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  1. Upvote
    AstralCrux reacted to freydis in ****the Intoxicated Posting Thread****   
    mmmm.....ilikes absinthe/

    it is soooo nice after a shitty day....
  2. Upvote
    AstralCrux reacted to creatureofthenyte in What Are You Thinking?   
    I think if this insurance overhaul goes into effect in its current form, you will soon come realize that its gonna suck a bajillion times worse then what you have now.
  3. Upvote
    AstralCrux reacted to StormKnight in What Are You Thinking?   
    *In Foamy the Squirrel's caffeine-tweaked, cream-cheese bagel craving voice*
    What the Fuck happened to all the gingerbread mix I used for the crack-laden cookies?!?! I had to drive to no less than FOUR (count them, FOUR,) grocery stores before I found boxes of the stuff I need to make the cookies happen.

    *continues unintelligible tweaked out rant to fade*
  4. Upvote
    AstralCrux reacted to Homicidalheathen in what are you doing right now?   

    I just got butt dialed by someone who is hard at work early this sunday morning

    He has one of those open faced phones.

    Well I know he just got done taking a shit in a bathroom with one of those stupid ass toilet paper dispensers cause I heard the damn thing stop every tiny sheet followed by him swearing and then a few flushes.

    This is hillarious...I put it on record too...can't wait to play it back later.
  5. Upvote
    AstralCrux reacted to Msterbeau in What made your day?   
    Still breathing - Check
    Roof over my head - Check
    Children alive and well - Check
    Still employed - Check
    Body aches as reminders of a good weekend - Check

    Day made.
  6. Upvote
    AstralCrux reacted to brandywine0880 in Thoughts on love?   
    These days I don't think a whole lotta people understand what real love is. They get addicted to somebody, claim it's love, then when they break up one of them, if not both, go play house with someone new, and lo and behold they're in love again. Jumping from relationship to relationship all in the name of love.
    And I won't even get on the subject of cheaters. I understand we're all human and we have flaws and make mistakes, but I think cheating on someone you love, well maybe this is the wrong terminology, but isn't that an oxy moron? Because how can you claim "love" but manage to bone someone else? I say keep it in your damn pants, male or female. Show some f'ing respect, and some restraint.
    Love is worth it when both people are mature enough to handle the good and the bad without bitching out and saying "Next!" And if you are in love, be grateful and nuture that shit because it ain't that easy for some people to find love.
  7. Upvote
    AstralCrux reacted to Rev.Reverence in How Are You Feeling?   
    It is a sad, sad, sad, & very goth day today...Junior Goat dropped his keyboard in the kitchen...
    ...it shattered...it was old, but a gift from a friend...we is all haz a rain cloud saddness now.
  8. Upvote
    AstralCrux got a reaction from StormKnight in Who Here Is Single   
    I assure you I will never like wiggers/preps or violent "white" criminals. And I can also say quite happily that if I find one flirting with me at the club, I've been known to bitch slap them.

    I like "nice, honest guys" but I don't like boring. I find people with passions interesting, so if you have a strong passion for something like art- I might find you amusing. If, however, you have a strong passion for taxidermy- I won't be quite as interested.

    Honestly, I aim for someone that can hold a good conversation with me for more than 15 minutes without me getting bored. That's the hard part.
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