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Posts posted by daddy

  1. Yes that does sound rather ignorant and I also did not say/imply that. What I said is that posting such things that would incite others to do violent acts is wrong.

    Just like it is illegal to shout FIRE in a crowded theater. Or are you ok with someone doing such a thing that might result in someone's injury/death?

    Or is that covered by the free speech?

    No, it is pretty much exactly the same thing...

  2. LMAO!!!

    After doing some research on Nazi Germany (if some people will be so kind as to do some also) when they (the Nazi party) posted signs that labeled Jewish citizens (you can see the word Jude in so many stores) which incited non Jewish Germans to harass, beat, burn businesses and so on and so forth. What is one to say? Hitler's Nazi regime had nothing to do with it? It was a coincidence that these things started to happen after Nazi's labeled store fronts with the word Jude?

    I'm not saying poor Sarah herself made this happen but it does give the green light to those minds that are already unstable and are looking for an excuse to bring about violence.

    Deny it if you like, you have that right but the truth (IMO) still stands. When you have something that can be construed in a negative way it can often bring about negative results.

    Just look up any skin head website and ask them, are you promoting hate? I'd be willing to bet they'd say, "No, we're just promoting our beliefs" --- Yea right, and the moon is made out of cheese.

    So when Obama refers to those that would not vote for him/his causes/issues the "enemy", does that mean if a democrat kills a republican, we blame Obama?

    Sounds rather ignorant to me...

  3. I can't wait until the media starts feeding the anti-gun bullshit that will surely follow this.

    Guns don't kill people. People kill people.

    The kid legally purchased his weapon after completing a FBI background check. There is no way to predict what someone is going to do with a weapon. We have plenty of gun laws restricting the rights of responsible gun owners. Nothing will stop the actions of a determined individual. No law or restriction will stop someone that is on a mission.

    "The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes.... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." - Thomas Jefferson

  4. That doesn't explain the tons of dead fish washing up.

    All together so far that I know of, Dead Birds - KY, AR, LA, and in Sweden. Dead Fish - FL, MD, Brazil, and dead crabs washed up in the UK (bottom feeders). All that, within like 4 days.

    Space craft hiding under water before going airborne... there is a famous UFO sighting in the UK where MANY witnesses saw an object leave the water, hover, and then dart out of sight.

  5. +1

    But wow what a can of worms that can be opened in this forum from the to kill or not to kill argument.

    Killing I agree with:

    Self Defense or the defense of others

    Military conflict. Civilian death is obviously not something I would support, but it is an absolute part of war that will never go away, so you have to deal with it. HOWEVER, if an attempt to limit civilian causalities leads to the endangerment of friendly forces (not using air support/artillery to assist front-line troops) I am defiantly against putting the military member at risk vs. saving a few civilians.

    Pulling the plug on a vegetable.

    Hunting (obviously not HUMANS)


    I used to agree with the death penalty, but stories like these are what have changed my mind. It's scary to think how I would feel if put in the situation where I was convicted I DID NOT DO, and was laying on the table about to get injected... freaks me out... so solitary confinement life sentences should do for those that would otherwise get the death sentence.

    BUT I would consider supporting the death penalty if there were DNA evidence proving a crime.

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