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About Hellheart

  • Birthday 08/28/1985

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    I'm a generalist - I'm at least passable at most anything, but I need the motivation to get into something enough to excel. I'm not a thrill-seeker, and I tend to dislike anything mainstream because my values wildly differ.<br /><br />Currently I'm heavily into gaming because there's nothing more constructive for me to do. When I'm idle and can't game, I read, unless there's someone I can talk to who isn't guaranteed to feed my bitterness.

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Reading "Days of Infamy," by Turtledove, one of the best alternate history authors.
  2. I've got a few I need to finish. I started one, lost it almost immediately, started another, lost it halfway through, found the ones I lost. I'm working through Mission Earth, by L. Ron Hubbard. I hate the cult of Scientology, but the stuff he writes before it colors everything is quite good. I found the Terry Pratchett book I had lost right after I started, so I'll be working on that again. I found and finished Treasure Box by Orson Scott Card. If you could count them as "books," I managed to grab a few of Abner Dean's comics (insight comics, often bitter, used by psychologists sometimes, really awesome stuff) through alibris. Trying to get my hands on Sandman now... I need to expand from Science Fiction, simply because I can. I've got a number of recommendations from general fiction; I might simply sit at the bookstore and read them I like stuff that makes me think. I don't like reading just to get lost in a world; I like reading to get lost in situations that leave me lost as to what I'd do, or to get lost in politics and intrigue far greater than I can comprehend (*cough*Dune*cough*). I want my books to make me *think*.
  3. Assemblage 23 - Naked Awake, aware, alone Lost and far from home I walk without these walls So there is less to fall [Chorus]I am naked I have nothing left My bones are picked clean And riddled with regrets Nothing can touch me I've nothing left to take For I am naked But I can never break[/Chorus] Bombarded by brutal events Like the rays of a sun Knocked to my knees By the waves that continued to come Each time I rise to my feet I am knocked to the ground But I am an element Nothing can break me down [Chorus] Link after link in a chain Pulling hard at my limbs The search party's lost now The outlook is growing dim Praying for wisdom There's nobody left to impart But I am an atom And nothing can take me apart [Chorus]
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