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Gaf The Horse With Tears

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Posts posted by Gaf The Horse With Tears

  1. I would not vote for Einstien even if her were eligable and runnnig against Jimmy Carter. Eistien is a horrible choice ... his super IQ made him unfit to lead anything. We get the joke about going to work without your pants because he did that.. for real. REally really smart people are usually only good at one thing... in his case it was thinking about really really small things. The man could barely tie his shoes.

  2. Makes sense, it doesn't "feel" like its realistic for prices to change as quickly as they do, if its just a straight supply-demand thing due to the massive scale that this stuff moves on.

    The commodities speculation makes the most sense.

    I vaugely remember reading something about the actual refineries turning the oil into gas were more the problem than the oil itself (lack of refining capacity). Thats just me remembering some mental vapors though, of my billion different subjects i follow this one at least not yet, is low on the radar (for some reason). Its interesting though thats for sure.

    Troy, both things are correct. The #1 and #2 factor affecting gas price is Speculators and Capacity. You guys are looking at skued data on imports though. It's not reflecting how much refinded Gas is brought into the US from refinerys in other countrys. We keep closing them down and not building new ones. There is a illusion out there too... not all refinerys make Gasoline and Diesel fuel. Some make plastic... we use a shit load of plastic and it's made from oil.

    I also want to point out that people need to look at the break down of the oil companys profit statements. Exxon for example, the majority of thier income is from transporting Oil from say Iraq to France. They are a petroleum transport company that happens to own some gas stations and refinerys. If memorys serves, they only get about 10% of thier income from refined fuels.

  3. First of all, I am sick to goddamned death of being called "racist" every single time I disagree with something that the Obama administration does. I am hereby declaring that anyone who believes that Obama is a citizen is a child molester. How about that? I've just invalidated every argument or opinion you have on the subject by slapping a label on you. True, I may not know you, but it sure is convenient for me.

    Second, while I do think that there are serious questions that have not been answered, I think that the whole issue is nothing but another distraction. He may not be a citizen and that's unconstitutional, but it pales in comparison to the bigger picture. I'm not going to go off on another of my diatribes. Those with eyes to see will see. I understand that most won't look behind the curtain, because to do so results in a whole lot of worry and anxiety. It throws our whole concept of American government into question when we realize that the whole Republican-Democrat "rivalry" is just a dog and pony show and that other interests are in control. It's scary and we've been conditioned to remain little people and simply believe what we're told by the big people.

    Seriously, the racism charge is the fallback position of those who just don't want to think. It's insulting and it's nothing but an excuse to avoid considering uncomfortable questions.


  4. Also, it's stupid to be like, ooh ohh! he's donated to democrats! suspend him! that's retarded, he has the freedom to have a personal prefrence to whatever political party he wants just any of us have the right to. Also, if it's his money, he can do with it whatever he wishes.. it would be his own money after all.

    He has a legally binding contract that says he can't unless he wants to find himself fined, fired or suspended.

    darknight1 - Give a real life example of someone attacking someone else because of political speech. No one else has been able to do that. No one.

    It is nice to see Darknight and EFG embracing the Bush doctrine of Preemptive strikes though,

  5. You miss the point, Gaf. How many other mentally unbalanced individuals are effected by violent rhetoric used by those on the left, the right and in the center? You make this seem as if it's nothing but a liberal conspiracy to destroy the entire right.

    Give an example.

    and please... read the article I posted.

  6. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/15/opinion/15blow.html?_r=1&partner=rss&emc=rss

    "Immediately after the news broke, the air became thick with conjecture, speculation and innuendo. There was a giddy, almost punch-drunk excitement on the left. The prophecy had been fulfilled: “words have consequences.” And now, the right’s rhetorical chickens had finally come home to roost.

    The dots were too close and the temptation to connect them too strong. The target was a Democratic congresswoman. There was the map of her district in the cross hairs. There were her own prescient worries about overheated rhetoric.

    Within hours of the shooting, there was a full-fledged witch hunt to link the shooter to the right.

    “I saw Goody Proctor with the devil! Oh, I mean Jared Lee Loughner! Yes him. With the devil!”

    The only problem is that there was no evidence then, and even now, that overheated rhetoric from the right had anything to do with the shooting. (In fact, a couple of people who said they knew him have described him as either apolitical or “quite liberal.”) The picture emerging is of a sad and lonely soul slowly, and publicly, slipping into insanity.

    I have written about violent rhetoric before, and I’m convinced that it’s poisonous to our politics, that the preponderance of it comes from the right, and that it has the potential to manifest in massacres like the one in Tucson.

    But I also know that potential, possibility and even plausibility are not proof.

