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* Board Super Kyūseishu - Reloaded *
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Status Updates posted by TronRP

  1. Yay! Finally got the chance to drive to City Club...and next time I might have the guts to go in...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheGimp


      Gooooo! Just watch out for the biters!

    3. TronRP


      Funny, this makes more sense now, but my sister got bit 1am Sunday morning...lol

    4. TheGimp


      Yup, its city club tradition its kinda like popping a cherry, just make sure they don't have rabies :-P

  2. Oh no, did you disappear?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. natem


      i had some paczkis yesterday, but not many. i just don't feel like celebrating much. i was despised, screamed at and rejected for being a kind, generous and faithful person. i'm sorry for every bit of good character i have ever had. i'm sorry for every bit of knowledge, for all my abilities, my skills and my gifts. i'd rather just be tall, stupid, selfish and lazy. if i was all those, i would be loved without reservation and love is the greatest thing in life. but i am...

    3. TronRP


      May I ask, did something happen? You appeared to be excited about being on the board when you first signed up. Is everything OK?

    4. natem


      when i first signed up, i had a reason to live, my life had meaning, i was a whole person. but i was rejected completely by someone i truly cared for and there was absolutely no reason for it. i deserve better than this in life, but i am not interested in waiting anymore for it. i've waited long enough. i'm alrady old. waiting longer will not make me younger or more able to enjoy what i want should it ever happen. if it happens in the next few months, great. if not, i'm not...

  3. AT LAST!!! Found my mind...but I forgot how to use it...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Class-Punk


      Find the appropriate task and use the "Run" program in the Start bar. I have a lot of communication problems with my cat because she runs on DOS..

    3. EatAjaxAndDie


      It's ok. Things happen.

    4. Shaun


      Thanks :), You gonna be at city tonight? Planing on going with a friend and her boytoy. Should be fun.

  4. Dang! I could get more work done if I stop forgetting where I lost my mind...

    1. Illuminatrix
    2. Dead~spirit


      "Of all the things I lost, I miss my mind the most."

    3. Nate Kriepp

      Nate Kriepp

      you can borrow mine. I'm not currently using it.

  5. Happy Birthday :D

    1. Queen of Foxes

      Queen of Foxes

      Hey thank you! Sorry it took so long 🍄

    2. TronRP
    3. Queen of Foxes

      Queen of Foxes

      Happy many belated birthdays to you! 

  6. It is too easy to hide from others It is most difficult to hide from ones self

  7. *Waves HI* :)

    1. scamp


      *waves back* I'm embarrassed to have to ask, but should I know who you are?

    2. TronRP


      Not really, just the self proclaimed resident busy body here... I generally run around the board checking on members and sending various messages. Then I hog the board for about a week every month...my own mini World Domination Tactic. Pleasure to meet you :)

  8. Greetings...Nice to meet you :)

    1. Erik DaRaven

      Erik DaRaven

      And You! Hello or hagimemashita (some Japanese I remember).

    2. TronRP


      Arigatou...You read my profile. Yoroshiku :)

  9. Sending Birthday Wishes :)

    1. lapin


      Thanks =D long time no see

    2. TronRP


      *Does Snoopy Dance* :D

  10. Good Morning and Happy Birthday :)

    1. AngelusErro
    2. TronRP


      This one's for you :)


  11. Sending Birthday Wishes :)

    1. JJ_Spade


      hey hun, I kinda abondoned this thing lol I do have a face book though.

    2. JJ_Spade


      hey hun, I kinda abondoned this thing lol I do have a face book though.

  12. YESSS!!!!! City Club is too much fun!!! Must go AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Greetings and Welcome to DGN :)

  14. Love your profile pic...smiley face alert :)

    1. Ryle Hira

      Ryle Hira

      Thanks, My Mother said it made me look like a snob hahaha. <3 her

  15. Hay hay...Welcome to DGN...at last :D

  16. Howdy Howdy...Good Morning and Happy Birthday :)

  17. Howdy, Howdy...Good Morning and Happy Birthday :)

    1. GothicRavenGoddess


      I just now saw this. Thank you very much! :)

  18. Greetings and Welcome to the Clan :)

    1. Corvus


      Thanks so much I'm happy to be here

  19. Nice to finally put a face to the name...So I bid you an official Welcome to DGN :)

    1. Corvus


      Yey figured I needed to share my sexiness with the world lol

  20. Greetings...Good Morning and Happy Birthday :)

    1. scamp


      A belated thank you!

  21. Greetings and Welcome Back to DGN :)

  22. Greetings and Welcome to DGN :)

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