonder how much of it's true . It is after all on Daily Kos and it's primary source is an editorial without links to any form of proof. Don't get me wrong, what it describes was a horrible series of events, I'm just unclear if they really happened.
  3. It's not that hard. One of my son's likes to wear girlie stuff sometimes. Not dresses or skirts... but... He does like girls clothes.
  4. Does make you wonder how long it would take man to produce the same amount of CO2 and other "greenhouse" gases as this eruption is throwing into the atmosphere.
  5. TWo points... 1. Global Economy. They can always sell thier products somewhere else. Which brings us to 2. They will just stop offerring the products here.
  6. I beleive we should stop looking for ways to punish corperations for doing it and stop looking for ways to prevent them from doing it. Companys exist to make money.. for the people that own them and for the people who work at them. What we should be doing is take away the reason they do it. That would require that we make the cost of doing business here lower. Lower taxes and fees. On all levels. Why am I the only one that remembers history? Did you know Michigan used to be where almost all motorhomes and manufactured homes were built? There used to be hudnreds of factorys building trailers, dbl wides, campers, 5th wheels and motor homes in the central Michigan area. Michigan needed money so it took away almost all corperate tax breaks for those companys. they packed up and moved out. They took thousands of jobs with them. They went to Indiana, who, when they found out Michigan was raising corperate tax rates... lowered thiers. the factorys and jobs are still there. So, wanna bring the jobs home?
  7. ummm, she wrote a paper about this subject.. it's not accepted science... to qoute her... "I had intended to be provocative, but I had also written with tongue firmly in cheek,"
  8. OK then... ack on topic... Some one is in a bit of trouble at work... A middle school teacher in Oregon who announced his intention "to dismantle and demolish the Tea Party" on his "Crash the Tea Party" Web site is under investigation by his state's Teacher Standards & Practices Commission. The investigation by Oregon's teacher licensing agency comes in response to a public outcry over Jason Levin's public statements that he'll do anything short of throwing rocks to bring down the Tea Party. Levin, the media teacher at Conestoga Middle School in Beaverton, is the leader of a group that says it wants to infiltrate and bring down the loosely organized anti-big-government Tea Party movement. He has said he would seek to embarrass Tea Partiers by attending their rallies dressed as Adolf Hitler, carrying signs bearing racist, sexist and anti-gay epithets, and acting as offensively as possible — anything short of throwing punches. His school district is defending his right to free speech, but it's investigating whether he used district computers to spread his political message or worked on his Web site during school hours.
  9. I think you need to read up more on Hitler. One of his first acts was healthcare reform. Lets not forget all his promises of economic "fairness".
  10. and it will be until the are Federal limits on them. Those state laws only affect cases in State level courts... Federal courts have no limits.
  11. Really? So, if someone exactly mirrors Hitler in words and deeds.. and is rising in power... comparing them to Hitler is off limits? Just let history repeat itself? Learn nothing from the past? Remember, Hitler wasn't killing Jews until a few years after he came to power. BTW, comparing someone's actions and words to Hitler is nothe same thing as calling them Hitler.
  12. I think that the other shop just used what ever disks they had laying around instead of calling him and asking him to bring his in. He did tell me that they wiped his hard drive and lost all his data without ever consulting him. I really dislike techs who do this kind of shit. I just can't beleive that what ever his original problem was, it was so bad that he needed his drive wiped. If it was, why they hell didn't they consult him on his options for data back up before doing the work? This is really my axe to grind. I work under my own strict set of rules when it comes to a client. It's thier computer, it's thier money. I do NOTHING that will cost them a penny more than any qouted price. If they need more work done than agreed upon, I talk to them. Most importantly, I inform them of any potential data loss and give options for data loss prevention. It's not that hard and more "techs" need to do it.
  13. Relativism. nice. Tasty, Godwin's law is mere fallacy when over used. Valid comparisons do not invoke it. I can honestly say both cases (Bush and Obama) could be compared to Hitler in some aspects. With Bush it was the way he always got what he wanted and perhaps the way he got it. It gave the appearance to some that we lived in a Totalitarian regime. With Obama it's his policy's and stated goals. They tend to mirror the things that Hitler did, in the same order.
  14. Oh. thats different then. I really thought you were being snarky. I ended up not being able to do it. The client had taken the laptop to another "mac" shop to have it reloaded before it came here. They reloaded Mac OS but told him they wouldnot install Windows. They fucked up. They installed a OS 10.5 and his disks are 10.4. They did not fully install Bootcamp. To finish installing Bootcamp, i need the 10.5 disks.. which he doesn't have.
  15. I really don't want to poor through all the old posts... but you say that NOW.. but you had something very differetn to say Then. You defended them.. agreed with them.
  16. I really don' think it matters what any of us think about what harm or good the Tea party movement is doing... They have the Right to Assemble, to Protest... to speak thier minds... They are doing thier best to sway the path Congress and the President are taking... What is really wrong with that? That the Republicans are trying thier best to capitalize on it? So what? Really, until November, we have no idea what affect they ahve had on each other.. if any. We may all be pissing int he wind... or we may elect people to Congress thatlisten to the People. On another note... people are bitching about signs and slogans at Tea party protests... some of those same people were all for the Protests by liberals in the Bush years... applauded Bush depecited as Hitler and burned in effigy... Why was that ok?
  17. I don't find it all that funny. So, keep your comedic value insults to yourself please.
  18. Eternal... you are using so much misinformation. I see what your tactic is though, throw so much information at us that we can't possibly respond to all of it. I'm just going to respond to some main points... Freedom Works and Gingrich got involded in the Tea partys months after the Tea party protesters were holding rallies. The idea of a flat tax is a Libertarian idea that existed way before the Tea party. Not a republican idea. Socoial Security is broken and needs reformed. The Democrats and Republicans in Congress have been ignoring this problem for years. It's getting worse. This year, years before it was predicted to happen, SS started collecting LESS than it pays out. Smart Tort Reform to control lawsuits against doctors and hospitals to control costs. The largest operation cost for Doctors and Hospital is malpractive insurance. The average family practice pays $200,000 toward insurance premiums every year. That cost is transfered to Patients as it is. Why are you so opposed to doing something that would actually lower the cost of health care? School Choice is working everywhere it's been implimented. My kids are good examples. School Choice allows my kids to go to an A rated school rather than a D rated. Push for pro-growth regulatory and trade policy changes because if we don't grow our economy will collapse. It's called economics. Welfare Reform to get people back to work so that they can take care of themselves rather than liing thier whole life living off the system rather than using the system in times of real need. There were no "tea bagging" signs or jokes are any of the rallys until Rachel Maddow and the hacks at MSNBC spent day after day making tea bagging jokes. That was a term used against us that some decided to embrace rather than give power to by fighting it. Yes, we know about the 2% tax cut. We also know about Obama's $1trillion in new taxes that get passed on to consumers. in closing.. It's called Protesting. I know it freaks you out that someone other than left wing activists are protesting... learn to deal with it. It's our Right and we are finally choosing to take advantage of that Right. We tried just writing letters to our congress people and getting ignored. WE are going to keep standing up and shouting until we get listened to. BTW.. I have to ask... How can you as a proud Jewish man support Obama witht he way he is treating Isreal?
  19. I've done iot before but never in Korean... Hopefully my memory holds and I can find a good vidual guide to help.
  20. At 9am tommorrow I take posession of a mac Book Pro and a copy of Windows XP. I have to set it up to dual boot into XP. Not a big deal... Except they are both localized Korean copies... I am in so much trouble...
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