    The American people know it, too. According to a USA Today/Gallup poll released Wednesday, 42 percent of those asked said that political rhetoric was not a factor at all in the shooting, 22 percent said that it was a minor factor and 20 percent said that it was a major factor. Furthermore, most agreed that focusing on conservative rhetoric as a link in the shooting was “not a legitimate point but mostly an attempt to use the tragedy to make conservatives look bad.” And nearly an equal number of people said that Republicans, the Tea Party and Democrats had all “gone too far in using inflammatory language” to criticize their opponents.

    Great. So the left overreacts and overreaches and it only accomplishes two things: fostering sympathy for its opponents and nurturing a false equivalence within the body politic. Well done, Democrats.

    Now we’ve settled into the by-any-means-necessary argument: anything that gets us to focus on the rhetoric and tamp it down is a good thing. But a wrong in the service of righteousness is no less wrong, no less corrosive, no less a menace to the very righteousness it’s meant to support.

    You can’t claim the higher ground in a pit of quicksand.

    Concocting connections to advance an argument actually weakens it. The argument for tonal moderation has been done a tremendous disservice by those who sought to score political points in the absence of proof. "

    Emphasis added by me.

    BTW... The author... before you start trying to call him a racists gun loving violent white republican... is a black liberal democrat.

  7. That would be a fine and dandy speech... if it was based in a reality where political speech of any kind had anything to do with the shooting.

    The reality is that the shooter was bat shit crazy. He had a beef with his local politician. He felt slighted by her. His problem with her started in 2007... before Sarah Palin ever hit the national scene and before the Tea party rose from the ashes of our Freedoms.

    This isn't about guns. Or gun rights. This isn't about even about freedom of speech.

    The left is trying to tell us how to think.

    btw.. the open calls on Twitter for Sarah Palin to be shot and killed really need to stop.

  8. This guy's obsession with the Congresswoman started in 2007. Palin was not on the national political map in 2007.

    When Kennedy was killed, the left immediatly blamed the assassination on the right... then it turned out that Oswald was a communist that supportted Castro.

    When the next Kennedy was killed, the left again blamed the right... and it turned out that Sirhan Sirhan was an Islamic extremist.

    History does in fact repeat itself.

  9. You really don't have to "try this again". I have a college education, thank you very much and I know how to read a map. I also know what cross-hairs look like and those are cross-hairs. I'm well aware of the intention of her map so you don't have to educate me.

    Here is some examples of cross-hairs I found:


    That was mostly aimed at someone else. Someone who said that anyone with a 7th grade education knows that symbol is a cross hair.


    Scroll down to Control Data and Monuments... look at the first symbol for.. the one for Principal Point. It's the exact same symbol as on the Palin map. It's used by the US Geological Survey... They must want to kill all Democrats too...

  10. I think this dude was incited more by the voices in his head than those of political figures. As dumb as Palin was to post the map with the targets on it, she didn't shoot those people, Mr. Crazy Currency guy did. It had nothing to do with politics and all to do with this guy's unstable mental state so I wish people would stop pointing fingers at other people and placing blame. The only person/s responsible for the shootings is the shooter and perhaps his parents.

    Let me try this again. Palin did not post a map with cross hairs on it. Anyone with an 8th grade education or who has ever read a map knows she posted a Map with Map symbols on it.

  11. http://www.dailykos.com/story/2008/6/25/1204/74882/511/541568

    Daily Kos talking about Democrats that don't pull the party line...

    Not all of these people will get or even deserve primaries, but this vote certainly puts a bulls eye on their district. If we can field enough serious challengers, and if we repeat the Donna Edwards and Joe Lieberman stories a few more times, well then, our elected officials might have no choice but to be more responsive. Because if we show them that their AT&T lobbyist buddies can't save their jobs, they'll pay more attention to those who can.

    guesse who's district had a "bulls eye" on it? Do we blame Daily Kos too?

  12. I agree, but when you're dealing with the political arena, any bad news, is really bad news for one's career. It's obvious that those that work for her took the map down because they realized (too late) that it looked bad. It's bringing her negative publicity and even more so it's painting a bad image of her.

    When you do something of that nature (putting up an image that is in questionable taste) and then you have an incident that is, to some degree, related (there is a connection here) people are going to tie the two together.

    Look at how many musicians have been tied to kids killing themselves (or others) which politicians and prosecutes have said things such as, "these kids would be alive if they hadn't listened to so and so's music." And one band was tried for two teens suicides.

    Right or wrong, it happens. Palin is not above that. She gave permission for that image to be used with her website. She should have given it more thought. It's a thing called foresight and that woman seems to be lacking it. I don't feel sorry for her name being dragged into this. She should've known better long before now.

    If her people didn't think there is anything wrong with the image, it would still be posted.

    "If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun." Obama talking about the "Chicago way" of doing things. ARe you going to try to tie this to Obama and talk about how irrisponsable he is?

    BTW... Look really close at those "cross hairs" and then go find a survay map or any map with points of interest.

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